Aiden, Gorden

"Boom..." A loud noise reverberated in the whole forest, and many birds were even more shocked and fled the originally quiet forest hastily.

Mason stared blankly at the huge tree that had fallen to the ground. Suddenly, his face was filled with excitement.

Is this the power of "Five Elements of Body Cultivation"?

Mason's eyes are not only shining with excitement, but this is the time when the inner strength is yellow. If he reaches the realm of being king, how strong will his body be?

And... said the giant, this is only the first part, so the more to the back, his own body... Mason did not dare to imagine.

Mason's inner fighting spirit burned up instantly. As long as he reached what the giant called the King of Body within 100 years, he could get the last few parts of cultivation. At that time, he was enough to step into the ranks of the strong!

At this point, Mason slightly felt why his brother Joseph had to endure leaving himself to practice. Everything was power at work. After getting the initial power, he wanted to improve again! !

"Elder brother! Mason will work hard and wait for Mason, then Mason will surprise you!" Mason looked ahead, his eyes flashing fine awns murmured, then bent into a bow and ejected towards the waterfall.

In this way, in the past month, Mason, in addition to sitting under the waterfall every day, bombarded the giant tree to release the strength accumulated by his body. As a result, Mason's internal strength has doubled, and at this time the internal strength has reached the size of ten heads.

In the past month again, Mason left the waterfall, because by this time, Mason had been able to sit under the waterfall for a day without any increase in internal strength. Mason speculated that he should have reached the peak of Neijin Huang Jie at this time.

All the way east, Mason did not walk, but ran. The whole body's strength exploded instantly, causing Mason to shuttle through the forest like a cheetah.

After running for three days in a row, Mason became more and more confused in his heart. He ran at least a few hundred miles in the mountain in his own way. At this time, he still looked at the mountain at a glance, as if there was no end to it.

What's more, Mason's heart was slightly surprised that today, he actually found traces of animals climbing through the mountain. Mason and his brother Joseph hunted when he was a child and naturally knew these things.


Suddenly there was a roar of a monster in the distance. The voice resounded through the sky. Mason trembled. Although Mason had already entered the magic practitioner at this time, he was still only a 14-and-a-half-year-old boy. His fear of the mountain devil monster he heard in Trojan Village was deeply rooted.

"Is there a mountain devil in this mountain?"

Mason's heart shook slightly, his eyes flashed with fear, and he looked up at the towering tree beside his eyes. His body shook like a monkey and climbed towards the top of the tree. Mason's control over the power of the body had reached its peak at this time. In less than half a minute, he had climbed to the giant tree 100 meters above the full mountain.

On the top of the giant tree, Mason looked out at the whole mountain. Now he stands so high that he can't see the edge of the mountain at all.

Mason's inner helpless wry smile, where did he stray into?

Suddenly, Mason's eyes condensed and looked at the front, about ten miles away from here, where the leaves kept swaying and there was a low and dull sound from time to time. Is there any battle there?

Mason thought slightly. Then I looked at the ground and almost didn't fall off the trunk of the giant tree. A wry smile appeared on the corners of the mouth. It was just rising. I didn't notice that I had climbed to such a high level. Measured, it was almost 100 meters. Mason carefully held the thick trunk and slipped down slowly.


With a tearing sound, Mason's face was bitter and his only trousers were cut open by the giant tree. Mason, who fell to the ground, now has almost become a skirt in his shorts, with several pieces of rags hanging on his feet. Fortunately, he wrapped it there, otherwise... he has really become a savage.

After a wry smile, Mason's right foot suddenly pushed back and ran like a cheetah in a low-pitched direction.

The closer Mason got from the low noise, the more deafening the sound became. It took Mason less than a quarter of an hour to see a reptile-like behemoth ten meters high and two young people who looked short under the behemoth.

The monster will make a lot of noise when it is turbulent, but not far away from the monster, the two youths are constantly attacking without fear.

Mason's heart solidified and he jumped onto a big tree to watch the battle. It was the first time he had seen the real battle of the practitioners in Mason, who had reached magic. At this time, the attack of the two youths not only made Mason angry and tongue-tied.

Through the back of the two men, Mason vaguely felt that the two young men were not big. To Mason's surprise, the two young men, about the same size as himself, did not use swords, but somehow threw flames from their right hands.

There are more yellow flames with darker colors than ordinary flames, and the flames seem to be so powerful that they actually burn the fur of the behemoth's whole body into potholes, and even have a scorched smell coming head on.

However, the size of this behemoth is too large, and its attack degree and response are somewhat slow. It is often only after the flames bombard it that it lifts its behemoth and pats it at the two youths. At this time, the two youths had jumped out of the behemoth's attack range.

The charred fur of the behemoth roared angrily, and the whole body actually released a faint light, while the charred fur of the behemoth was even more integrated into the body, and the metal brilliance was faintly reflected in the body.

"No, this first-order spirit beast has evolved!" One of the youths drank cold and a beating golden flame in his hand blew towards the behemoth.

"Hum, even if it evolves, it is only a second-order spirit beast. As long as it does not pass the third order, it will not pose any threat to us!" Another young man grunted coldly and did not know where to offer a thin sword with light light and attacked the behemoth.

Mason hid in the leaves and looked at the light-shining sword offered by the youth. Mason's heart moved slightly. The light-shining light of the light-shining sword was obviously not magic's spirit, was it... Lingjian?

Mason also heard a little about the spirit sword, but when he saw it today, he was slightly surprised. While Mason was thinking, the young man who sacrificed the spirit sword, holding the sword in his right hand, turned into a phantom and cut it off at the behemoth.


The behemoth gave a loud roar, and the young man drew down his sword. He even drew a blood mark on the skin on the back of the behemoth, which slightly reflected metal light. The cyan blood was constantly flowing out. At this moment, the young man behind him blew a golden flame at the opening of the behemoth.

"Ow!! Hell!!" A heart-rending roar of the behemoth resounded through the sky, and the earth was slightly shaken by the roar of the behemoth.

"Bang!" A low voice rang out, the behemoth angrily waved his forefoot, unexpectedly happened to hit the sword youth's chest.

"Poof..." A mouthful of blood spurted out, holding a sword of youth, eyes a anger, the sword in the hands of the behemoth's cracking was burnt scar stabbed again. After the youth stabbed out, the body shot back and returned to the youth's side.

"Aiden, are you all right?" The young man who kept losing the golden flame curled his eyes and the young man who was hit whispered.

"It's just a little physical injury." The young man whispered, then he did not know from there to take out a simple and unsophisticated pill and threw it into his mouth. His slightly pale face quickly returned to ruddy.

"Slay him quickly, the true qi in my body will support him soon!" The young man who lost the fire whispered, and his face gradually turned pale.

"Shout!" The behemoth gave a low roar, and his big mouth gushed out a faint yellow flame.

"Hell, this has just entered the second order spirit beast unexpectedly spewed out fire. The four small forbidden areas in Jianzhou are really strange."

The young man with the sword gave a loud scolding, bouncing to the top of the behemoth's back and cutting it down crazily, while the young man who lost the fire became paler and paler.

Mason looked at the two men's attack and not only shook his head. The behemoth was too large. Although the two men's attack was sharp, it could only make the behemoth suffer skin injuries, but could not really hit and slay it.

However, the behemoth seemed to have identified the young man who lost the fire and even rushed at the young man who lost the fire regardless of the trauma on his back. However, the young man who lost the fire looked pale, obviously the true qi in his body had been exhausted. The movements have become dull.

"Gorden, hide!" The young man named Aiden shouted, jumping directly in front of the beast and attacking its forehead.

"Whoo!" With a low sound, the behemoth spewed a flame at Aiden above his forehead. Aiden did not react at the moment and was thrown at by the yellowish flame. His whole body was blackened by the yellowish flame. A yellowish light armor emerged in Mason's sight.

"Shit, it's good to have the teacher's light spirit armor, otherwise you will be burned when playing with fire!" Aiden lambasted, and the spirit sword in his hand suddenly burst into light. The sword hit the behemoth's forehead and chopped it off.

"Bursts..." The behemoth's forehead was cut off by Aiden, revealing bright red flesh and blood. The behemoth's eyes were bloodshot and fierce.

I don't know the monster there suddenly burst out power, unexpectedly regardless of the tear pain on his forehead, rushed at Gorden.

"Damn it!!"

The white-faced Gorden gave a low scolding and kept turning back. But now the behemoth seems to have tried his best to kill himself. Looking at the huge claws coming, Gorden's heart twisted up, while Aiden's crazy attack, but now the behemoth is simply indifferent.


With a low sound, the behemoth that came at Gorden was shocked back a few steps, and the ground quivered slightly.

A young man with swollen muscles rushed to Gorden's front like a leopard. A punch with pale yellow light actually touched the behemoth's claws.

What shocked Gorden even more was that the man who came out of nowhere actually shook the 10-meter-tall behemoth. Aiden, who attacked in the air, was dumbfounded and shocked to see the man who suddenly appeared.

What a horrible physical power, two people think of an idea at the same time! Looking at the young man with swollen muscles all over his body, his eyes flashed with shock.