Very Close

"Wake up!" Noah shook his shoulder and said, "Pee."

However, Ferne, who had been begging to pee in dreams, was still asleep in the toilet, and did not pee at all.

Noah frowned. After a moment of consideration, he lifted his penis with a towel and then whistled.

Ferne finally peed and opened his eyes blankly. When he saw that he was peeing in the toilet, he said calmly, "Well, I'm not dreaming."

Then he closed his eyes again.

Not long after, Ferne opened his eyes again. He looked at Noah beside him and then at his crotch. The most intimate part of his body was padded with a towel. However, from his point of view, he felt that Noah's hand was on it.

Ferne should be angry and embarrassed, but he had a shameless ... erection.

Words failed Noah.