He Has Woken Up

Mrs. Decker ignored Reyna's shouts. She seemed to have something more important to deal with. She quickly got into the car that Merlin drove over. The door was opened and the black car slowly drove out.

Reyna went forward and continuously slapped the car door. "Mrs. Decker, are you going to see Bentley? Is he still alive? Can you tell me?"

Reyna followed the car until the car gradually speeded up. She finally couldn't keep up with the car and her hands were forced to leave the car door. She fell to the ground.

Reyna wanted to continue chasing, but she felt a sharp pain in her ankle, and she fell back to the ground again.

It hurt...

She must have sprained her ankle.

Just now, she clearly heard what Mrs. Decker said. Mrs. Decker said that she was about to go to the hospital.

Bentley must be in the hospital!

Reyna forced herself to stand up, walked to the side of the road, called a taxi, got in the car, and asked the driver to follow the black car in front of them.