Ambushed in the Valley

The next morning, when the Violet Cloud Town was still shrouded in a light layer of water mist, the Juel family was brightly lit and bustling.

Only until this day did the lady officially announce that the butler of the third yard under her command has been introduced into the Mystery Sect and would soon acquire the status of a disciple of the Mystery Sect. Maids including Elena and Fiona, together with a group of old mammies, have gone out to see them off. Other cultivators and hangers-on of the Juel family have also got up early and were waiting at the opening gate, hoping to meet Butler Luke, who has not been up for a long time but was almost legendary.


They were doomed to fail their hopes.

Flora had no habit of saying goodbye to a group of her father's guests.

A light cry pierced the sky and shook the Violet Cloud Town.

An immortal crane has arrived!

It was the spiritual animal specially used to transport inner disciples of the Mystery Sect.