Reyna's Disappearance

Martin thought that Reyna would reject Martin, but Martin did not expect Reyna to agree so readily.

As the development of many places nearby was completed, the shops gradually increased.

The restaurant that Martin invited Reyna to dinner was much better than the last time Reyna invited Martin.

The restaurant was mainly designed in European style. The environment was elegant. The tables and stools in the newly opened restaurant were the newest. Sitting here to eat, people could not help but feel better.

"It's a lot of trouble for you to invite me to eat in such a nice restaurant."

Martin laughed, "Trouble? I'm doing this as a token of appreciation."

"I invited you last time as well. It's all canceled out. Why are you thanking me? Who am I to trouble you to spend so much effort looking for a restaurant?"

"..." Martin poured Reyna a glass of warm water and said, "Since we have both eaten together for two meals, then are we now ... friends?"