You Have Always Been the Best

He continued to say, "It is true that feelings can not be forced. Isabelle must also understand this principle. That is why she proposed to cancel the engagement. Strictly speaking, we are not wrong. The only problem is that we don't like each other."

Reyna found it strange. Isabelle's eyes were full of Bentley. Such a look was so obvious to everyone. Was it really so easy to forget about love?

Bentley called Reyna a few times before she finally reacted. "What did you just say?"

Bentley smiled and reached out to hold her hand, just like the first time he told her his feelings for her two years ago. His smile was like a spring breeze that made Reyna so warm.

"Reyna, now that you and I are both single, can we... still be like before?"

Reyna was stunned for a moment. "Bentley... what do you mean?"

She could clearly hear her heart beating faster and faster.

"Reyna, be my girlfriend. Just like before, be with me, okay?"