I Want You!

Reyna held the little ball of fur in her arms before she saw it. Then the small ball of fur climbed onto her shoulder and rubbed its head against Reyna's cheek. It stayed on her shoulder and meowed.

Reyna was surprised to see the little cat!

She held the cat in her hands and looked at it carefully. It was a Persian cat.

Reyna was not very familiar with the breeds of the cat. The cat on her hands had long smooth white fur like a snowball. Its eyes were black with a bit of yellow, which were bright and clear like expensive amber beads.

Reyna had never seen such a beautiful Persian cat. And this cat was a purebred Persian cat like Reyna saw online.

This cat must be very expensive.


There was no pet in the Imperial Garden so Reyna was curious why there was a cat.

This kind of cat was not afraid of human beings and was also the most beautiful kind of cat. It seemed to like Reyna so it kept rubbing Reyna's chin with its round head.