Reward (3)

Randy played jungle. Lord Top was farming to higher levels and destroying the turret at the bot lane. TANK was caught several times at the top lane and the mid lane and traveled back with low HP. They did not defend the turret since Lord Top told them not to fight hard for the turret although it would benefit the whole rival team.

"Everyone, attack from behind!" Lord Top ordered. The mid-lane received the order and used his skills with low HP but was killed by the rival's AD Carry with support's help.

But when AD Carry turned back, he found himself surrounded by Lord Top and Randy.

This time, Lord Top had perfect cooperation with teammates.

In fighting, Wink suddenly realized Lord Top was leading them to fight according to the rival team's strategy. The rival team wanted to use Low HP as a trap. Taking advantage of this, they used Low HP to ambush the rival team. Since the rival team consisted of team players, Difficulty had to assist his teammates all the time in this round.