
"Er... I don't know when I can reach the level of several elders..." A disciple looked at the disappearing old man with a full face of sighs.

"I will be satisfied as long as I reach the level of teacher Bryan. Although magic's physical environment is only one level higher than that of teacher magic, it is... the sky is different!" Another disciple's eyes flashed and sighed.

"If I can practice with Daisy Taoist friends, I would rather not practice..."

A disciple with two eyes and full of desire murmured. All the disciples around him laughed at each other. Just now Gail's face to Daisy was seen in their eyes. They all knew Daisy's identity was extraordinary. However, the disciples all envied and envied Mason...

Mason grasped Daisy's hand tightly and looked at the clouds in a hurry and retrogression with horror. Hunting hurricanes scratched his ears. Breathing also became urgent. Mason looked at Daisy dazed and once again guessed what level Daisy had reached.