Kiss Her Back

Ethen gathered all the investigation results and sent them to Leroy. After Leroy finished reading, his anger was beyond description.

He just wanted to kill Bentley at that moment.

It was already eight o'clock in the evening when Leroy returned to the Imperial Garden.

It was early for him to get back since he had always been busy.

When he entered the room, Reyna had just finished bathing and walked out with a towel covering her body.

Reyna was shocked for a moment when she saw him come back. Then she realized that and ran to the bedside, putting on the coat she just put on the bed.

"Why did you get back so early today?"

Leroy said nothing. He walked over and sat down on the bed. Then he reached out and hooked his arm around Reyna's neck. He pressed her down on the bed.

Reyna thought he wanted to do it and was very nervous. After a while, she found that he did not make any movements.

She turned her head and saw that Leroy was looking at her. He was calmer than ever.