I Have a Good Sense of Smell (2)

Emily picked up her bag and walked to the door. But she stopped beside her classmates. These boys looked at Emily nervously. They didn't like Emily at first and thought that Emily was an ugly monster wearing a mask. But after the event related to the piano, they changed their views of Emily a lot even though many still didn't like her. But even since the piano event, no one mocked Emily to her face like those guys from Class S.

These boys didn't expect that Emily was not as weak as she looked. Instead, Emily was good at fighting. The last time these boys were surprised like this was when they saw their male teacher in a PE class. But these boys didn't tell the teacher how much they admired him. Now these boys were proud to be Emily's classmates, though they felt embarrassed in front of her.

They should feel weird and awkward to be saved by a girl. But now, when they saw Emily walk to them, they felt so excited and proud.

They were wondering what Emily would say.