Let's start the show

Date: 4055 13 march

Somewhere in space 50 high teach (fairys land) battle ship surrounded by tens and thousands of ships of the world government

A crew member shout's : what should we do captain

a woman's voice: do what you always do fight and never retreat

All the world government ship fired

The fairys land captain(a beautiful woman with white hair) : deploy the shield

Out of 50,only 20 survive

All Fairy lands ship fire says the captain

The shells fired, many ship got destroyed but they were still out numbered

The world government ship fired again and again and again

The fairys land ships shield broke. 19 ship were destroyed one left the captains ship

The captainof the fairys land shout's and says: who do you think you are?

I'm Rejina Scientia the greatest creater . I helped you; made weopen ships, gave you knowledge. Helped you so much and now you betray me you ass**** world government.

And the commander ship of the world government fires.

Regina says so this is how I die with my own weopen.

She thinks about all that has happened in the past.

And says if I had more time and could be immortal. If I could live again and make my ships again.

It would be fun to be a demon or angel

A voice says: WHY NOT BOTH

Regina: HUH