Tranquility (2)

"Huh?" Randy turned around and looked at Lord Top.

Lord Top raised her head and looked at Randy.

Randy suddenly got it and then took several boxes from the shelf.

At the register, the cashier blushed when she scanned the tenth box of Durex and glanced at the two "men" standing in front of her.

Randy usually lived in the training base instead of his own apartment. Before he went back, Randy asked a housekeeper to clean it up, so when they arrived home, the apartment was tidy.

Lord Top went to put the stuff they bought in order. Randy followed her into the kitchen.

After Lord Top put the ingredients into the fridge, Randy pressed her against the fridge and kissed her.

At around eleven o'clock in the evening, Randy woke up and found that Lord Top was looking at her phone. She was reading some English materials. Her English was very good. The teacher that Randy found to give her extra lessons once praised her standard pronunciation. However, Randy rarely heard her speak English.