Apron (2)

Emily sat in the shopping cart and looked up at Vincent behind her. "Mr. Vincent, it seems you dislike children?"

He looked down at her and said in a low voice, "Right, I only have a crush on you."

Emily rubbed her ears and pointed to the shelf, "I want that cookie."

Vincent picked out a box of cookies and put it into her arms. "Anything else?"

"No, next shelf." Emily said, waving her arms, "Move."

Vincent pushed the cart down to the next shelf. Many customers looked at them, on the way. His lofty image attracted the gaze of people far away from him. When they looked closer, they only found this was a man of imposing appearance. It was picturesque when he casually swept his deep eyes over.

Women couldn't get their eyes off Vincent. He looked softly when he lowered his head and spoke, with his lip slightly curved. Their fond dream was shattered when a girl in shopping came into sight.