Again with the Grind (Minor math fix)

'Why don't I have a name?'

'Pondering for a bit I noticed that earlier when checking my status, back with my old system I had initially had my old name, then I changed it again... But not having a name now is off putting to say the least, I also got a sense that this was purposely done too.

Not wanting to think about it much longer, I'll just leave naming myself up to my future self.

Moving on, I have to eat something now. It seems like the stronger I get the more calories I will burn to to sustain my body, cause based of my calculation, I should not be this famished. I am now in a normal humans body. Well... as normal a body can get at least. Or my hunger could possibly be due to my level of fat... .

"System, could you direct me to the nearest food source if possible?"


'Shit, it got a one up on me, for now that is... it's like it knew I was going to ask for a safe or quick route to get the rabbits, but such is life, a lazy man shouldn't eat. Time to start.

I quickly scanned the area for any sturdy and sharp spear like branches around me, knowing I couldn't outrun the rabbits, not yet at least, so for now, I needed to do it the old way, in my style. A smile came upon my face, wanting to test a theory I had. With my level intellect it should be more than possible to pull off.

I quickly ran to where the rabbits were, trying my best to get there as quickly as possible, and after running for a good 9 minutes. I got there hiding myself in the nearby bushes within area, as best as I could with this body. Then ahead I saw the rabbits munching on conveniently placed lettuce that was grown there.

'Time to test out my theory'

I focused on possible routes on where I could catch all three as efficiently as possible, but due to my perks and my abnormal brain power my theory had been proven correct, I could see the 'numbers'. I know I might sound delusional but at where my current mental faculties were. It was possible, as it was beautiful. I saw angles, times and routes where I should effectively go myself to get the most efficient results as possible, I was sherlock Holmes on steroids, I saw the many possible results of my actions depending on where I chose, and I chose the most optimal for my current body.

Not only could I 'somewhat' predict the future for a short time, I could also see where I could throw my makeshift spears, by viewing the various angles of were I could aim and pin down each rabbit, as well as gauge the amount of strength I could use via the possibilities I had ran within the short span of 25 seconds give or take. Now had finished formulating my plan, I was ready to commence.

After that, I heard a ding sound after formulating my plans.

'I quickly took up my two spears, and lined them up immediately towards the two rabbits in front, quickly throwing the spears at a 46.33 degree arc. Both landed even taking into the effect of the wind speed as well through my minor calculations. It was perfect, the other three ran and scattered as quickly as they could, I ran towards the left spear since it was closer to me.

I looked at the rabbit to the right, hurrying to its tiny hidey hole, and as I predicted as well, the rabbit slipped on its little legs due to the angle it ran at, stalling it enough for me to throw the spear ahead, at a 84.46 degree angle give or take. Piercing the rabbit perfectly in the head. Quite brutal tbh, but life is life, and I need to eat too.


I saw the rabbits disappear, now they are on a silver platter, which are now cooked beautifully. I could get used to this, if each time I could get cooked meals by the system by catching game, I wouldn't mind doing it forever tbh, it was convenient and efficient too. After eating one of my finely cooked rabbits which was delicious, I placed the rest in my inventory. Pondering what I should do now. The time is approaching mid day. Thinking about it a bit more, I set me new priority to exercise for the rest of the day, having nothing to really do.

Starting once more, I looked around the area, and saw it was clear. Now intending to triple my workout I did earlier today. Keeping in mind that I could potentially lose all my weight within a week of exercising. Now prepping myself, after stretching a bit. I started once more with the push-ups.

~3 hours later~


'I said out loud, I was back to exercising, I didn't only tipple it, I added more to the routine by time I was finished, I did a little over 1000 pushups, pushing myself to the absolute limit, as well as increasing the rest by 8x. My adaptability coming into play as well as my other perks that kept me pushing. But, I wasn't going to lie... earning it this way was far more satisfying in a way. Instead of absorbing others to increase my power, I could grind my way up from the bottom. And it was exhilarating. Given that I do have a bit of help, but said help only increases my gains not necessarily a shortcut. And I kind of preferred it this way. After finishing up my monologue, I checked my stats.

"system, show me my status".




AGE: 15


HEIGHT: 5,6.5FT --> 5,7.5FT

WEIGHT: 265P --> 234P

HEALTH: 340/340 [ STR+END x 10 ]


STR: 12-->18

END: 8--> 16

AGI: 5---> 15

PER: 4 --> 6

INT: 336 --> 345

DEX: 3 --> 12

LUC: 0--> 1




REGENERATION-M (NEW): ON THE WAY TO IMMORTALITY! you can regenerate faster than normal humans. WARNING, this perk has not reached the level of limb regeneration, but it is still 200% faster than what normal humans can feasibly do.

MATHEMATICAL PRECOGNITION-I (NEW): YOU CAN SEE THE EQUATIONS! you can predict the future via viewing the 'numbers', thus allowing you to 'calculate' rather than just look normally into the future.

HYPERMIND-A: YOU THINK BEYOND THE LIKES OF HUMAN COMPREHENSON! You are able to learn anything with a whooping x500% increased speed! Also grants true eidetic memory and the mind palace access at will.

ENERGY GENERATOR-A: YOUR POWER IS OVER 9000!!!!!. Your energy modifier has now increased, rather than INT x 25, your new modifier will be INT x 5000!.

GENIUS-M: Doubles your learning speed for knowledge and magical oriented activities, as well as enhancing the bearers mental faculties.

THE TRAINING MANIAC-M: You live and die for strength!. Enhances your training gains by 100% (stacks with potential passives in the future).

THE PERFECT BEING-M: You are perfect and you know it! gives a 100% bonus to all physical stats, even when focusing on a single stat, such as strength (stacks with potential passives).

MARTIAL PRODIGY-M: You are the chosen one. Allows you to learn and comprehend martial arts by 400% (stacks with potential passives in the future).


'Nice, 2 new perks as well to boot. With me having regeneration too, which was necessary... now the down side to this wonderful day. My gains were slowing down drastically. I'm starting to reach the point where mere pushups wont help without proper equipment. In lame mans terms, I was experiencing diminishing returns or the great 'plateau', as the gym-cons call it. But in this case, it wasn't really my fault. My body was closing in on the superhuman side of endurance and strength. Though, not quite at batman's level, but close, with me benching with my estimate of 402kg, which is insane mind you, but my perks were overpowered to say the least.

Now another pro. I was closing into the 'little over weight but still really fat' side, as I had dropped a LOT of weight within the 3 hours of working out intensely. I had to do more research on this body of mine, as I had theorized earlier, that my constitution isn't normal at all, even with the new perks, my body shouldn't be losing this much within a day at all. Plus, my looks had improved, my skin was fairer, and now a lighter shade, with it being light brown currently or light tan, with my hair less greasy and a bit straighter and my looks improving considerable. 'what was going on here?'.

Now I had to rate myself a 1.5/10 with me growing an inch taller too. I can be looked at now at least, but a normal person would probably still be disgusted at me.

"Such is life when the gains are good I suppose".





