Lord Seven

Reyna said, "Forget it, 8 million dollars is already a big deal. With only a few people in the studio, we can't handle it."

Martin didn't expect Reyna to say that.

Martin tried his best to persuade, "Reyna, you are the boss of Beauty Studio. How can you turn down such a big deal? Besides, don't worry about being short-staffed. I will help you. I can lend you a few staff members and let them help you successfully complete this deal for free!"

Reyna asked, "Don't you run a club? Do you have designers?"

Martin replied, "Of course. The interior decoration of the club needs designers, okay?"

Reyna could not resist the temptation and agreed.

Indeed, this was a big deal. If it could be successfully completed, it could bring a lot of profit to the studio.

With the money, Reyna could hire a few more excellent designers to slowly expand the studio.