24. Life and fun.

Petrelli Knight was very prudent in the life and affairs of the Carmosa Kingdom. So ambidextrous and great in life that seemed all was well in life with fun.

King Aiglestar was also very glad in life and found it a funny dispensation as life was filled and packed with unoblivious fun.

It was the first day of the week in the month of Summer and Petrelli Knight saw life the way it truly was very difficult yet funny.

Petrelli Knight began life as a very young child and passing through the Castle and Kingdom training, he soared high as he became his Father's best Knight and only Prince and Heir to the Carmosa Kingdom.

In life there were varieties of fun which included activities as a daily routine in life such as warm pool bathing; savoury meat eating and sweet wine drinking; relaxation with the Princess; Knight Horseriding; Sword fencing; knightly plays and dramas; some book writing on parchments; some evening time Campfire gathering with food and dancing with some favorite story and singing. It was a routine event making it interesting life, custom and tradition of the Carmosa Kingdom.

Petrelli Knight therefore began each day in life with some pool bathing thereby washing himself clean and dressing in fresh apparels and the whole Castle inhabitants followed suit as part of their lifestyle and there wasn't a dirty member of the Carmosa Kingdom.

Also some savoury meat eating and sweet wine drinking and Petrelli Knight and his folks had some fill of the foods being served by the Queen Batistas and other Castle Maids as they ravished their meal servings with much joy.

Other occasions in life that made it fun filled was Petrelli Knight's relaxation with his wife the Princess Petrillope. Petrelli Knight slept frolicking with her as though hours were long to pass by. They both had some fun in lovemaking.

Knight Horseriding and merry-go-rounding was part of life and fun for Petrelli Knight and his Cohorts. Petrelli Knight and other Knights strutted and fretted doing Horseriding in the woods close to and within Carmosa landscapes. There was much fun as Petrelli Knight and calvarymen rode their horses singing their war songs as though simulating battle time brandishing their weapons for battle.

After the Knight Horseriding lifestyle, Petrelli Knight also partook in sword fencing and though it was once difficult for Petrelli Knight to fence as a child, he was much later as Man able to do extremely well in fencing, able to knock, hit and pierce with his Sword in what seemed to be life fencing and Petrelli Knight was able to adumbrate his life points.

There were some Knightly plays and dramas as routine schedule in life of Petrelli Knight and others in the Castle. Such plays which covered life stories of the Prince and lessons in power and success with skills that were used in battle. Petrelli Knight enjoyed the whole event alongside the audience during the life dramas about the Prince as staged in the Castle Theatre. The plays and dramatic events were so thrilling that Petrelli Knight was unable to count the number of times he bursted into laughter and she'd some tears at a more than wonderful ethical drama and comedy.

Amongst the many events that Petrelli Knight made saddling through life and fun was the Prince's book writing about the subjects of Wisdom, Life, Justice and Science written on parchments for the future foals to learn from. The storylines were much hotter and of interesting theme, plot and settings to the extent that it struck the chords of life edification.

Also to top it up, some campfire gatherings and supper feeding with some spicy roast beef and dance round the fire, songs and storytelling culminated the event of life and fun which was the order of the day for the Carmosa Kingdom and it's rulers and cohorts were greatly engrossed as their daily routine in life that made it all fun filled and phenomenal.