
Rose, now Ryella strolled towards the wardrobe and recalled from the memories about how Ryella's evil stepsister do disapprove of any kind of outfit that suits her perfectly, instead she picks out the horrible outfits and sweet talked Ryella into wearing them. Unfortunately, the original owner of the body was too naive to see past her stepsister's fake act of kindness but instead mistook it for sisterly love.

Ryella picked out a black, off the shoulder crop top and white high waisted jeans. Nods in approval and heads towards the bathroom for a bath and out of curiosity about the physical features of her new body.

"What!!" she was stunned by her reflection from the mirror as she stripped naked. She had the exact same face from her previous life except that this face had lost its baby fats and was more matured with a peerless beauty that could topple nations, her lips were full and almost pink, her hair was long,black waist length From the other looks of things, the body had a great shape, her boobs were full and mature enough for her age, her hips were well curved with a slim waist and her butt was soft and rounded.

According to her new memories and the book, she should be an ugly seventeen years old and shouldn't be an epitome of beauty, maybe heavens decided to smile at her .

"Finally, I'm more matured but I have to focus on my mission, that is, to get back everything that belongs to me from this family. It should be mine and only mine".

With so much difficulty, she distracted herself from staring at herself and take her bath. Ryella didn't spend so much time dressing up and was careful not to spill any drop of water in order not to have a repeat of her past ordeal. She applied some light lip gloss to enhance her lips, then glanced at a calendar before sitting down on her bed to think for a while.

'Hmm according to the book, today should be when those two timing scumbags, Dexter and Susan meet in an hotel to celebrate Susan's new position as a B class artress under the pretense of them planning the wedding, instead they were already starting their family' she clenched her fist tightly. Even though she would have a chance of getting evidence of them cheating on her, it felt too early to expose them, Ryella smirked mischievously"well two can play this game, let's rock".

An audition for the movie 'A Thousand Miles Away' was going to take place that day and Rose is determined to get the female lead role, a role Susan had been craving for and got in the past thanks to her naive past self and that made Susan a B class actress, but now Rose is determined to strip everything away from her to avenge Ryella and create a stunning identity for herself.

"If I'm correct, that lying bastard should be calling me in two minutes to audition in place of Susan". Rose smiles devilishly as she thought inwardly 'luckily for me, I have the knowledge of everything that is gonna happen, I'm gonna use that to my advantage'

And true to her estimations, in two minutes time a phone rang and Rose recognized it to be Ryella's phone. 'Time for action' she tries not to throw up as she heard Dexter's voice

"Hello babe" she sensed that Dexter was being unusually warm and sweet toward her since it's gonna involve helping Susan.

"Hey.. Dexter" she purposely made her voice sound weak to throw him off course.

And as expected, Dexter didn't notice anything "I really need you to help Susan in auditioning today, everyone knows that A Thousand Miles Away is gonna be a big hit and it would be a good thing if she's able to get a lead role".

"Why can't she go?,I'm supposed to be preparing for other stuffs" Ryella's tone of voice became cold and that didn't excape Dexter's notice.

"She sprained her ankle this morning, I promise this would be the last time you would help her.." Dexter paused for a few minutes "then we'll start planning our wedding". In the past, he would always bring up the wedding to induce her to doing what he asked.

"That's what you always say, most times I think you care about her and act as if she's your fiancee" rose sniffed slowly making it seem like she's hurt.

"Why would you say that?, You know that I care about you?" He was slowly losing his patience, but didn't snap at her cause it was important for Ryella to audition in place of Susan since she had a rare acting skill which no one can match up to but unfortunately, he was in love with Susan not her.

"If you really cared about me, you would know that I'm not feeling too good this morning and you would be by my side instead of calling me to help her!". Ryella tried to keep up the act and not bite her tongue.

"I'm so sorry, just do this for me and your older sister who loves....".

Rose snapped "just leave me be! Don't call me again and no I can't audition in her place" Then she disconnected the call, leaving Dexter speechless .

She burst out laughing but stopped immediately after realizing that someone might over hear her and she wasn't ready to blow her cover yet. "Two down, more to go!" She muttered before grabbing her purse.

Meanwhile Dexter was suprised at the outburst he got from Ryella, she had never lost her temper with him which made him wonder if she ever had an angry side. She has always listened to him and accepted whatever her told her, what made her lose her temper with him or has she found out about him and Susan, 'no...she doesn't seem to be that smart'

"Baby.." he heard a soft voice which broke him from his thoughts, he turned to see the owner looking quite exhausted on his bed and felt a pang of guilt "what did sister say?".

He couldn't reply but after a while "...she didn't agree to do it,she says she's not feeling too good".

Susan clenched her fist tightly as viciousness and anger flashed through her eyes, but Dexter wasn't able to see how vengeful she looked since he was busy making calls. 'that b*tch! How dare she!' I'm going to teach her a lesson'. She immediately replaced her look with a pitiful look like that of an innocent child that has been wronged "how can my sister do this to me? How can she be so heartless, why can't she do me this favor, it's all my fault"

Dexter, remembering the night of pleasure they had, rushed to her side "don't blame yourself my darling, it's all my fault that you are so sore this morning, I promise to help find a substitute. You need to become the female lead, think about how popular you would be, your name would be written in pure gold and through it all, I'll be by your side" he kissed her lovingly "I'm so lucky to have you, forget that sl*t, the audition isn't happening soon so we've got time for other things" Susan squealed softly like a little kid as he tickled her.

Wearing a shawl and sunglasses, Rose stepped out of the house and breathes a sigh of relief knowing that it was by pure luck not having to encounter her father and step mother. She flagged down a taxi.

"Where to, Miss".

"Galaxy shopping mall". She replied with a hint of nervousness. She was trying to prevent a bad ending to this storyline and is intentionally changing the storyline but this doesn't seem enough to her satisfaction, she needed something bigger.

In Ryella's past life, most people knew her as the worthless and useless daughter of the Kress family. Most people especially the mediia mocked her and claimed that Susan was a blessing to the family and of course, Susan obviously liked this but pretended to side and support her in public, giving her the image of kind and benevolent, no one knew that she was hiding her true colors from the media. 'now I'm gonna scrap that facade off her face and reveal her wicked and vicious identity'. It was as if the temperature in the taxi dropped by a few degrees as the aura surrounding Rose became cold and that scared the driver who was constantly watching her from the side mirror.

'But I need a back up plan, something I can fall back on when things goes wrong, I need power cause Susan is gonna come after me, I need a play my card fast cause time is running out'.

She took out her phone and scrolled through her contact list, stopping at a name ' Juan'. Juan was one of her highschool friends and a nerd who genuinely helped her in the past. In the future, Juan ended up being a private paparazzi and business man who was worth millions.

Without thinking twice, she dialed his number, it rang for a few seconds before he picked.

"Hello Ryella, are you okay? Hope you didn't get in any trouble?"

She smiled, knowing that he truly cared about her " Juan, I'm alright but I really need to see you, it's really important, hope you aren't too busy?".

"No, no, I'm free right now. I can never be too busy for you" Rose chuckled at the sound of that while Juan pretended to clear his throat " uhm that came out wrong, it's not what you think.."

"Don't worry Juan, I know what you mean, besides I haven't forgotten that you don't do girls. I'm currently on my way to Galaxy shopping mall, you'll meet me at Starbucks cafe, I'll be waiting for you". She disconnected the call.

She replayed her plan slowly in her mind, wondering what was gonna happen next if she actually succeeded, she started smiling almost causing the driver to lose control because her

"Miss, we're here"

"Thank you very much"