Purchasing the Decker Group's Shares

"Reyna, don't worry. The competition is tomorrow. I am fine at that time. There will be no problem."

Lance seemed to be worried that Reyna would reject him, so he continued, "This competition is held only every five years. It wasn't easy to wait for it. Can I take part in it?"

Reyna rubbed his hair and said with a smile, "Alright, then we'll make a deal for next year. I'll go with you."

"Really? You agreed?" Lance asked in surprise.

"How can I not agree? It's your dream. I'll support you 100 percent. But at the moment, you have to take good care. Only then will you be healthy enough to participate in this competition."

"Alright, alright, I will definitely take good care of myself. And I will practice the piano harder and prepare for it."


Reyna was also looking forward to the competition. Lance played piano so well. She believed that he would definitely achieve good results.

This was their greatest agreement.