Promotion to Butler

Danny's 15 boxes of spiritual fruits only need to be paid 300 spiritual coins, but this time Danny took part in it after all., in order to prevent him from failing the polygraph test of his master, Luke gave him 100 more spiritual coins and asked him to report back to the master truthfully.

With this extra income of 100 spiritual coins, Danny's master should be able to feel their goodwill. Instead of making things difficult for Danny, he would reward Danny.

There were nine hundred spiritual coins left in his hand, which translated to four and a half pieces of inferior spiritual stones.

What can I do?

Luke felt that he had a feeling of becoming rich instantly.

Although four and a half pieces of inferior spiritual stone didn't sound much, in fact, one piece of inferior spiritual stone could buy a dozen pieces of first grade talismans and a serious piece of second grade talisman in the market.

However, there was no use!!

As soon as he returned to his room in the Juel family and used the "Water Control Art" and "Activation Art", he received a summons from the lady.

"My lady."

As soon as he looked up, he saw a wisp of faint smile hanging on Flora's face, condescending and looking at him with great interest. Luke was puzzled.

"I heard about today's incident, and even Mr. Young was full of praise for you. It was a little interesting."

Flora pointed out the doubts in Luke's heart with appreciation.


"You don't have to be nervous. You have done a good job. Although you have used the deterrent of the Juel family, you have done the right thing. I don't mean to blame you."

Flora said with a smile:

"On the contrary, you are more intelligent than those ordinary mortals, you have more means, and also have kindness that many people do not have."

Hearing this, Luke understood that Sam must have seen clearly how much money he secretly paid Danny...

It happened that he was unaware of it!


This was the real cultivator's method.

Luke was alert in his heart. The joys and expansion brought by today's achievements disappeared without a trace.

At this time, Flora finally said the purpose of summoning himself:

"Since you have a great talent for business, I want you to try to take charge of the affairs of my inner court."


Luke was deeply shocked.

"Sam, tell him about it."


Sam nodded respectfully and made a statement to Luke.

"The resources of our Juel family are divided into three parts! The largest one is in the hands of the master and presided over by the matriarch. The remaining two pieces together cannot compare with the resources in the master's hands. One of these two pieces belongs to the lady and the other belongs to the young master."

Luke did not dare to neglect and kept it in mind silently.

"The resources in the lady's hand are actually in this courtyard. There are five acres of spiritual grain fields, 27 spiritual fruit trees and five medium-sized spiritual wells. There are 27 maids, five mammies and three hangers-on, well, Luke, you are also included."

Sam deliberately paused for a moment as he said, as if he felt that it was inappropriate to put Luke into maids, mammies and hangers-on.

Luke did not care.

But he calculated rapidly in the mind.

There are 27 spiritual fruit trees, three spiritual wells and five acres of spiritual grain fields. These resources... Gee... That is truly the daughter of the Cabinet Elder.

You know, in the Violet Cloud Town, a cultivator only needed a spiritual fruit tree to support his path of cultivation and become a second-grade cultivator.

This was only a small part of the Juel family's resources!

"The spiritual grain, spiritual fruits and spiritual spring produced by our Juel family are all of the highest quality, which are different from the goods in the market. Ha-ha, most of them will be preserved in exchange for inferior spiritual stones. Apart from opening some of these inferior spiritual stones to hangers-on, the rest will be gathered as spiritual resources for the lady."

Hearing this, Luke gradually understood and chimed in: "The lady wants me to take charge of these resources on her behalf and find ways to exchange these resources for more inferior spiritual stones?"


Sam's eyes flashed with extraordinary splendor. He nodded, "But only temporarily. These resources of the inner court assets are very important. This is the first time that you are in charge of the management, I am afraid that you are not able to do so. First, try it out for one month. Within one month, if you can exceed 10% of last month's share, you can continue to take charge of the management. On the contrary, if something goes wrong, the lady will take back your rights at any time and you will continue to be your attendant."


Hearing this, Luke understood. It seemed that Sam was also not clear about his secret identity and the fact that he has stepped into the path of cultivation. He was not pretentious at present, and simply said:

"Since the lady thinks highly of me, I will do my best until my dying day."

Sam spoke again:

"The total amount of resources handed over to the lady last month is 500 pieces of inferior spiritual stones. As long as you can exceed 550 pieces of inferior spiritual stones, you will complete the task."

"500 pieces of inferior spiritual stones?"

Luke's eyebrows were slightly wrinkled.

"Why? What's the problem?" Sam asked.

"Oh, nothing, it's just that I have never come into contact with so many possessions, I'm a little surprised."

"It's okay, as long as you do well, you will get used to it." Sam smiled kindly.

"Thank you for your advice, Mr. Young."


Sam turned to Flora: "If there is nothing else, my lady, Sam will leave first?"


Flora nodded, "Luke, you stay. I have a few words to tell you."

Luke left.

A strange look flashed through Sam's eyes, which soon dissipated and he turned to leave.

“Sam is one of my father's people, and at the same time he has good relations with many cultivators and families in the Violet Cloud Town. He is a smooth and capable person."

The lady looked at the door that closed again and said a confusing word.

Luke was dazed and nodded in agreement:

"Well, Mr. Young has never assumed a superior attitude in front of us servants. He is very approachable."

"In the past, he was entrusted with all the chores in my yard. He did everything very well."

Hearing the lady 's words, Luke could not help but smiled bitterly:

"It is a hard job to take money from others, but since the lady trusts me, I will definitely do a good job in this courtyard."

"You are a smart person. It is good for you to have this consciousness. I am worried that you have always regarded Sam as a good friend or a teacher. Then I will be very worried about how much you can give me next month."

Flora breathed a sigh of relief.



In a few simple words, the undercurrents of the courtyard was put on the table, meanwhile, the right to allocate all the resources in the third courtyard of the Juel family was transferred from Sam to Luke.

At the same time, Luke received a token of the Juel family from the lady, which could be used when walking outside and dealing with other family forces.

"By the way, when you heard Sam talking about 500 pieces of inferior spiritual stones just now, your expression was a little strange. You shouldn't be really scared by this figure, right?"

"A little."

Luke nodded.

In fact, with his mental arithmetic and information synthesis ability, he has already collected the relevant data of spiritual grain fields and spiritual fruit trees in the Juel family. With the data obtained in the market, the final figures could be quickly obtained by the proportion of resources provided by Sam...

Five acres of spiritual grain fields, which ripened once a month, with yield per unit area of 1,000 catties of spiritual grain, 10 spiritual coins per catty. The income brought by the spiritual grain fields alone in one month was as high as 50,000 spiritual coins or 250 inferior spiritual stones.

Twenty-seven spiritual fruit trees that ripened once every two days and bore 30 to 35 fruits. Even if calculated according to the minimum of 30 fruits, the income would reach at least 36,000 spiritual coins or 180 inferior spiritual stones every month.

Five medium-sized spiritual wells with daily production of five jars of spiritual spring, that was 500 bottles of spiritual spring. That made 30,000 spiritual coins or 150 spiritual stones per month. Excluding the expenses of the yard, it could reach at least 580 spiritual stones...

It must be a lie to say that Sam did not feather his nest - a second-grade cultivator spent most of his time taking care of the courtyard every day, and as long as he withheld a little mantissa, it would be many times higher than the monthly salary of ordinary hangers-on.

However, in the absence of conclusive evidence, Luke did not dare to offend people at will. It was rash and irrational.


Coming out of the lady's room, a bunch of maids had been informed by Mr. Young and waited quietly in the backyard to welcome and listen to an admonitory talk.

Elena and Fiona looked bewildered, shocked and confused, and even suspected that the Luke Mr. Young spoke of was not the younger brother Luke they knew.

How was that possible?

Only yesterday did he enter the house, and today he would take the place of a second-grade cultivator to take charge of a courtyard in the Juel family and become the lady's biggest purse?

A group of maids talked about it.

Luke heard several maids secretly teasing Elena from a distance, saying that she would soon be a wife of a butler, he could not help but smiled wry bitterly in his heart.

To outsiders, this was a cushy job, but only he knew that getting this position meant offending a second-grade cultivator to death. Any carelessness would lead him to perdition and he would even lose the trust of the lady. He had no time to get involved in a love affair, and he had to count the days even in his dreams.

When he walked to the front of the maids and mammies, the group of girls finally stopped laughing and sweeping around with curiosity and wonder on Luke, who was a mortal the same as themselves.

"You must already know, in the next month or even longer, you may have to work under my leadership. I hope you can report to me at the first time about anything that happens in the yard, and then I will report to the lady. I just risked my life to buy a little gift from the lady with nine hundred spiritual coins. I hope my sisters and mammies will like it. "

A little gift?

The group of maids brightened up their eyes.

There was such a good thing?

Only five old mammies in the family showed very bland reaction, like ancient well or five fossils, standing motionless by the side.

Luke didn't mind either. He simply took out three jade boxes from the universe bag...

There were 30 spiritual fruits in them, all of which were excellent spiritual fruits from the Juel family. The auction price has never been lower than three spiritual coins.

The group of maids were all moved.


"It's spiritual fruits!"

"For us? Hey! It seems to be the spiritual fruits of our Juel family! Great!"

"Long live butler Luke Hans! It's still our Elena's younger brother who is considerate and actually gives us the excellent spiritual fruits produced by our Juel family. I used to dream of taking a bite... hee hee..."

"Yes, yes, the spiritual fruits that I received every month used to be purchased from outside by the butler. I only tasted it once when the master had his birthday. It was very delicious."

"You have at least tasted it, whoops... I entered the house only after the master's birthday."

The group of maids chattered with excitement.

At this moment, Luke once again spoke of a decision.

All of a sudden, all people including the five old mammies who had been impervious, could no longer maintain the attitude as seniors. They were visibly moved with staring eyes.