You Won't Get Anything!

A year ago, the police announced that Leroy had died. Zion thought that the Decker Group was completely his.

However, what he did not know was that even if Leroy was dead, the connections he had accumulated were not something that could be shaken in a moment.

In other words, even if Leroy was not in Hill City, there were still many people who could risk their lives for him to monitor and guard his possessions.

What belonged to Leroy would always belong to him.

Nobody could snatch them away.

Even if they were stolen by others, it was only a temporary mask.

This was exactly what was going on right now.

On the surface, Rupert reclaimed control of the Decker Group. He now had the most say in the company, but this was just a temporary delusion that he had won.

"Let him be happy for a few days."

Anyway, he wouldn't be happy for long.

"I see!"

"You can go back now."