44. A Starry Night.

Petrelli Knight was a very kind and richly blessed Prince to his Father's throne of Carmosa. He was so blessed that even the whole Cosmos shone it's lights and stars on him. He was the best star that ever lived through all the existing Kingdoms and for this reason shone like a star in the sky.

In the daytime, everywhere Petrelli Knight toured through the yellow bright and hot sunlight shone closely above him. Though the members of Carmosa kept his lighting secret, it took Petrelli Knight till the age of thirty to decipher this extra talent, that the starry lights were gifts bequeathed him by his Father King Aiglestar who spiritually reigned in the Skies the loftiest in the Skies for his throne.

Petrelli Knight used to think that the sun shine aglow everywhere until he was confused in by his friend Knight Soto who exalted Petrelli Knight and praised him as the highest worshipping with a symbol of God head that was crowned with so much celestial glory.

Also blessed with the shinning of the moonlight over him in the Skies, Petrelli Knight was once ignorant and knew not of these gifts till he studied thoroughly through their religious books and parchments that he was the mostly reverred and worshipped and loved in the whole Universe not only in the land of Carmosa. Petrelli Knight won all his games and was more than a successful, loving, faithful and caring Knight and Lord. A host and an indefatigable, invincible and unconquerable in battle. The moonlight shone so close above Petrelli Knight wherever be it on the East or West, North or South. The moonlight was symbol of his greatness and glory.

There was and we're varieties of lights that shone in the Skies to hail Petrelli Knight. Apart from the Sun and the Moon, the stars, the various twinkling lights shone brightly yet distantly. Inclusive of all these stars were the Orion, the Pleadies, the Perseus, the Tumeric, the Harbour and the Zeus. All these stars as he was being emulated by all who knew the essence of these shinning lights.

The Orion comprised of all the dotted stars in the Skies above Petrelli Knight. They signified that Petrelli Knight had made points in life, such points that made for his success in life as an Heir and as a Knight of Carmosa in East Paris.

The Pleadies also shone brightly as a gift to Petrelli Knight in the Skies. These stars signified that Petrelli Knight was pleased with all his Knights and sundry. They shone as triune stars each side of the sky. The Pleadies made light for not only did Petrelli Knight please, he was also pleased by his fellowmen and cohorts.

The stars called Perseus also shone brightly above Petrelli Knight in the Skies to indicate that Petrelli Knight was once a Successful Perseus in his early life symbolic of the Son of Zeus the God of the Skies and Thunder. It included the belt line and shape and figure of Perseus with his costume and Petrelli Knight was glad having deduced this star and blessed light of his past times and heroic quality.

The Tumeric stars also shone brightly in the Skies at night above Petrelli Knight which shone dotted like dusty stars indicated the fact that Petrelli Knight used Tumeric herbs and for his medicinal and health effects was himself an healer. So the Tumeric Stars shone and represented Petrelli Knight in the lofty heights of the firmament.

The Harbour was another group of stars which looked like a drawing of a little Castle or Ship shinning in the golden traced line in the dark starry nights. It was of Petrelli Knight's benevolence drawn out of his love for building his home and a Kingdom and he was cheered for by the Stars.

The stars of Zeus also shone above in the Skies but we're not very apparent. However if deciphered by the use of a magnifying glass it looked like the throne of Zeus and a thick thunderbolt, all represented by dotted lines in the Skies where Petrelli Knight laid threshold.

There were few other stars arranged in the Skies since Petrelli Knight's birth and glory as an Heir to the King Aiglestar of Carmosa and Lord and Knight of Paris.