

The clock in the front hall chimed at six. Early by anyone's standard.

Jisoo however is exhausted over the long day and constant barrage from her co-workers turns off the lights and locks up for the night.

Handing the key to the manager, with a deep breath she heads home waving goodbye to her co-workers.

She can't help but think of the storm which had re-entered her life.

Days have past and it seemed like that night …. That night.. would remain just a memory.

Yet … he showed himself again .. and disrupted her world once more.

Heading home, lost in her world she see's two faces in the near distance, the good-looking couple showing no regards to their surrounds as the wrap their arms around each other like snakes strangling their victims.

Unfortunately for Jisoo, the two soon spot her as Suji's sly smile calls out to her "Jisoo-ah!," the sarcasm in her voice on full effect.

Turning on a smile Jisoo, faces the two "Suji… Minho"

"Jisoo, I… we wanted to talk to you" Minho starts to speak.

"I don't" She answers back

"Come on Jisoo, we are all grown up's here" Suji interrupts, "We never wanted to hurt you. Minho was going to tell you after your birthday"

"How kind of you guys. Anyway I'm tired…. I can't do this now, Im heading home bye" She says swiftly as she turns down the alleyway she usually avoids ignoring the two people around her.

Entering the alleyway, she quickens her pace trying to get rid of the suffocating feeling that she is currently feeling.

Looking back, she see's that the two have finally given up and just as a sigh is about to leave her mouth.

She smells the scent of woodsmoke, something which seems familiar. When she is grabbed and her mouth is covered.

Struggling she elbows the body behind as the grip looses and she starts running in terror.

"Minho! Suji! Come Back!" She screams as she curses herself for heading this way, as the being continues after her.

Trying to find a place to hide, she finds a wall with a crevice in which she hides, while she places her hands over her mouth trying to control her breath.

"Jisoo, Kim Jisoo" She hears the coarse voice of a man, which grows louder the closer he gets.

Her eyes and body trembles as she begins praying for help from any God she can.

The steps grow closer, pat , pat , pat. The heavy boots which hit the concrete being the coldest melody her ears have ever heard.

Holding her mouth closed , the figure finally reveals itself.

Dressed in all black with a black bucket hat and black mask, the stocky figure slowly searches for her as he continues singing as if a nursery rhyme "Where oh where are you, little lady?

Seeing his figure past by her hiding spot, she begins to feel a momentarily feeling of relaxation.

When suddenly his body turns around and he starts walking back towards her, his smile on his face in plain view, "I seeeee you"

His voice causes her to panic and grab, the nearest thing on the floor she can as protection, a plastic pole that was left amongst the many other trash near.

She screams as she storms the 3 metres from the man, hitting him flush the first time.

As she heads for the second hit, he grabs the pole ripping it from her hands, before discarding it behind him.

"That was very brave and stupid little lady" He says as he slaps her with the back of his hand causing Jisoo to tumble to the ground.

Taking out a needle from his back pocket, he goes closer to the girl on the floor.

Just as he is about to grab the girl by her head, he feels a knee to his face which causes him to tumble over backwords.

"Get your filthy hands away from mine!" The tall man says, before dropping to the ground to check on the Girl

"Jisoo.. are you okay?" He asks as he places his hands on her face

"Jang-hyuk?" She asks shocked to see the man Infront of her.

"Yes.. yes… are you okay?" He repeats

But she doesn't care to respond.

Instead she tries to get up but falls back down.



"Go after him"

"What? No, I'm not leaving you like this" he says

"We can't let him go Jang-Hyuk.."

"It's fine.. I'm here.. he can't hurt you" consoling her he wraps his arms around her as he draws her closer to his chest as a smile forms across his face.

'Woodsmoke…. The amateur from last time…. I got you now…..'


At the hospital, Jaebum frantically runs to the front of desk before opening the door to the private room.

"Jisoo!" He runs inside towards his sister, "Don't Die!"

"Idiot, stop making a scene" His sister quickly shuts him down

Instantly getting out of the drama in his head, he notices the man next to his sister.


"Shut up!"

Standing up, the man whose face could cause countries to topple, boys and stretches out his hand as the brother shakes it.

"Good day. Brother-in-law"

"Brother in law"

He nods before looking at the girl who cheeks have grown a deep shade of pink.

"You are dating him! " He says pointing towards the two back and forth.

"Jang-hyuk-nim you can do much better." When suddenly a pillow flies towards his head which he swiftly doges as if used to it.

"No we are not dating!"

"Yes she rejected me" He quickly interjects

"You are cheekier than you look. Is it fun bullying me?"

"How do I look?" Jang-hyuk questions as he leans closer toward her, not minding the attention of the third.

"Like the devil" She answers back causing him to laugh lightly before placing a quick kiss on her forehead.

"This devil saved your life today." His smile causes her heart to beat in a way which feels as if its jumping out of her chest. "Okay, now that your brother is here… I'll be leaving… See you soon, Jisoo-ah. Bye Hyung-nim"

Stepping out he slides the door again, but not before hearing Jaebum once more scream his sisters name " Jisoo!"