A Cultivation Prodigy

A 500-year-old spiritual fruit tree?

After being dumbfounded for a short time, Luke quickly noticed the unusual situation that had happened to his body. He looked left and right, and showed a silly smile.

Well, in addition to excellent eyesight and hearing, his mind became very clear.

All this seemed to be thanks to the benefits of more than 40 "essential spiritual fruits".


Although Luke was a little nervous, he understood that apology could not solve the problem since it had been done, besides, ignorance could be forgiven! He believed that even the lady herself would not have expected this kind of situation. Of course, he could do nothing if she really wanted to blame.

Relieved, Luke soon put the matter behind him, returned to the hall and sat down cross-legged.

It was getting late, he must master the remaining three spells as soon as possible.

Not knowing whether it was because of the hegemonic property of the spirit gathering array or the essential spiritual fruitf that refined his spiritual energy, Luke found that these three spells were extremely easy to practice and had a kind of ease. He opened his mouth and spat, finger-thick spiritual energy gathered into a sword, which hit a piece of granite nearby with a whoosh, and drilled a two-inch deep pit.

"It's quite easy to master."

"Although it is only a first-grade spell, its power is not small. If I hit someone, there will be a hole by a sword."

Luke clicked his tongue and soon cast three spells one by one for several rounds.

The "Rain Distribution Art" was a small-scale spell, which was mainly used to irrigate spiritual grain fields and herbal gardens, which required high spiritual energy and was slightly difficult.

However, the most valuable one was the "Activation Art"!

This was a secret art intercepted by the Juel family before the auction started, which cost 500 inferior spiritual stones. After casting the spell, it was like a spiritual whirlpool, slightly increasing the spiritual fluctuation around itself and enhancing the recovery speed of spiritual energy.

For any cultivator, mastering this spell was equivalent to saving a lot of cultivation resources.

"It's still early."

Luke murmured, "I'm afraid I won't have the chance to use the lady's spirit gathering array to practice in the future. I must race against time to strengthen the casting proficiency of the four spells."

Although the teacher who led his enlightenment was very incompetent, there was a saying on the earth called 'When a book is read a hundred times, its meaning is self-evident.', and there was also a saying called 'Grinding a chopper will not hold up the work of cutting firewood.'. It was definitely right to practice frequently.

At present, Luke practiced over and over again on this spirit gathering array. Except the "Water Control Art" he used with great facility, the other three spells took turns to play. The room was full of excitement with tongue sword shattering rocks, rain of spiritual energy and spiritual energy whistling.

If it was an ordinary cultivator doing this over and over again, he would have hurt his vitality long ago. It happened that Luke had just eaten more than 40 essential spiritual fruits. His body was comparable to that of a cultivator who reached the peak of second grade. He had strong carrying capacity and had no problem in continuously casting and practicing these basic spells.

The aroma of spiritual fruits in the house also gradually dissipated with the passage of time...

The next morning, Flora returned to her house after sending goodbye to her fellow disciples. Only when she arrived outside the yard did she hear the constant noise and excitement in the house. She couldn't help but stopped to listen.

Hearing this, the look on her face gradually became stronger.

"This boy has passed the best training period and has reached this level in a short period of half a day... Could he be a cultivation prodigy?"

She opened the door, entered the room, and the voice stopped.

"My lady!"

Luke sat up from the ground.

Flora looked at him carefully for a while, and was more astonished.

Luke's skin seemed to have become more delicate and whiter than when she left yesterday, and looked very clean, with a trace of atmosphere of a cultivator, impressively reaching the state of spiritual energy exposure.

Flora secretly sighed, but didn't think about the 500-year-old fruit tree placed in the room. She only felt that her senior brother really had a sharp eye for discovering able people. She also placed more attention and expectation to Luke in her heart. She said with a smile:

"How is the cultivation?"

"Thank you for your help, my lady. I have mastered four spells."

Hearing this, Flora smiled and reminded in a tone of an experienced person:

"It's too early to say that you have mastered them. You were casting spells in the spirit gathering array. Once you leave here, it will take some time to adapt to the impoverishment of spiritual energy, the difficulty of casting spells, and the consumption of your own spiritual energy."

Luke nodded.

"Remember what I told you, your ostensible identity is stil the servant of the Juel family. However, I will let you take care of the damaged spiritual tree nominally, so that you don't have to go to the back garden. You can practice in your room during the regular days and try to achieve mastery as soon as possible." Flora has already planned everything.

"All right, you go back to your room to practice, and I will call you when necessary."

"Yes, my lady."

His residence was a woodshed, which was just separated from the rooms of the maids and would rarely be noisy.

Leaving the spirit gathering array, Luke obviously felt that the spiritual energy surrounding the whole body was much weaker. Entering the woodshed, the spiritual energy was already pitifully scarce.


"I heard that there is plenty of spiritual energy in the sects, so they don't have to worry about spiritual energy for casting spells at all. The cultivation families in the Violet Cloud Town are still much worse than those sects."

Luke shook his head and sighed.

At the beginning, his aim was to enter the sect. He didn't expect the first daughter of The Juel family would appear halfway and keep him in the Juel family.

But as it is, so be it!

Fortunately, the lady treated him well.

Thanks to the spirit gathering array, he had mastered four spells in advance, and ate all the fruit of a 500-year-old spiritual fruit tree by mistake. It should be regarded as a blessing in disguise-it was said that ordinary people who entered the sect started out as handymen outside the gate.

Since he had set foot on the road of cultivation, he started practicing.

Luke tidied up the room a little and sat cross-legged on the bed to sense the spiritual energy around him.

Half a minute passed, and small masses of liquid slowly emerged around.

Water control art!

A few more seconds passed, and the fist-sized water ball condensed in front of his chest.

"The spiritual energy is really thin here, it took me half a minute to contact with the surrounding spiritual energy, and the volume of the water ball... oh? It seems to be a circle bigger than that of Elena." Luke instinctively compared with when practicing in the spirit gathering array and when Elena cast spells, and showed a slightly surprised expression.

"Arguably, the woodshed should be the place where the density of spiritual energy is thinnest in the whole Juel family. If the density of spiritual energy is proportional to the volume of water ball, the volume should be smaller than that of Elena... Besides, Elena have been practicing 'Water Control Art' for a long time..."

The more Luke thought about it, the more he felt that his qualifications were unusual and he became confident.

He turned his eyes and his sight fell on a pot of spiritual fruit tree with damaged trunk nearby. He had an idea, then got up and walked over.

Water control art!

According to the previous method of watering the spiritual fruit tree, the water ball was controlled to be injected into the spiritual fruit tree little by little, and the movement and proficiency were even faster than those of Elena.

Luke was relieved soon:

Although Elena has mastered 'Water Control Art' for a long time, she only used it twice a day, which was not much. On the contrary, he relied on the spirit gathering array to repeatedly and continuously use the 'Water Control Art', and his control of water elements has reached a meticulous and skilled level. Every action was at his fingertips.


After the baptism of the essential spiritual fruits, his eyes and ears became extremely sensitive, and the changes of the spiritual fruit tree clearly came into mind, with no difference and more smoothly.

A little while later, the water ball was completely injected into the spiritual fruit tree.

Unfortunately, most of the spiritual energy in the water ball was absorbed by the damaged parts of the the spiritual fruit tree, and only a small amount of spiritual energy nourished the spiritual fruit tree, which was far from satisfying the spiritual fruit tree.

"Go on!"

Luke did not hesitate to use the "Water Control Art" again, grabbed another water ball from the air and acted as a gardener step by step.

Time flowed...

Half an hour later, Luke used the "Water Control Art" three times in a row, and finally managed to nourish and take care of all the leaves and rhizomes of the spiritual fruit tree, sweeping away the flagging atmosphere and radiating green vitality.

"Phew, I'm exhausted."

Luke quickly threw an "Activation Art" on his body. A spiritual vortex that was difficult to detect by naked eyes slowly took shape, slowly pulled spiritual energy from all directions to nourish his body and turned into spiritual energy. Then he almost collapsed and fell back on the bed waiting for recovery.

Lying on the bed, Luke could not say how carefree he was.

The essential spiritual fruit was indeed extraordinary.

When ordinary people set foot on the road of cultivation for the first time, their bodies were like unexplored containers that could only contain a little bit of spiritual energy. It was difficult for them to use a "Water Control Art", not to mention insisting on taking care of a whole spiritual fruit tree...

To use the "Water Control Art" to take care of a spiritual fruit tree was equivalent to releasing the "Tongue and Sword Art" five times in a row, but he has used the "Water Control Art" three times in one breath, which meant he as a container could already hold more than 15 first-grade spells.

For the rookie cultivator, it was incredible!

At this moment, the sound of footsteps outside the door approached, and then the voice of Elena sounded:

"Is brother Luke there?"

"Yes, sister Elena."

He got up to open the door and saw Elena and Fiona standing gracefully outside the door. Luke smiled:

"Sister Fiona, you are here too?"

"Why? your sister Elena is welcomed, but not sister Fiona?"

"It's not true. It's just that I haven't had time to clean up, for fear of snubbing my two sisters."

"You're honey mouthed."

The two girls walked into the room and swept around, slightly knitted their eyebrows and covered their noses and said:

"This used to be a woodshed and was not often cleaned normally. It does need to be cleaned up properly."

"It doesn't matter, I don't really care."

"Right, you are a little kid, but you are also a smelly man." Fiona played a joke.

Elena had sharp eyes and saw the spiritual fruit tree placed on the bed. Looking back, she found Luke's comely face was a little weakly pale. She immediately felt sorry for him:

"You have just started your cultivation and cannot force yourself to use 'Water Control Art'. Didn't the lady tell you that if you cast too much spell, it would cause the spell to come back to hurt your vitality?"

The lady really didn't say anything.

Luke was somewhat embarrassed, but he did not dare to tell the truth. He could only fumble and deal with it. In the eyes of the two girls, he further verified their thoughts.

"Brother Luke, although spells are mysterious and powerful, we must pay attention to them when practicing them. We must not be too reluctant, otherwise we will only hurt ourselves."

"Well, let the spiritual fruit tree go, do you really want to cure it then join the Mystery Sect? Not to mention that you are a child who has just come into contact with spells. Even Elena and I together can't take good care of it." Fiona said, "Just give up the idea of going to the Mystery Sect. It is also good to stay with us in the Juel family."

Is this a confession to me?

Luke was a little excited.