"Water Control Art"

The residence of the Juel family covered a very wide area, with a total of more than 20 courtyards. The largest one had the scale of a football field. Naturally, it was the residence of the master Keith Juel, followed by the courtyard of Philip Juel, the second son of the matriarch. Miss Flora lived in the third largest courtyard, covering an area of 5 acres, with more than 20 maids available at her disposal and three hangers-on whose cultivation level reached the peak of the second grade.

In the absence of the lady, Elena told Luke the rules of the Juel family.

The master's yard was forbidden, the warehouse was forbidden, no one was allowed to approach, and servants could not go into other places, unless they were under the orders of the lady.

In the family, the lady and the young master Philip have always been at odds. The servants of each other's house did not communicate with each other. Elena repeatedly instructed that unless they had to, they should never approach the young master's house. Before, several maids were accidentally caught by the young master into the house and then disappeared.

The disappearance of the young girls immediately made thoughts throng Luke's mind, but it did not hinder him from marking Philip as a "dangerous species".

"Sister Elena, what do you do in daily life?"

"There are many things to do."

Elena pointed to the garden and said:

"Miss has five acres of spiritual rice fields, twenty-seven spiritual tea trees and five spiritual wells, all of which are left to us servants to look after."

"I remember that both spiritual rice fields and spiritual trees need to be managed with 'Water Control Art'..." Luke said, "Could it be?"

Hearing this, Elena showed a proud expression: "Miss specially taught us the 'Water Control Art'. Speaking of which, we are also half cultivator apprentices. How about that?"

Luke genuinely showed a look of envy.

"Don't worry, since my lady has accepted you, she will certainly teach you the 'Water Control Art'. Although it is difficult to master with our qualifications, the courtyard is full of spiritual energy and it is much easier to use it than the outside. You will soon be able to master it."

Elena explained, "In addition to these, we servants can receive three spiritual coins and one spiritual fruit every month, is it better than that of you by cultivator Lewiston?"

"One is in the sky and the other is on the ground. There is no comparability."

Luke was telling the truth.

The teaching of the "Water Control Art" alone could show that the Juel family as a cultivation family had the confidence and courage to have today's achievements, which were not pennies from the heaven.

"Sister Elena, can you show me the 'Water Control Art' once?

"No problem, but I can't guarantee success in one time." Elena agreed immediately and walked to the front of a spiritual tea tree, repeatedly saying that now was not the time when spiritual energy was most abundant and the casting of the spell might fail, and then Luke was not allowed to laugh at her.

The next moment.

Luke was surprised to notice that the whole body of the Elena became obviously humid, balls of transparent liquid gradually condensed in front of her body and gathered towards her hands, finally formed a water ball with a diameter of about 10 centimeters.

It worked!

Elena showed a joyful expression.

The casting was not over.

The first step of the "Water Control Art" was to gather spiritual energy. The second step was to moisten the spiritual tree with these gathered water elements in the form of rainfall.

The water balls wobbled and began to transform, pulling into a small piece of water cloud.

Elena's forehead was slightly sweating, but her expression was very focused and serious, and she was completely involved in the spell casting of rain.

The water cloud floated over the spiritual tea trees, and the glittering and translucent silk threads drifted down. The leaves of spiritual tea trees made a slight "rustling" sound, soaking in the rain and slowly stretching the branches and leaves happily.

The water clouds lasted for a long time before it gradually disappeared. Elena then stopped the rain and wiped the sweat from her forehead. "Phew, it's really exhausting. Did you see clearly, brother Luke? It takes a long time from the casting of the spell to the end, so that it is finished. I can only use the water control art twice a day at most. Now my power is dried up and will not recover until tomorrow morning... Ah, my lady, you are here."

After saying that, she hurriedly worshipped.

Luke was also startled. He turned his head and saw Flora standing less than two meters behind him, with a calm expression. He didn't know how long she had been here.

"My lady."

This girl, she did not say a word when she came.

Naturally, Flora did not know what was going on in Luke's minds. She nodded and said, "Has Elena already told you about the rules of the house?"

"Yes, Sister Green said, we should stay in the yard to attend to these spiritual creatures and not go anywhere without the orders of my lady and the master." Luke said with a respectful expression.

Flora nodded with satisfaction at his words:

"Elena will teach you the pithy formula of the 'Water Control Art'. In addition, you will stay in the room near Elena on the east side. I have already had someone make an identity nameplate for you. With this, you will officially become a servant of the Juel family."


"Answer me a question first."

"Yes, my lady."

"When we were by the Purple Lake before, what was the real reason why you refused to accept the spiritual coins? Tell the truth."

How come women in this world like to insist on getting to the bottom of the matter when they encounter any problem?

Luke thought with a strange expression, but did not dare to hide it again-lying to a cultivator was not a good idea.

"I am afraid of death."


Flora's response was bland. She had actually learned the answer was from her senior brother long ago, she just wanted to make sure that this boy was really so intelligent.

Indeed, it was interesting!

Flora said:

"Elena should have told you that my senior brother is very interested in you and has given you a challenge at the same time..."

"Yes, Sister Green has told me."

"What do you think?"

Flora raised her chin, having an vague expectation for some reason.

"I'm at the disposal of my lady."

Flora was stunned by Luke's answer, then nodded with great interest, turned around and walked away:

"You come with me."

Luke lifted his legs to keep up with her, leaving Elena with a face of shock and envy, who was in a daze in situ.


The lady's cultivation was at the peak of the third grade, and she was already regarded as a cultivator with very good qualifications in the Violet Cloud Town, especially she was only 18 years old, which had obvious advantages over those cultivators who were mostly of tens or hundreds of years old.

Following the lady into the main house in the courtyard, Luke's mind became clearer and clearer from the steps down the tunnel to a spacious and hidden basement.

The corners of the basement were inlaid with four pearls of the night. The faint light projected the back of the lady. An invisible pressure enveloped the basement and the barrier opened.

"My senior brother is one of the best disciples in the the Mystery Sect. He is always approachable, but he seldom praises people. Today, he exceptionally praised a mortal, which interests me very much."

The lady spoke calmly, but she never turned her back, making Luke unable to grasp her plans, so he did not answer.


After a long time of silence, the lady spoke again, she sighed:

"Do you know where I have been when I was not here?"

"I don't know."

The lady turned around with an expression of great interest on her face. "I heard that you helped Elena and Fiona buy spiritual fruits and spiritual spring during the day... so, I asked your friend in curiousity."

Luke's heart jumped.

He heard the lady narrate in a frightening voice, "You are really smart. You did not touch the interests of your master, tried your best to keep a low profile, and then earned the difference unnoticed through your friend. Did you want to accumulate 100 spiritual coins by this means to join a small sect nearby?"


Now that it has been learned by the lady, Luke did not justify himself and nodded frankly.

The smile on the lady's face was even bigger, and her eyes swept seriously on Luke's face several times. She said, "I feel strange. The banquet was a temporary one, but you actually made a plan in a short period of time and earned an incredible windfall for you ordinary people without anyone noticing. It can be called meticulous thinking. My senior brother's praise on you is not in vain."

"Nothing can be hidden from your eyes, my lady."

"Don't praise me, Elena has been with me for many years. I know she wouldn't entrust the business to you for no reason. You trusted her and withdrew spiritual objects worth more than 200 spiritual coins from the two cultivators in the absence of security deposit, you were in the risk with your head in your hands. Such boldness made it hard to let a person believe that this was what an attendant mortal could do. So after my observation and judgment, senior brother's evaluation of you is still low... "


"Don't be afraid, I just didn't expect you to act so sophisticated at a young age. Besides, I brought you here to make an agreement."

"Yes, my lady?"

Luke took a deep breath and said.

For Luke's calmness and composure, the lady's eyes were more and more full of admiration.

"The Juel family has a deep foundation in the Violet Cloud Town, but the situation of tripartite confrontation has a long history. My father said to me that it is very easy for the heads of other small families to get the position of the Cabinet Elders, as long as there are three families to support them. But it is more difficult than to ascend to heaven for the three families to get the position of the the guard battalion of the Cabinet Elders. To break this deadlock, it is necessary to suppress the other two big families with the power of one family. The Juel family is not powerful enough yet, and the sect will not allow the balance of the Violet Cloud Town to be disturbed. "

What does this have to do with me?

Luke showed a look of oddness and muttered in his heart, could it be that this girl want him to become a strategist of the Juel family?

When he was thinking, the tone of the lady changed, "I have been to the Mystery Sect to know how small the Violet Cloud Town is. The three families are stagnant and will be annihilated under the demonic beasts in the wild world sooner or later. Senior Brother warned me that the Juel family's thinking has solidified for too long. If we want to make achievements, we must break all outmoded conventions, establish a new order and cultivate our own power. I hope... you can be my first help."

The last sentence came into Luke's ears, and he was shocked to no end.


is a joke, right?

There is also April Fool's Day in the wild world?

"I am only a mortal."

"Because of the oath, I can't teach you the spells of the Mystery Sect, but over the years, my family has held the auction and withheld many secrets of the spells, which are more than enough to help you become a cultivator."

The lady's light-hearted words made Luke's heart beat fast.

To become a cultivator!

This is the goal that he has dreamed of striving for.

Once become a cultivator, you could renounce your mortal identity. As long as you were in the sphere of influence of the Violet Cloud Town, there would be no fear of being killed by other cultivators at will, and your safety would be guaranteed.

The lady continued:

"Don't worry, I won't tie you down for too long. My aim is to integrate all the cultivators in the Violet Cloud Town, and then go to the Mystery Sect and dive into cultivation wholeheartedly. The Juel family must become the rear area that provides me with stable resources. As long as this day comes, it is up to you to stay or not."