Punishment for Children by the Purple Lake

So tired.

Luke felt exhausted physically and mentally.

In order to maintain the best state of the spiritual fruit tree, he fought continuously for more than ten hours from morning to night. Whenever the spiritual energy vortex disappeared, he immediately cast spells again to gather the new spiritual energy vortex, lock the spiritual energy that would soon be lost in the spiritual fruit tree and continued to nourish the fruit tree.

When his power got weak, he drew spiritual energy from the inferior spiritual stones!

In this way, most of the day passed, and the spiritual energy of the two inferior spiritual stones was completely absorbed and they turned into powder. Luke has passed two meals, and he was in a state of intense exhaustion. He felt that his body was hollowed out, tired and hungry, and his eyelids kept drooping.

This time it was not because of paranoia, but after most of the practice, Luke found that whenever he exhausted his power, his body seemed to producea warm air flow to support him, and the speed of recovery of spiritual energy increased slightly. Then after absorbing spiritual energy from spiritual stones, spiritual energy had a small increase.

Although the increase was very small, about 1% or 2%, after several more attempts, he has improved from casting up to 15 or 16 spells in a row to casting 17 or 18 spells in a row.

With this surprise, Luke couldn't stop and squeezed his potential crazily until he completely exhausted the spiritual energy in the two inferior spiritual stones.


Finally, he could have a rest.

He didn't know how long he had slept. It seemed that someone opened the door and came in. Luke felt that his eyelids were heavy like lead balls and couldn't open them. Then he heard the anxious and worried call of Elena.

"Brother Luke!"

"It's over, he collapsed because of exhaustion of power... it is too much, is he not afraid of death?"

When he was in a daze, he felt Elena running out and back in a hurry.

Then his mouth was opened and a sweet and delicious cool juice flowed in.



Luke subconsciously swallowed, mouthful by mouthful, and his body seemed to be filled with air again like a withered air bag, giving him vigor and vitality.

When Luke got up from the bed, the first thing Luke saw was Elena, who had a face of surprise and was crying. Fiona was beside her.

"Sister Elena."

"Hum, I told you that cultivation is a matter of gradual and orderly progress. Don't behave in such a way. You didn't listen and now you eat up all the spiritual fruits that Elena have kept for half a year." Fiona turned her face away with resentment, complaining.

Luke was in a trance, moved and ashamed.

"Sister Elena, thank you."

"It's good that you're okay, and you can't be so stupid any more in the future. Do you know that you scared me to death when I came in to see you lying pale in bed!" Elena wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and comforted him with a smile.

"Let's go. After staying here for a long time, we should be scolded if we don't go to the garden."

Elena was taken away by Fiona.

After the two girls left, the cold sweat immediately flowed down from Luke's head and he looked at the spiritual fruit tree, which began to show its flagging state on the bed, with his heart still fluttering with fear.

He didn't expect the after-effects of such oppressive cultivation to be so serious that his eyes could not open at all and he was in a daze...

If it wasn't for Elena running over and taking out her savings of spiritual fruits, he did not know until when would he sleep.


In the future, he could no longer be so reckless. He must always have some spiritual stone s on him.

After eating six spiritual fruits in a row, the spiritual energy recovered slightly, which was enough to use the "Water Control Art" and the "Activation Art" again.

After restoring the spiritual fruit tree to its best state, Luke got up and headed straight out of the house.

Go earn money!

With the order and nameplate from the lady, it was quite convenient to enter and leave the house of the Juel family.

Out of the house, Luke soon arrived at the most familiar market and first found his pal Danny...

When he arrived at the market, he got angry.

He only saw Danny squatting in an inconspicuous corner of this bustling street of the market, with dull purple eyes, the corners of his mouth bleeding and more than a dozen footprints on his body. The stall also seemed to have been smashed and looked like a mess.

Luke stopped and instinctively looked at another corner of the street. He saw two 14-or 15-year-old attendants whispering to each other, pointing at Danny from time to time and laughing with arrogance and pleasure.

It really was them!

Luke immediately understood.

These attendants usually liked to tease and bully Danny. One of them relied on his brother, who was a cultivator apprentice in a cultivation family, to be a bully in the market. It was he who cheated Danny to open the jade box yesterday, whom he normally did not dare to provoke.

After a moment's hesitation, Luke felt that this was not the time for revenge!

Although he was a servant of Miss Juel, he was still an ordinary attendant outwardly and could not reveal his identity of cultivator.

To fight against a cultivator apprentice as an attendant was very abnormal itself!

At that moment, he walked to Danny's stall and left behind a sentence "Purple Bamboo Forest" without stopping his steps and anyone's attention.

Others didn't hear it, but Danny heard it clearly. It was Luke. His eyes lit up and he stretched his neck to look left and right. However, he didn't recognize his brother who changed in the clothes of the Juel family's servant.

The stall was smashed, Danny was worried and did not know how to go back to his master. Suddenly, he was filled with hope for his brother Luke. He packed up his things and left.

"Luke, Luke?"

"I'm here."

In the Purple Bamboo Forest, when the two met, Danny complained with tears in his eyes.

"How many spiritual fruits were smashed?"


Danny took out the jade box, and there were indeed two spiritual fruits in it that were out of shape...

Although the spiritual fruits were broken, the spiritual energy had not lost much.

"Forget it, I'll take this box of spiritual fruits for you."

Luke took out 20 spiritual coins and handed them to Danny. At the same time, he warned, "Take the spiritual fruits, go directly to the gate of the Juel family and wait for me every morning in the future."

"Great! Luke, you actually go to work in the Juel family!"

Danny laughed: "Now I'm rich, and I won't have to squat in the market every day in the future!"


Luke laughed, too. "Speaking of which, it's thanks to the snow rabbit you drove out of the Purple Bamboo Forest last time!"

"Heh heh."

Danny was shy, he scratched his head and giggled:

"Does Miss Juel like snow rabbits very much? How about we catch another one?"

This idea coincided with that of Luke.

There were few ways for cultivators to make money. Apart from spiritual grain, spiritual spring and spiritual fruits, they could only go out to hunt spiritual animals to obtain spiritual materials or look for veins and treasures.

As a newcomer who has just entered the ranks of cultivators, he had no fixed source of income and had no powerful cultivation. These ways were not feasible, and he could only find another way to make money.

Snow rabbit was a good way.

A living snow rabbit could be sold for at least 50 spiritual coins. It was barely enough for the cost of a day, but it was much better than nothing.

The two of them agreed that Danny was responsible for looking for rabbits in the Purple Bamboo Forest, while Luke was waiting outside-snow rabbits were very sensitive to cultivators and would avoid them from a distance.

Today was a lucky day.

The Purple Bamboo Forest was rich in purple bamboo shoots, which were the favorite food of snow rabbits. Therefore, in this large purple bamboo forest, there were a lot of snow rabbits, but they hid mostly underground, and only appeared when no one was there.

It happened that Danny, a stocky and honest mortal, seemed to have a halo of mocking snow rabbits. Every time he entered the Purple Bamboo Forest, he could chase arrogant rabbits out.

Compared with yesterday, Luke's hearing has improved many times. He located the snow rabbit when Danny was driving it to run here. He took out a spiritual coin, pulled open the rubber band, and the spiritual coin went into the bamboo forest with a whoosh. The speed was very fast.

The snow rabbit was knocked off on the spot and Danny grabbed it immediately. He picked it up with the spiritual coin and ran over happily.

"Ha-ha, you hit it!"

"Luke, you are really awesome."

At this moment, a burst of applause rang from behind.

Luke's expression was slightly indifferent.

Footsteps sounded, five fourteen- or fifteen-year-old attendants came running from behind and surrounded Danny, one of them was the market bully Boris Lim, who had a cultivator apprentice brother, he had a surprised look, greedily staring at the snow rabbit in Danny's hand, and opened his mouth to roar:

"How dare you snatch my snow rabbit, you little rascal."

Hearing this, Danny was stunned!

"Take him down!"

Boris didn't say nonsense and ordered his brother to rob. There were many mortals and cultivators near the Purple Bamboo Forest. If there was any trouble, his brother, the cultivator apprentice, might not be able to cover him up.

However, Danny's strength was also for real. He kicked the two attendants that had jumped up over on the ground. He threw the snow Rabbit crossed the three and it fell to the foot of Luke.



"Give me back the snow rabbit if you are sensible, otherwise, I just need to tell my brother and you will die." Boris hasn't noticed the identity of the person next to him just now. At this sight, a fire burnt within his heart.

Luke was known to be tactful in the market. Several times he designed to play tricks on Danny, but finally it was defused by this guy. Moreover, news came out in the market that Luke was taken away by the Juel family's people yesterday.

The Juel family!

The family of one of the three Cabinet Elders in the Violet Cloud Town!

How could it be compared to the small family in which his brother was a cultivator apprentice?

Although Boris didn't know how the Juel family could like Luke, reason kept him from jumping over immediately.

"Good! Very good!"

Luke smiled coolly, with a piercing hissing chill.

Boris and the others looked at each other.

Only then did they realize that Luke seemed to be somewhat different from before.

In the crowd, a careful attendant found Luke's clothes looked familiar and swept around unconsciously. Finally, he set his sights at the striking word "Juel" on Luke's lapel. His eyes were wide open, his face was pale, his legs were tender, and his teeth trembled: "Juel... The Juel family... Luke, you... you are now... a servant of the Juel, the Juel family."

A group of attendants were frightened to death by the fact.


Yes! In the eyes of these ordinary people living at the bottom, the three great families were the Son of Heaven. Who entered the Juel family, they were the disciples of the Son of Heaven. Ordinary servants of the Juel family were higher than the cultivators outside.

At the thought that just now they were actually robbing a servant of the Juel family, the attendants were immediately like being crushed by heavenly thunder, they got flabby all over and was sweating like rain.

Luke was very satisfied with the attendant's interactive language. He turned his head and stared at Boris, who was surrounded by the attendants with a pale face, and said:

"You truly are the market bully in the Violet Cloud town... Relying on your brother as a cultivator apprentice, now you even dare to rob things from Miss Juel, should I say you are bold... or bold?"

As he finished speaking, Boris completely collapsed, fell with a flop on the ground.