Pass the Polygraph Test

The wild celestial world was a world in which cultivators dominated human beings. The hierarchy was very strict.

The mortals were nonentities;

First-grade cultivators were mere subordinates;

Second-grade cultivators could stand on their own feet.

Third-grade cultivators could establish families, and cultivators above the third grade could guard a land. If they reached the peak of the third grade, they would be considered to have half a foot in the middle stage of the apperception period, and were a rare existence in the ordinary markets. As for the late stage of apperception and the higher stage of concentration, they were all in the big sects, which were rare to see in ordinary times.

Luke saw with his own eyes in the market that several attendants were beaten to death by their master cultivators because of their greed for petty gain. The worst one was burned to ashes by a fireball of a second-grade cultivator. At the end, the attendant's family did not dare to speak, and it was commonplace to others.

In the wild world, mortals were nonentities. It was already a very kind punishment to break their legs once they annoyed their master cultivators.

The only way for mortals to be promoted to cultivators was to attach themselves to a large family or sect, and to gain more resources to continue their spiritual cultivation with excellent qualifications and several times more diligent fighting than the children of the large family.

Want to embark on the road of spiritual cultivation by qualifications alone?


After learning about the cruelty of the world, Luke was constantly thinking about ways to accumulate resources, but he never dared to do anything recklessly, he only dared to use proper methods.

This time, it was a real opportunity.

Luke remembered that although the cultivators in the market had an agreement not to dump all kinds of spiritual objects to suppress prices, private transactions were not prohibited. The cultivators even encouraged their attendants to look for customers and tout for orders... The prices could be slightly lower than the market prices.

Theo Lewiston seemed to be only in his 40s, but in fact he was 70 years old. He had second-grade cultivation and could use several spells. He was well-known in the Violet Cloud Town.

When Luke returned to the residence of Cultivator Lewiston, he knelt respectfully outside the door.

"My lord."

A voice came from inside the door :

"You have sold out so quickly today?"

"Yes, my lord."

Luke took out the purse containing the spiritual coins and put it on the ground outside the door.

"Well, go have a rest."

"My Lord, I have another good news."

"Say it."

Luke hurriedly told the story of the Juel Family's need for 40 bottles of spiritual spring for a banquet.

As soon as he finished speaking, a gentle yellow light immediately shot out from inside the door.

It was a first-grade spell, lie-detection!

The yellow light circled around Luke and then leisurely flew into the door.


Theo Lewiston's slightly satisfied voice came out from the room:

"You are quite clever. Forty bottles of spiritual spring are 80 spiritual coins at the market price, which is 10% higher than the ordinary price at black market. If this business is completed, I will reward you."

After saying that, a small universe bag shot out from inside the door, in which there were 40 bottles of spiritual spring.

"Thank you very much, my lord!"

Luke secretly broke out in a cold sweat, picked up the universe bag and turned to leave.

Only after leaving the yard did he secretly breathe a sigh of relief!

Thank goodness, thank goodness.

Fortunately, he had seen the methods of these cultivators and knew that they had always been withdrawn and distrustful of outsiders. When they encountered anything, they first used a lie detector to see if it was true or false. If he had any concealment, lied about the transaction price, or anything else, what would be thrown out would probably not be a universe bag but a fireball that could make him disappear.

The good thing was that he did not intend to earn the difference from Lewiston.

Holding the universe bag, he returned to the market, where Danny was already waiting.

"Have you got it?"

Luke knew from Danny's expression that the he had succeeded and showed a faint smile.

As expected, Danny shook the universe bag in his hand, showing an honest and proud smile, and grinned, "It's all here. There are 80 fruits exactly."


Luke' smiled more brightly.

The price he told Danny was 18 spiritual coins for 10 fruits. According to Danny's character, he would definitely report the facts. The polygraph detection was correct and the eighty fruits could bring him the difference of 16 spiritual coins.

Sure enough!

After waiting for a while, the attendants in the market gradually dispersed. Elena and Fiona rushed to meet Luke, who was waiting in situ.

"Luke, little brother, have you got all the spiritual fruits and spiritual spring for us?"

"You can rest assured that I have done my job. They are all here, 80 spiritual fruits and 40 bottles of spiritual spring, not a single one missing!"

Luke showed a pitiful expression: "In order to help my two sisters, I took it out at the risk of being killed by my lord."

"Don't worry, you won't suffer losses."

Elena and Fiona confirmed the the spiritual fruits and spiritual spring in the universe bag, and immediately showed a relaxed expression. They felt the same way when they heard the words. They said in a tone of an experienced person: "The spiritual coins are all here. There are 240 spiritual coins in total. Please count them well."

"Take these two spiritual coins yourself as a reward from your sisters for your errands." Elena took out two more spiritual coins and put them into Luke's hand very generously.

Luke was overjoyed:

"Thank you, sister Elena and sister Fiona."

The two girls were also very happy to complete the mission. They waved goodbye and said, "Well, we are going back home. Brother Luke, we will see you next time."

"Okay, sisters."

Luke watched the two girls leave smilingly and waited for them to go far. Only then did he find Daniel hiding in the alley: "Danny, these are yours, 160 spiritual coins. Take it back to your master."

Holding the heavy bag of money, Danny was too happy to close his mouth:

"A total of 90 fruits have been sold today. The master will reward me with two spiritual coins. Thank you very much. Luke, I'll treat you to rabbit meat later!"

"OK, OK!"

Luke did not dare to tell Danny the truth. With his mind, if he spilled the beans, both of them would have to suffer.

Now this would be the best, Danny could get the reward from his master, and he himself took the spiritual coins back to report on his mission and got his reward.

Back in the courtyard, Luke delivered the bag containing 80 spiritual coins to Theo.

"Not bad!"

"With these 80 spiritual coins, I can finally relax a little. Luke, you did a good job. I reward you with these two spiritual coins. Spend some time and effort to keep a good relationship with the maids in the Juel Family. This is a big customer."

Theo charged.

"Thank you for your reward. I remember it." Luke replied obediently.

"Well, now go."

Recognizing the slightly commanding tone in Theo's words, Luke knew that he would begin to cultivate again, so he picked up the spiritual coins, silently put them into his pocket and walked out of the yard.

Not bad!

This transaction earned him a price difference of 16 spiritual coins and a reward of 4 spiritual coins, plus the salary for these three months was a total of 23 spiritual coins.

For ordinary people, 23 spiritual coins were already a considerable amount of wealth, and among the attendants were a very rich existence.

"Luke, Luke! Let's go out and play."

Danny came.

Luke went to the outside of the yard and saw Danny carrying a rabbit cage woven with purple bamboo in one hand and a bundle of ropes in the other. He couldn't help laughing:

"What are you... what are you going to do?"

"Go to the Purple Bamboo Forest to catch snow rabbits!"

"Please, they are spirit animals, okay? You can't catch them with ordinary ropes."

"Is that so?"

Danny always listened to Luke's words. He heard the words and threw the ropes to the ground without hesitation: "I can do it with my hands."


The Purple Bamboo Forest to the south of the Violet Cloud Town lay on a lake magnificent like jewelry, with beautiful scenery and a tea pavilion for resting every 100 meters. Therefore, although it was outside the town, it was very popular. Many cultivators and ordinary people could often be seen coming and going, but there was no need to worry about meeting evil spirits and monsters here.

The snow rabbit was a pseudo-spiritual animal living in the Purple Bamboo Forest.

Spiritual animals, those with good qualifications could form contracts with cultivators to help each other, while the weaker ones could only serve as food rations for human beings-because spiritual animals usually contained rich and abundant spiritual energy in their bodies, which was of great benefit to cultivation.

The market price of a lowest-level spiritual animal of first grade exceeded 50 pieces of lower-grade spiritual stones, and one piece of lower-grade spiritual stone was equivalent to 200 spiritual coins.

Although the pseudo-spiritual animal could not be contracted, it was different from ordinary wild animals already. It had a small amount of spiritual energy in its body and could be sold for dozens of spiritual coins in the market after being captured.

Many mortals had more or less thought of capturing pseudo-spiritual animals in exchange for spiritual coins, but even pseudo-spiritual animals could not be easily captured by ordinary mortals.

Take the snow rabbit as an example, it moved quickly and jumped seven or eight meters high. Spells masters may not be able to catch it when they come.

After entering the Purple Bamboo Forest, Luke looked left and right all the way, completely ignoring Danny, who was caught up in the rabbit-seeking syndrome, and allowing him to pout his buttocks and pull open clusters of haystacks to find snow rabbits.


"Where did it go?"

"Rabbits are not grass. They don't grow in haystacks. Can't you look for rabbit holes?" Luke really could not watch it anymore.

Danny thought very seriously, well, reasonable, and he began to look for holes.

At this moment, Luke suddenly found that a ceremonial team drove over from the direction of the town and headed straight for a tea pavilion in the middle of the Purple Lake. His eyes lit up.

At the head were four first-grade cultivators, followed by two rows of maids, each with a delicate figure and beautiful appearance, holding with both hands silver pots overflowing with spiritual energy, which contained spiritual fruits, spiritual wine, spiritual tea and bottles of spring spring water full with spiritual energy.

Both cultivators and mortals nearby were immediately amazed by the scene in front of them and stopped to look.

Soon, all the spiritual objects were placed on the stone tables on both sides of the tea pavilion, full of spiritual energy and fragrance. The two rows of maids even decorated the Purple Lake like a fairyland on earth.


"Sister Flora, you are indeed openhanded. This time we visit suddenly and did not give advance notice. I didn't expect that you come up with such ceremonies immediately. It was really wonderful with the beauty of the lake scenery, which makes us have the idea of staying in the Violet Cloud Town. Ha-ha... It is no wonder that you are the number one cultivation family in the Violet Cloud Town."

"Senior Brother, you overpraise me, they are just a little token to show my respect to you."

"You're too modest."

There were seven people of them, five men and two women, slowly stepped onto the tea pavilion, laughing incessantly. Obviously, they were the owners of the tea pavilion.

Luke had a brainwave and guessed the identity of this group of people.

Flora Juel, the eldest daughter of the Juel family, and her fellow disciples in the Mystery Sect!

He didn't expect that the banquet mentioned by Sister Elena Green was set up in here, the Purple Lake.

"Senior Brother Roy, you are joking, the Violet Cloud Town is a small place. Up to now, there has never been a real cultivator of mid-term apperception. Everything could be took out is here. Senior Brother, do not to laugh at me."

Flora maintained a low profile.

The group of people walked to the stone table, picked up the spiritual fruits in the silver plates, and generated a sound insulation barrier outside the tea pavilion. No more sound came out.