Chapter 328: Someone Is Missing

"It seems that the war is coming to an end."

Looking at the scene where Naito's palm was shaped on the ground with the Nibi's Jinchuriki in the middle, Shikaku Nara showed a hint of respect.

Naito has conquered all the battlefields against The Rock, The Sand, and The Mist. Among these three, the loss of the Mist was the most serious. Not only that, their Bijuu got caught, but also they lost the Seven Legendary Swordsmen.

Although, as long as they still have the actual seven weapons, they can always select new handlers, they will never be as good as the original team, at least not at the beginning.

Besides, although the Rock Village acts like it's not serious, their two Bijuu got caught at the same time, and the Third Tsuchikage has not dared to fight back.

As for the Sand, The Fourth Kazekage personally participated in the battlefield and got blocked by Sakumo several times, then Naito came and defeated their Bijuu.

The only side that remained is the Cloud.

It can be said that Naito is the one who conquered the Third World War!

Such a record, such a force, Shikaku could only think about one person who could have all of this a long time ago. The terminator of the Warring States period, the creator of the nation-village system, and the establisher of Konoha, the First Hokage, and the God of Shinobi, Senju Hashirama!

Shikaku couldn't help but look at Naito in the sky with respect.

"After this war, he's truly no longer a half-god, but at the same height as the First Hokage."

Standing in the sky, after defeating the Nibi, Naito faintly glanced at the battlefield below, at this time, both sides were still frozen in their places.

However, the morale of the Cloud side was on the verge of collapsing after they watched the Nibi get easily defeated.

The army commander's forehead was dripping with cold sweat, his back was soaked, looking at the sky, his heart was overwhelmed with endless fear, and he could barely stand still, praying for the arrival of the Fourth Raikage to be soon.

However, at the next moment, a pale-faced ninja suddenly appeared next to him and said a few words with a trembled tone.


These words made the sword in his hand fall on the ground.

His face also became pale for a moment, and he couldn't help but widen his eyes in disbelieve.

"The Fourth Raikage and Killer bee… Got…"

He raised his head once again in fear at the sky to look at Naito.

Suddenly, he gave the order and disappeared. It didn't take much longer after that for the Cloud army, who has finally collapsed to retreat.

Then Konoha's army started chasing them.

For such a long time, they kept hoping that Minato will come at the right time and somehow manage to defeat the Nibi, but even with the help of Nara's commandment, it would have been impossible for them to deal with the Hachibi when he comes out.

Shukaku couldn't help but sigh in relief.

While chasing the defeated Cloud, Konoha Shinobis felt ultimate respect for Naito.

Standing in the sky, Naito looked a the Cloud's army, who fled, and Konoha's Shinobis, who were chasing them. After he shook his head slightly, Naito was ready to leave the place.

However, just when he was about to leave, he suddenly blinked, then he frowned with a stern expression.

Naito could see every corner of the battlefield from where he was standing. Just when he was about to leave, he suddenly noticed that someone was missing!

If it was anyone, or even thousands of Konoha Shinobis Naito wouldn't care, but this person that has disappeared… Was Uchiha Obito!

From the beginning, Naito paid more attention to Obito since he was an important character. The amount of attention he gave him was even higher than Kakashi.

Kakashi has returned to the battlefield and was chasing the enemies with Konoha's army. Rin was also here, but Obito was missing!

"It seems that something unexpected happened."

Naito slightly wrinkled his brows. Then he suddenly flickered from the sky and came to the ground.

Under his Ultra Perceive, he could sense the entire battlefield; every corner was clear in his mind, he could perceive even the movements of every ant in the range of ten miles.

After a quick search, Naito found some strange traces.

The traces of a unique Earth Technique that can penetrate the ground. Naito was familiar with these traces, there shouldn't be any doubt about this… It's Zetsu!

Naito cannot always use his Ultra Perceive since it exhausts his mind, it seems that when Naito was dealing with the Nibi, Zetsu suddenly appeared and kidnapped Obito!

Naito was confused by this strange change of event, why would Madara take away Obito?

There's no doubt that the story got changed entirely by the appearance of Naito. Still, it's not clear what Madara is planning in the dark anymore.

As soon as he thought of Madara, Naito's eyes suddenly slightly flashed with stunning color.

The blood rushed into his brain as the idea flashed in his mind.

From the place he was standing on, he condensed the Shock Force under his feet, and without even kicking the ground, it collapsed beneath him.

Suddenly he fell directly into the pit that he created.


After falling to the ground, Naito was glowing with a faded white light. If you look closely, that aura around his body was shattering the walls around him and opening the way to him.

The underground didn't stop Naito from tracking the traces that Zetsu left-back.

Although the speed of moving in the ground was much slower than outside, it's still relative to Naito. For other ninjas, it's almost unbelievable.

Yuu Naito didn't know how far he dug underground. Finally, when the traces disappeared, he sensed a massive cave in the distance!

The moment he sensed that cave, Naito flicked directly, leaving the underground that was continually collapsing.

He seemed like a stream of light, running through the endless layers of the earth and at top speed rushing to the Underground Cave!