Loved Him

Krista had been holding onto the door, unwilling to leave. She was still screaming as if she was trying to wake up Leroy who was stubborn to the point of making people afraid. "Leroy! If it weren't for you, Reyna wouldn't have been tortured like this. How long are you going to imprison her? Let me go!"

In the end, Krista was still forced to leave.

Her roar gradually became smaller and finally disappeared, never to be heard again.

The spacious room returned to its usual calm.

As if it had never happened.

Leroy knelt on the ground and hugged Reyna, refusing to let go.

Reyna had already quieted down. She no longer cried, struggled, or made a fuss.

Even when Krista shouted so loudly just now, Reyna did not have a single reaction throughout the whole process.

After a long time, Leroy finally spoke, "Reyna, I'll carry you to the bed."

He finally let go of her hand, carried her horizontally, and walked to the bedside.