Succeeding But At What Cost?

~ Omni Pov ~

The mc finally left the cave, with vengeance on his mind. He utilized his enhanced senses to scan the area within a kilometer, searching for the largest prey he could find. After taking his time around for the last 10 minutes focusing he finally found it, seemingly attacking a native specie around this area. With a quick dash, the mc quickly ran towards where the ape was.

~ Mc;s Pov ~

"I finally found you", I said in a deep tone. I saw the Manti-crux turn around, growling at me with the eyes of a predator. It quickly dropped the creature it was feasting on to try and get me. " I guess you've missed me huh? ", I said in a mocking yet sadistic tone. 'I was going to enjoy this'.

AU-( I'm gonna try my best with this fight sequence, hope you enjoy :) )

It launched itself at me, swinging it's fist towards my face. I got in my systema stance, parrying the strike with utter ease. The Manti-crux just seemed pissed since I brushed its strike off easily. It attacked again, in response I dodged a swing of it's fist, which obliterated the tree behind me.


I disappeared from its vision, going behind it without it noticing a single thing, leaving an after image in front of its last strike. After the image faded away. It looked around, me knowing it was confused of what just transpired. I shouted, " turn around big guy, I'm right here ".

Hearing my voice, It quickly dashed around towards me, with a look of confusion on its face, before it turned into pure fury. I know this little shit hadn't had a challenge in its reign here, no one to fight with to improve its skill and no one to match its power. But when that challenge arrived, it didn't like it one bit, and I was enjoying every second of it.

It charged towards me once more, using its tail to try and pierce me, but I dodged every singly blow casually, once again leaving after images. It roared at my antics, and getting the gist that I was doing this on purpose, I was playing with it for fun. And it couldn't stand it. Its pride and ego tumbling for the first time in its life.

I dashed behind it once more, before lining up a shot towards the Sulphur river that was nearby. Doing what baki did to that kid before, only this time. It's going to be FAR more painfull. I slapped it from behind, launching it 60 meters from where we were, straight towards the river. Hearing its anguished cry of pain before it fell into the river it self, before screaming even more.

I saw it land, seemingly trying to prevent its whole body from entering the river. As I had predicted, it sacrificed an arm to ensure its survival. Proving to me that it wasn't immune to the Sulphur like river, with more evidence of my previous endeavor. As it had jumped over it as well to avoid it.

'God! was high intellect wonderful'. Now out of my thoughts, I watched as it screamed and writhed with searing pain, melody to my ears. It stopped and stood up, looking straight at me before I replied ' how was the bath? quite Steamy wasn't it? '. I laughed, but play time was meeting its end and I had food to catch.

It looked at me, standing completely still, before I saw its eyes getting redder, than usually and its body bulking up. 'It seems like its going into a berserk like state', I said to myself without worrying. Where my power stands, it didn't have a sliver of a chance even with any bullshit power ups it could somewhat pull off. But, now I was getting a little annoyed. No longer wanting to waste time.

I ran towards it, slicing off one of its arm with a simple slash of my hand. I stopped, before it found where I was, It readied a blow with one of its working arms, throwing its strongest blow so far. I simple caught its arm with ease, causing the earth below me to crumble below its mighty strike, with shockwaves blowing the leaves away in the surroundings too. I gripped its arm and started to slowly crush it. Finally getting a reaction I wanted. It bellowed with pain.

"How does it feel to be below a creature you looked down upon?" I said to its now kneeling form.

"How does it feel to know that you are helpless, and completely at my mercy?" As now my voice carried a primal undertone.

"TELL ME!!", I shouted, before completely shattering and ripping its arm off. An anger unfamiliar to me surfacing.

I grabbed its neck, Punching it multiple times, discombobulating its already disgusting face. The anger coming over me that was slumbering. I punched over and over and over again, losing myself in the ecstasy of its bloody corpse, before everything starting to slowly blacken around me.

~ Fight End with Pov Switch~





"ARGGHHHH!!!", He shouted in pain.

He opened his eyes, wondering what was happening...





