
Mason looked at the poison stinger getting closer and closer with dignified eyes. His body suddenly turned around and jumped to more than ten feet high. His veins stood out suddenly and violently. He shouted, "The first style in the sky!!"

The poisonous stinger that stabbed upward was instantly recovered by the poisonous spider. Mason's sword made the poisonous spider feel a fatal threat. The sharp foot that attacked Aiden kept moving towards the rear, as if to avoid Mason's violent blow.

"Bang!!" A low muffled thunder-like loud noise, Mason's six-foot-long virtual sword actually cut to the dark furry scales, violent power is wiping out a spark.

"Cheep..." A tearing voice, Mason's virtual sword directly into the body of the poisonous spider. The large size was actually torn out by Mason.

"Hiss..." The shrill scream sounded, the spider two eerie eyes gloomy and furious staring at Mason, from the bloody mouth suddenly shot a thin line, is the stinger.


"Hide!!" Aiden and Gorden shouted violently at the same time. Aiden jumped and stabbed the hole split by Mason with a spirit sword.

Mason's pores burst all over his body. Looking at the stinging sting in an instant, a deadly threat enveloped Mason. Mason's body retreated sharply, his pupils opened suddenly and violently, and his muscles surged again. The virtual sword in his hand turned into a phantom and appeared on Mason's head. The sword was chopped off again.

Gorden stared anxiously at the stinger, and a golden flame shot at the stinger.

"Ding..." A gold iron attack of the crisp sound burst, Mason's sword actually happened to be a bad split on the poisonous spider stings.

The stinger, which was hit by Mason with all his strength, instantly turned into pieces. Watching his stinger smashed, the anger in the eyes of the spider swept through his whole body. He refrained from the sharp pain and jumped into the air again. Eight legs waved towards Mason.

"Beast, look at the fire!!" Gorden drank with a cold voice, and a huge pale white flame rushed at the poisonous spider in the air. Gorden, who came out of the pale white flame, had a pale face and a weak soft seat on the ground, but his eyes were tightly staring at the pale white flame.

Mason's eyes were horrified to see the eight swinging towards him. Mason wanted to escape, but the two strikes exhausted almost all the internal strength and Mason gas in magic's body, and his whole body was weak and could not move at all.

"Boom..." A low sound, pale white flame at the moment when the spider attacked Mason shot to the two-meter size of the spider, the pale white flame actually burned directly along the spider.

The Li foot that almost touched Mason suddenly stagnated, backward, and even made a hissing and tapering cry. Aiden's face, which was stunned, condensed, and his spirit sword went directly to the air and stabbed between the eyes of the poisonous spider.

"Cheep..." A tearing sound accompanied by tapering screams sounded, poisonous spider body continuous retrogression, finally soft on the ground, and the whole body of pale white flame burning more crazy.

In a short time, it turned into a mass of black dust scattered on the ground, while the eight legs lost their main body and all fell to the ground. The cold and secluded awn faded down in an instant.

Mason vomited his turbid breath and looked at the poisonous spider that had turned into ashes with fear. Aiden landed on the ground and picked up the black spirit sword with its body. He scolded in a low voice: "The toxicity of this animal is really horrible. If this spirit sword is not the top grade of the third order, I'm afraid it will be melted by this horrible toxin."

Soon, Aiden turned his head and looked at Mason with pale eyes. He took out a black pill from his savings ring and put it into Mason's mouth. He whispered, "Are you all right? Let's reply first!"

Soon he went to Gorden not far away and handed him a pill.

Mason and Gorden sat up and meditated with their eyes closed, while Aiden seemed not to let go of the poisonous spider and stepped on several feet on the ground.

Soon, his eyes flashed with silk light, picked up a poisonous stinger and whispered, "the third-order poisonous spider must contain toxins, Jie jie... next time the toxins are refined, how good it would be to practice a poisonous pill!"

Aiden put all eight profits into his savings and walked directly towards the motionless earth beast lying there.

At this time, the five zang-organs of the earth beast have all turned into blood. The toxin of the poisonous spider can be called horror. Its huge body is only supported by the surface layer of body. With a wave of his sword in Aiden's hand, he cut off the body of the earth beast.

"Dang..." With a light sound, Aiden's right hand was hemp, and his spirit sword almost fell off. Looking at the body of the earth beast, Aiden murmured, "It is not the Kui is a third-order medium-grade earth beast, and its scales are high in defense. Later, I'll ask the boy Mason to split it. If only it were a shield."

When Aiden looked left and right around the earth animals, Mason and Gorden recovered almost the same. They opened their eyes and looked at Aiden, whose eyes were full of joy, while shaking their heads helplessly.

"Mason, are you awake? Come on, use that sword to split the beast of the earth, and use this scale to make a shield to play with!"

Aiden's voice came, Mason smiled helplessly, his right hand muscle shrank, picked up the virtual sword and walked towards the ground beast.

Deep in the small 100,000 mountains, the figures of the three teenagers paused at the deep boundary and looked deep.

"This is the deep boundary to the small 100,000 mountains." Gorden gazed ahead and whispered.

Aiden, who was next to Gorden, held a huge white shield in his right hand and looked away from his eyes. "Since he is here, then he must go in. The small 100,000 mountains will not defeat the three of us! We are going to conquer the forbidden areas in Fantasy continent."

Mason's mouth swung, and the virtual sword on his shoulder shook even more. He looked helplessly at Aiden. These days, Mason has a new understanding of Aiden and Gorden.

Aiden looks rough and crazy, and his words are even rude. However, Mason knows that Aiden's cruel and cruel nature in his bones is covered by this layer of disguise, while Gorden is cold, but Gorden's heart is the quietest of the three, and his cold eyes are full of wise light.

"Then, go ahead!" Gorden whispered, stepping out with his right foot, while Aiden followed with a huge white shield.

Mason carried a virtual sword and his eyes kept sweeping around. In the past month, Mason has formed the habit of vigilance in this small mountain of 100,000. Especially in the depths of the small 100,000 mountains, Mason's nerves are jumping tight. If there is any change, I'm afraid the virtual sword on my shoulder will not hesitate to cut it off.

After walking for nearly an hour, all the spirit beasts around seemed to disappear, even the roar of the former spirit beasts disappeared. Instead of relaxing their vigilance, the three men became more dignified. Aiden's sneer on his face also slightly restrained and his eyes became more dignified.

"Take a rest first. I feel that I have a bad feeling!"

Gorden whispered, Mason and Aiden nodded at the same time, which was too quiet to alert all three.

When the three men found a big tree, Gorden and Aiden sat down, while Mason was nearby, waving an action with a virtual sword and splitting smoothly! !

With each wave, the muscles of Mason's hands will solidify, and the muscles of his whole body will surge. Although this blow seems simple, Mason's current blow needs to use the strength of the muscles of his whole body plus the internal strength and magic gas to explode at the same time in order to achieve the most powerful accomplishments.

In this nearly a month's time, Mason's internal strength actually broke through the yellow order to reach the mysterious order, which excited Mason.

At this time, Mason's carrying of the virtual sword was not as difficult as it was at the beginning. It was extremely easy to carry the virtual sword and his body was strengthened again.

However, after repeating the straight split for such a long time, Mason's muscles were slightly sore all over his body. Aiden, who was sitting next to him, opened his eyes and looked at Mason, sweating profusely, repeating the straight split. He was shocked and wondered, "Mason, is it useful for you to practice like this?"

Mason wiped the bean-sized sweat on his forehead, turned his head and grinned, "This kind of body is the best way." Soon Mason's whole body's internal strength was instantly injected into the virtual sword, and the muscles of his whole body were surging and swinging away toward the front.

"Boom..." A loud noise, Mason in front of the explosion out of a full seven meters long sword pit, the explosion of rubble toward both sides of the explosion, out of the continuous wind break sound.

Gorden suddenly opened his eyes, looked at the power forged by Mason's sword, and whispered, "Mason, you have refined again."

Mason breathed a sigh of relief, his forehead was covered with fine sweat again, and his breathing was a little short, but he did not collapse as he had done a few days ago. After looking at Gorden with a smile, Mason took out a pill of restoring Dan from the bottle given by Aiden in his pocket and put it into his mouth. He slowly sat down.

Aiden looked at the virtual sword with his eyes on the ground. Curiosity flashed through his eyes. He stepped forward, bent down and turned his hands towards the hilt of the virtual sword.

"Drink!!" Aiden's forehead stood out with veins standing out suddenly and violently, and his face was even more red, while the virtual sword did not move. Aiden seemed unwilling. With the true qi in his body, he took his hands to the hilt again.

This time, Aiden raised a few centimeters, but let go again. The hilt of the sword landed on the ground and made a muffled sound. Aiden vomited a sigh of relief, looked at Mason, his eyes were even more like monsters, and whispered, "I can't imagine that this 500-kilogram epee is like a wooden sword in your hand."

After Mason's recovery was completed, the three men headed for the small 100,000 mountain again.

Along the way, Mason's heart has been thinking about "the second type of opening the sky". The second type is to split up the original road instantly after the first type is split down. Although it seems simple, it is not something Mason can wield at this time. The sword split almost exhausted Mason's internal strength. If it is split back, it needs stronger internal strength to support it.

Suddenly, the three men stagnated at the same time. Mason's virtual sword on his shoulder was instantly put down and his eyes were fixed on the front.

"Damn it!!"

Aiden dark scold, I saw in front of a five-meter-long body covered with brown hair like a small mountain colossal plate sitting in front, eyes closed, as if in rest, from the body scattered faint dark green light, indicating that the spirit beast has reached the third order of the best spirit beast.

"Quiet, detour, the third-class spirit beast, cannot be defeated!" Gorden whispered, and then gently bypassed the road away from the monster and walked slowly. Aiden followed him with a solemn face at this time, and Mason broke behind. Mason's right hand muscle bulged and carefully picked up the virtual sword.

"Scoff..." A low voice of trivial sound, Mason hands of the virtual sword just bad to get around the bushes, three people body a coagulation, slowly turned his head, immediately a shock, a pair of big eyes full of play abuse staring at three people.