I've Been Waiting for You All Day

She walked to the stone bench next to her and sat down to rest for a while.

After recovering, she looked up at the private hospital and finally turned to leave.

As long as it was confirmed that Bentley was still alive and he was still here, she must have a way to enter.

It was already nine o'clock in the evening when Reyna returned to the Imperial Garden. The lights in the hall were as bright as day. She had just stepped through the door when she saw Leroy sitting on the sofa with his legs crossed and one hand on the back of the sofa, fixing his eyes on her.

Reyna's eyebrows twitched. She felt like he had been caught doing something wrong.

However, she quickly recovered and walked over. "It's so late. Why haven't you slept yet?"

In fact, Leroy slept very late every night. It was still office time for him.

"Reyna, you know that it's very late?"
