Noah and Christy Seven (1)

When Jacky returned home, there was a fresh palm print on his face.

"Jacky, have you been beaten?" Christy asked in surprise.

"Yes." Jacky touched his face and frowned, "It hurts."

Christy saw that the handprint on his face was thin, so she asked, "You were hit by a girl, right? Why?"

"Because I slept on her bed," Jacky replied.


"What? You and a girl? No way!" Christy was so shocked.

"She said I was sleeping naked," Jacky was a little distressed, "I haven't slept well, and I was kicked out."


"Do you ...?" Christy could not utter a complete sentence. She patted Trevor on the shoulder and said, "Ask him."

"When are you getting married?" Trevor asked.

"Not that!" Christy patted Trevor.

Trevor thought for a moment, "Then what do I have to ask?"


"When did this happen? Where does the girl come from?" "Why did you suddenly have a girlfriend out of nowhere?" Christy asked.

"She's not my girlfriend. I don't even know her name," Jacky said.