You Hit Me

Before Gorden took Mason and Daisy to a primitive but magnificent building in central Craftsman Sects, he said to Mason, "You live here first, and there will be a grand exchange meeting in five days. These days there will be talents from all over Fantasy continent, and then there will be a real gathering of talents."

Mason nodded, but in his heart he thought, Brother Joseph, Brother should come back. At the beginning, the master said how outstanding his brother's qualifications are. This time, Brother should come with Magic School. After pondering for a while, Mason slowly asked, "Gorden, where is Magic School's resting place?"

Gorden was stunned and looked at Mason doubtfully. He immediately pointed to a row of primitive houses opposite him and said, "It's just opposite Jiangang sects... why? Mason, do you want to have a discussion with Magic School's genius?"