It Was About Time

There were a lot of ingredients in the kitchen, but Kristen was still worried that Leroy would get impatient, so she planned to make a few simple stir-fry dishes.

However, she had been busy in the kitchen for an hour and could not cook any decent dishes. The clean kitchen was already messed up by her.

The man in the hall was still sitting in his previous position. He had already heard the movements in the kitchen, but he still did not move, as if he had not heard anything.

Impatience appeared in Kristen's eyes, and she threw the shovel in her hand into the pot. She simply tidied up the kitchen and chose to cook simple instant noodles.

There were two boxes of instant noodles and a few eggs in the fridge.

The instant noodles were easy to cook. When the water was boiling, just throw all the things into the pot and put two eggs in it. Then, food could be put out of the pot.

By the time she brought out the two bowls of instant noodles, it was already eleven at night.