Reyna, Take Over Me

She threw away the towel and shouted as she ran over, "Leroy? Leroy, are you in there?"

Reyna shouted a few times, but throughout the entire swimming pool, there was no response at all.

The swimming pool was too large. One could barely see the edge of it.

Since she didn't see Leroy, she could only search along the shore.

After running for about four hundred meters, she finally saw Leroy floating in the middle of the pool with his eyes closed.

What was going on?

"Leroy? Wake up! Don't sleep! Come out!"

Did he drown?

But he knew how to swim, didn't he?

Wanting to take out her phone and make a call, Reyna subconsciously touched her pocket. Only then did she realize that she had not brought the cellphone.

Reyna had no choice but to jump into the pool, wanting to pull Leroy out of the water.

Reyna swam to his side and grabbed his arm with one hand. Just as she was about to drag him out of the water, Leroy suddenly opened his eyes.