The Cat's Out of the Bag

Although the five-minute sale outside the auction has become the talk of many cultivators, it has not attracted much attention.

First, it didn't take long. Secondly, not many people have really noticed how many spiritual fruits Luke has sold. At most, they were curious about how the Juel family in a high rack has now transformed and done a part-time ordinary business.

Back in the Juel family, Luke continued his cultivation.

At night, the lady summoned him.

Luke did not conceal. He reported his achievements these days. The data were clear and shocking.

When Flora learned that she had received nearly 60 pieces of inferior spiritual stones with the spiritual fruits alone in the past few days, she was immediately shocked.

At this rate, the spiritual fruit trees alone could provide more than 300 pieces of inferior spiritual stones in one month.

The speed of money-making was too frightening!

Luke added:

"In addition, the damaged part of the spiritual tree left by your senior brother has already healed to a great extent, but I suspect it is not a fruit tree."

"What did you say? The spiritual tree has healed?"

Flora was shocked again.

In fact, at the bottom of her heart, she had already sentenced the spiritual tree to death, but she didn't expect Luke to bring it to life quietly.

"Yes, my lady."

"Show me."

Flora's face became solemn and she got up and walked out.

Soon, the two arrived in front of the spiritual tree.

Flora showed an excited expression after careful observation and said, "Yes, it seems that the damaged part of the spiritual tree has indeed healed and scarred, and it will no longer dissipate its spiritual energy to the outside. It will only take a little time to blossom and bear fruits... Wait, Luke, you said just now that this spiritual tree is not a spiritual fruit tree?"


Luke nodded honestly.

Flora frowned: "What is the reason?"

"I took care of the spiritual fruit tree these days and studied it a bit. I found that for all spiritual fruit trees, as long as the Water Control Art is used on them to absorb nutrients for a period of time, all spiritual energy will gather at the front of the branches and finally blossom and bear fruits, but this spiritual tree is different." Luke explained, "When I took care of it, I found that when the spiritual energy no longer escaped, all spiritual energy nutrients went down."


Flora did not hesitate to grab a water ball out of thin air...

The water ball gathered by the top third-grade cultivator contained purer and richer spiritual energy. When it was injected into the spiritual tree, she quickly noticed the problem, frowned and said, "It is really strange. Since it is not a spiritual fruit tree, what species is it? What is the effect?"

At that time, the two were silent.

Luke coughed and said:

"Well... my lady, since this spiritual tree cannot bear fruits, it means that I cannot let this spiritual tree blossom and bear fruits in my life."

"Don't worry, my senior brother will fulfill his own promise and will definitely help you to get the status of a disciple of the Mystery Sect, just because you rescue this spiritual tree."

A smile returned to Flora's face:

"Speaking of which, you are simply my blessing."

"When you came to me, you did not only help me get rid of the moth Sam, but also draw up the reward and punishment system to make the income of the spiritual fruit trees and spiritual grain fields far better than in the past. Together with the agreements you signed with many spiritual fruit tree owners, my monthly resources will reach at least 1,000 pieces of inferior spiritual stones, which will greatly shorten the time limit for me to hit the fourth grade. Next month, I may be able to rise from the original 100-odd to the top 50 in the sect competition!"

After speaking a lot, Flora's cheeks showed a flush of excitement, then continued:

"Luke, do you know? The Mystery Sect is the largest sect near the Violet Cloud Town, but the Violet Cloud Town is not the only small town near the Mystery Sect. The competition in the Mystery Sect is fierce, there are many talents and countless small groups of various kinds. But I'm the only one from the Violet Cloud Town, and my qualification is not outstanding, so I'm severely excluded."


"The reason why senior brother Roy came here last time was only because he knew that I had a spell that could restore spiritual energy and wanted me to cure the tree. In fact, our relationship was very general..."

Luke was slightly moved.

He didn't know this.

All of a sudden, Flora talked to Luke as the same status, she seemed to have found someone to talk to and said a lot of things that had been accumulated in her heart for a long time.

Luke gradually understood...

It turned out that,

although the sect's resources were rich, the faction was very serious, Moreover, the allocation of resources was decided according to the semi-annual competition, the top ranked people had superior resources, while the bottom ranked ones had few resources, with only a small amount of spiritual stones. Flora was isolated and had average qualifications. It was difficult for her to stay in the sect. Therefore, she returned to the Violet Cloud Town in the name of going out for training. Instead, she cultivated even faster with the resources of the third yard of the Juel family.

"It's all right now."

Flora laughed heartily:

"With this spiritual tree, Senior Brother Roy will have to accept your favor and lead you into the Mystery Sect. With this relationship, few people in the Mystery Sect will dare to bully you in the future."

Hearing this, Luke immediately understood.

Flora wanted to establish a good relationship with Senior Brother Roy, but he did not care about her.

However, as soon as the spiritual tree was cured, she would not only get a companion in the Mystery Sect, but also get the hope to establish a good relationship with Senior Brother Roy. At that time, her position in the Mystery Sect would immediately be different...

In contrast, this was much more important than having more spiritual stones every month!


Flora did not lose her mind completely because of excitement. Instead, she quickly calmed down and made arrangements:

"I have to go back to prepare in advance for the sect competition next month, and you will go to sect with me! During this period of time, I will let Elena and Fiona help you manage the yard, so you can cultivate at ease." After a pause, she said a sentence that made Luke chilled, "Under the baptism of the first batch of spiritual fruits of my 500-year-old spiritual fruit tree, your physique is comparable to that of a second-grade cultivator anyway, and your power has reached the initial stage of the second grade. So, you should take this opportunity to learn to master the second-grade spells."

Luke's entire body was frozen and he was helpless.

Flora feigned anger and said:

"Hum, this 500-year-old spiritual fruit tree has blossomed and borne fruits twice. Don't you think I don't know that you have enjoyed the first batch of spiritual fruits, do you?"

"...Please forgive me, my lady."

Luke confessed with a wry smile.

Flora shook her head.

If it wasn't for seeing Luke had doubled the resource production capacity of the third yard by three times neatly and quickly, she would have killed him in anger.

Now Luke was the best choice for her to establish a good relationship with Senior Brother Roy. She could only grind her teeth and consider herself unlucky about the essential spiritual fruits.

"Follow me."

Flora took Luke into the basement again.

In the spacious underground chamber, there were ten more secret books on the stone table.

Flora said:

"These secrets are all second-grade spells and are very precious. Each one can be sold for at least 50 pieces of inferior spiritual stones."


"You can't take them out of here, but you can read them carefully. After you have mastered them all, you will be a real second-grade cultivator, and then it will be better to hit the rankings of the outer disciples."

Should it be better to help you get a higher position in the Mystery Sect?

Luke thought like this in his heart, but his said:

"Thank you very much, my lady."

"It's time to call me Senior Sister." Flora corrected with a smile.

Luke hurriedly changed: "Yes! Senior sister!"

"Well, remember them well. You can use the spiritual stones and spiritual fruits in the bag yourself, which is an award to you." Flora generously rewarded him 60 pieces of inferior spiritual stones and 940 pieces of excellent spiritual fruits, and was ready to train the senior brother well.

Luke was excited for a while after he received such a big windfall suddenly, and his sight fell back to the spell secrets on the stone table.

Second-grade spell!

Only by mastering the second-grade spells could one be considered a true second-grade cultivator.

The biggest problem faced by ordinary scattered cultivators on the of cultivation was the inheritance of spells!

A cultivator without spell inheritance could not obtain high achievements, even if his talent was the best.

He didn't expect himself to easily cross this barrier and get ten secrets of spells at one go.

However, when Luke opened the books and read carefully, he immediately found that some of the spells were chicken ribs.

Gale Art?

Is this thing useful?

Illumination Art...

Well, at least it can save energy and protect the environment-maybe I can make a fortune by this spell when I leap back to the future.

Muddy Art, forget it, lte me see how many spells can be used.

Luke looked up one by one.

Not bad.

Although there were several useless spells, but the Juel family finally didn't do all the useless spells, there were still some practical spells, such as this:

"Wooden Body Art". After casting the spell, a part of the body could become the same as ironwood, with a sharp increase in hardness that could even withstand the attack of second-grade spells.

"Fire Flowing Inferno", casting the spell could generate a ground spirit flame to attack the enemy, with amazing lethality, but the attack speed was average and easy to avoid, it needed to be used together with spells of control or bound;

"Metaphysical Armor" used the power of the five elements to build metaphysical armor to protect itself, which could resist attacks of ordinary second-grade spells three.

Luke only picked out these three practical spells, two of which were protective spells and one attack spell.

The only regret was that he could not cultivate with the help of the spirit gathering array, otherwise he could master these three spells and stabilize the second-grade cultivation faster.

Fortunately, Flora has left him some resources, otherwise it would be a very long process to master these three spells.

"Try it first."

Luke was anxious to display his skill and began to cultivate.

He used the Activation Art on himself, and a spiritual energy vortex with a diameter of 2 meters quickly took shape.

Wrapped in the dense spiritual energy, it became easy to condense and cast spells, and at the same time it could continuously restore the power consumed...

Half a minute passed and Luke's forehead was sweating.

The consumption of second-grade spell to spiritual energy was extremely high. Even if the casting failed, , it still instantly extracted the spiritual energy equivalent of a full-course of "Water Control Art". Luke felt physically weak with his power strength that has reached the initial stage of second grade, and could only support casting of second-grade spell six times at most.

Under the condition of weak body, he could not concentrate enough, which would slightly increase the difficulty of casting spells, which was also the reason why many cultivators of the first grade were not able to break through to the second grade...

It was very difficult for ordinary cultivators even to get the spells when they reach the second grade cultivation, not to mention Luke carrying 60 inferior spiritual stones and more than 900 excellent spiritual fruits.

Luke did not hesitate to take out a spiritual fruit and put it into his mouth to nourish the damaged spirit and continued to sense the five elements around him according to the instructions ...

He failed!

Luke summarized the flaws in the casting process and stuffed the second spiritual fruit into his mouth.

Go on!



Luke has always maintained a clear mind, exuberant energy and abundant physical strength and spiritual energy. He slowly advanced step by step, calmly and firmly analyzed the "Metaphysical Armor" and finally completed a rough casting after taking 36 excellent spiritual fruits.

With a buzzing sound, pieces of golden light armors floated out with pale golden light.

Dozens of pieces of light armors quickly surrounded the whole body in the flow of light, and pieced together into a pair of full-length armor in a split second, covering the whole body. Then it slowly converged the spell light, solidified and formed a stable spell embodiment.

Luke suddenly opened his eyes:

The casting succeeded!