He Lost His Mind

Leroy fought with the people who had been rushing up to attack him and approached Viola step by step. "Don't ... do anything to her!"

The pain in his body and the despair of watching Viola being violated but unable to save her finally crushed the last hope in Leroy.

In the end, he fell to the ground again, as if he was dead, without any consciousness.

This fight ended after Ethen sent people over. Those people saw Ethen and immediately broke into a run.

"Mr. Leroy!" Ethen ran over, and when his hands touched Leroy's burning body, he was startled, "Mr. Leroy! What's wrong? Wake up!"

"Hurry up and call the ambulance!"

Ethen saw that those people were about to disappear and immediately ordered, "Chase them! Kill them all!"

If anything happened to their boss, they would all die!

Leroy faintly woke up and immediately went to find Viola, "Viola ... take me to her."

Ethen helped him up, Leroy was painful and tired, but he still endured it and approached Viola step by step.