You Can't Touch Her

Hearing what happened to Leroy, Ethen hurried to the hospital.

The operation was going on. Ethen asked Julia, who was waiting gloomily, "Who stabbed Mr. Leroy?"

Julia was still in fear, "Mr. Leroy has been at the Imperial Garden and has never gone out. When I returned from buying ingredients, I saw him walking out of the room covered in blood."

"In the room? At that time, who else was in the room?" Ethen guessed.

"Miss..." Julia paused and looked at Ethen. She seemed to have thought of something and denied, "No. Miss Reyna can't stab Mr. Leroy."

Ethen immediately understood Julia's words. He was so angry that he turned around and was about to find Reyna. The operation ended, and Leroy was pushed out.

Ethen and Julia immediately stepped forward.

"Mr. Leroy!"

"Mr. Leroy!"

Leroy was pushed into ICU. Julia asked Layton worriedly, "Mr. Layton, will Mr. Leroy be alright?"

Layton took off his mask gloomily. "He has been rescued. Who did this to kill Leroy?"