Why Can't I Hide from Him?

Reyna cried all night. She was tired. In the end, she fell into a deep sleep but had nightmares.

In her nightmare, there would be the shadow of that devil no matter how and where she fled.

She could never get rid of him no matter what she did.

Reyna woke up from the nightmare, and her eyes were swollen. She could barely open her eyes.

After regaining consciousness, she knew that she was in the Imperial Garden.

It was the master bedroom on the second floor. This room almost became her nightmare.

She turned her head to look outside. The sky was still gray. It seemed not bright yet, or it was going to rain. Reyna couldn't see any hope.

Leroy wasn't there. Reyna sat up, and the quilt slid down. This showed the bruises on her body.

She looked down at that and felt calm.

The door suddenly opened when she was about to get up and get dressed.