38. The King's fierce breath.

King Aiglestar was a very calm Father, King and Leader. He possessed Divine skills in leadership making renowned success in all his battles. He was an awesome Contempore and Radical Socialite of his kingdom.

There was some crisis in the Land as the people of Carmosa were in need of some talking and admonishing. They had begun to unruly exist the opposite of the sort of Subjects and Knights the land of Carmosa once knew and had.

The Carmosa subjects had started derailing. As Knights they had tried decamping and attempted emigrating to other neighbouring lands. King Aiglestar was surprised wondering what motive or vocal tone to employ in castigating and chastising his disloyal Knights and Subjects. It was not as though the Land of Carmosa wasn't fruitful or successful, but these partisan incorrigible Knights were on the basis of betrayal and their decamping was planned to be undertaken due to the fact that news spread that the land of Thickhill and other neighbouring lands had minted and produced more gold and silver and cultivated and harvested more foods and produced more goods and arms plus weapons for battle such that they were much more wealthy than the land of Carmosa. Also the foreign lands had their Knights better and much more remunerated. To the King Aiglestar, it seemed like the Carmosa Knights and Subjects were planning their travel in a bid to rejecting their land forgetting all the trials and battles which they had gone through and won together in their recent past. They had forgotten all the pains and joys they had shared with his once loyal subjects and wondered why in their now trying times he was about to be ignored, let alone and rejected.

Petrelli Knight attempted to calm and encourage the planning emigrants in a bid to chastising them. He reminded them of their trying moments and hall of successes and achievements. He thought it wise to call an order or parley in a bid to addressing the subject of decamping. "Imagine it's not as though we have run out of arms, at least we can still boast of having some gold and silver and foodstuffs in malls and warehouses, we have not totally gone under, why are these men attempting a defection and decamping?" Petrelli Knight was astounded and felt a bit bewildered knowing not what to say to steer his people's minds amassing a thorough rethink to revisit their decision to leave the Carmosa Kingdom. After all a Kingdom comprised of the Royal Family, territory, goods, Knights or Soldiers and Subjects.

After much persuasion by Petrelli Knight, King Aiglestar intervened in the discussion and chastisement of his disloyal Knights and Subjects. He was greatly enraged and infuriated that his tone of voice hid his fierce, rash and loud mood. The people of Carmosa on hearing him, both disloyal and loyal Knights and Subjects in fear and trembling saw reason and was able to reckon with the plight of the King and feared making their dreaded action. They understood that their leaving their land to other lands was at their own peril as they heard the fierceness of their once loving and quiet King's voice. King Aiglestar wittingly blasted the people threatening to slay them if they dared to leave his Kingdom.

After the King's fierce warning and use of his charged voice in talking sense to the Knights and Subjects that planned their exit and reside abroad, the people rethought their decision and after some time there was no case of decamping or flight from the Carmosa Kingdom as before planned by the disloyal Knights and Subjects.