41. The Guards of the Temple.

The Carmosa Castle was very splendid and beautiful especially after the Genie Kone transformed the status quo of all lands and territories into beautiful gold sites and thrones, forests, flora and fauna. There was great joy when the subjects of Carmosa and other Kingdoms reminisced the past poor surroundings of their Castles and the recent Rich Estates and Walls, not forgetting the props. Few knew it was the super timely response and intervention of Petrelli Knight but were at loss when inquired about the source of the Prince's power of transformation.

The Kingdom of Carmosa and it's Temple was filled with Knights and their Subjects, and Guards that ensured that the Temple and Kingdom was safe from Castle Breaking and banditry.

It was more than a pleasure that Petrelli Knight also oversaw the activities of the Guards about four hundred in number, a hundred guards each monitoring the four walls of the Castle.

Though Petrelli Knight knew each of his Guards by name, there were four prominent Chief Knightly Guard Leaders of each group that manned the four walls of the land from the North to the South, East to West.

On the North side of the Carmosa Castle was the Leader of the Guards called Mokes was very agile, gifted and energetic able to guard the North side of the Carmosa with much grace and might. He had instructed his team of guards with Dynamic instructions for daily routine efforts at guidance even as the other Angle Guards possessed guarding and security styles or schemes. They were all catered for by the Castle Maids who always brought meals and drinks to the Guards in their quarters as they had their abode on the inset close to their posts of security.

The next Chief Guard to the South Carmosa walls called Spake's was a very talented Guard one that was without fear an intrepid Guard that watched over his subjects as though leaving no stone unturned and taking no Prisoners but arresting strange persons and Invaders to the Carmosa Castle attempting to lay siege of the dynamically beautiful enomous castle.

The third Chief Guard on the East side of the Carmosa Castle was called Wades, a name and colloquial as he waded through the Carmosa Castle with much strength and grace. Around and before the Carmosa Castle on the East side was a pool of bathing water. Wades was responsible for the unhackneyed security of the pool against it's corruption by outsiders. He was gifted by special secretive eye glands, blessed with the gifts of sight that even when closing his eyes he could scope the landscape from far and near the Eastern Carmosa walls.

The fourth but not the least Chief Guard of the West Walls of Carmosa who also held a hundred guards in his array was Kades. A well built tough skinned Guard one that one that once during an invasion at the Carmosa Castle was shot with a poisonous arrow that got his Assailants the thought of his demise. Kades did survive the injury to his back and since then was labeled an immortal sty recommended for his Chief role. People of far and near Castles to the Carmosa Castle heard about the fame and existence of Guard Kades the immortal Chief Guard of Carmosa West that they feared making rampage of the Carmosa walls as attacking him would mean their pact with death as the Guard Kades was a very radically nebulous Guard with the strength of an Ox and skin of a mule or perhaps an Hippo.