This better be worth it

"ARGHHHH!!!!!!! ". My skin was melting before my very eyes, constantly healing while melting again. My body was convulsing, the very heat melting my bones, as well as boiling my blood. To say this was hell is an understatement. It's worse.

The gravity didn't help either, My body clung to the ground like iron to a super magnet, pain was all I could feel for the moment, but my body was adjusting slowly. My body not being able to heal properly is going to make this process A LOT longer than it should be. Pain once again washing over my flesh before I finally collapsed.

~ 4 Months Later, On earth ~

" I still see no signs of him batman, the guy is gone ", Superman said to his partner.

" I still don't believe someone could vanish without leaving any traces behind, not even the beings here with the highest amount of supernatural power could do it, so why can 'he' ". Batman responded. Ever since the appearance of that person, batman hadn't stopped searching, and neither has fury. They both refused to believe that someone could just disappear like that without leaving some trace behind. Not even strange could do it.

" Does it matter? ". Superman said with a contemplative tone. " Maybe he HAS left this planet. Even if you do find him, what then? He helped us in the invasion last time, and if I remember correctly, without him showing up, our chances of winning against that many were essentially nil ". He said once more, with a bit more frustration in his voice.

Batman looked towards him and said.

" Even so... anomalies like him leave more questions than answers... what if he comes back? Would you be able to stop him? As we both realized, he got more powerful as he fought, at least three times stronger in fact, within the span of no more than a couple minutes. So I have reasons to be alert and, if he should return, we should be able to take care of him. His potential is far greater than yours and other heroes put together, if he hypothetically grows three times stronger everyday for the last 3 months, he would be approximately 8.727963568 ×10^42 times stronger now, but even I somewhat doubt that possibility... No being can/should be able grow that much stronger and consistently within such a short span of time. "

Superman said nothing in response, only analyzing his partners words carefully, not really finding any fault within them. He looked down, and back up once more. he sighed, " OK... I get it. Take it easy for me, you haven't gotten much sleep at all, your immune systems haywire right now, your brain is being 15% less efficient than normal too. ", he said.

" I'll keep... the thought in mind... ", batman said.

" I'm leaving, have a nice night. ", Superman said before leaving, while another person entered.

Batman, now focusing on finding any clues, hadn't realized that someone new entered.

" Soo... still trying to find the same guy huh? ". A female voice said, with batman visible flinching for a split second, before his expression rendered normal once more.

" Yes ".

The female now visible upset, regained her composure, almost instantly as well. But in her mind, she was cursing at his flat and monotonous voice, she hated it, cause it meant nothing good. But decided things would be left there. " You know... this is the reason why we split in the first place?... we had a good thing going, before you ruined it with this obsession of yours. ". The last three words littered with mild venom.

Batman kept a stern face, before remaining silent, turning towards her, stopping his research for a moment.

" Widow... I'm sure fury had sent you on a mission, I wouldn't want to report to him about how inefficient you're currently being right now. Especially since its a code black. "

She remained silent, Before storming out the office without saying another word. With batman, staring into the blackness of his cave silently, before continuing his work.

~ Mc Pov Switch ~

For what felt like months, my body had adapted somewhat to the gravity and scorching heat of the planet, but I still felt a little resistance. If I didn't have the virus, I would have died thousands of times over within the past couple months. Looking around now.

The planet seemed visible barren, with the gravity here slightly warping the environment around because of how immense it is, with the heat distorting the visible horizon as well. Wondering how long creatures took to adapt to these kinds of environments.

I knew my objective right now is to consume and evolve, as simply as it gets, I wanted to leave this place, but I needed to prey on some creatures first.

After using my viral sonar ability, I could tell that the creatures here were were humanoid in structure, but that wasn't going to stop me. These creatures were custom made to be much more difficult than they were before... I dashed towards it. Turning up my perception to the maximum. The creature that moved now stood still, like a living statue.

Like before, My only option was to waddle it down by doing internal damage overtime. Throwing my first punch, didn't faze it, I expected that. This thing was extremely tough and far more powerful than me physically, but I could do this forever. And for the last 40 minutes of painstaking punches it finally died, I absorbed it, and the rest is history.

I absorbed as many as I could, with my title being active, it wasn't hard. My perception went up to a 1000 times normal, with my regeneration up to 10000%, A good increase with only 278 creatures, but its better than nothing. I even gained a fire immunity passive from the 7th kill. Which was a good ability to have in certain situations. But it was time... I felt I was powerful enough, my stats were in the 400's, with my abilities far superior compared to before.

All I needed to do now, was fight the champion... easier said than done. Even though I got hundreds of times stronger, it was still above me in raw strength but not by much. thinking to myself ' He really wanted me to have a challenge didn't he? '

With the 20 feet tall giant in the horizon. I quickly made my way there, using my precognition for once I a while, my instincts told me I might need it.

Finally noticing my presence, it turned around. then Disappearing?

Shock, that was all I was feeling, before getting myself flying through multiple mountains at the same time. " What the hell!? ". I said to myself, I couldn't even perceive what was happening at all.

Taken, even if I didn't activate my perception perk, since it was a literal cheat. I've realized that this fucker was fast, even faster than me... but I was tough enough to take a blow from it, that's one pro for me. Currently my bones felt like they were about to go through a major break through, since my bone density and muscular density were extremally high after absorbing so many of the creatures here. His hit felt like a solid punch, that's it. My toughness was enough to go against his brawn, and him doing this would only make me tougher.

Now, I decided I was finished with playing around. I maxed out my perception, his movements were still impressively fast. Which is a bit unnerving. Since a creature of that size shouldn't even be remotely quick, but he defied that logic. But he was still slow enough for me to not feel threatened by his sheer speed at all. Though. He was going to be a GREAT feast.

Activating my quick silver ability, Moving much faster than he was anticipating. I tried a move I copied from one of my favorite fighting manga, 'kengan asura', specifically, the 'blast core' technique. Using my precognitive ability in this fight, I scanned the area to be most effective and to deal the most damage.

Getting under him, and aiming for the solar plexus, while dodging any move he threw at me as well. I screamed out " DIE!!! ", before Jumping up towards him. Not before he tried to launch another blow to stop me. I could see the fear in his eyes, any honed warrior could tell that this move was powerful, and to take the full force of it was like courting death herself.

I screamed once more... " BLAST CORE!!!!! ". This version of the blast core is maximized with using speed and perfected muscle movement for multiple times its damage than normal. If I did it without using all my abilities in conjunction

The Champions body now sunk out towards his back, showing how powerful the hit was. His intestines coming through his mouth. Instantly killing him. Deactivating my abilities, I felt a bit sore, since using all these at once is essentially suicide, but my constitution was were my strength lied. Looking at my destroyed arms. Now regenerating quickly, becoming a bit stronger in the process.

" You ware the first creature to push me this far in battle... be proud... ", I said a bit solemnly, I wasn't going to find competition like this for a while. But it is, what it is. I walked towards its corpse, before absorbing it completely. My body convulsed once more, my bones rattling and my muscles heating up. My speed went up considerable, even half his speed is multiple times greater than what I had now, as well as his physical power, my perception becoming far greater... Overall, I felt much stronger than what I should be at the moment. I wanted to check if anything changed...

" Status... "




AGE: 15 --> 16



HEIGHT: 6,2FT --> 6,3FT

WEIGHT: 1.2T --> 2.5T



STR: 275 --> 434

END: 289 --> 487

AGI: 267 --> 429

PER: 322 --> 501

INT: 392

DEX: 238 --> 352

LUC: 4 --> 5




REDLIGHT VIRUS-S: YOUR ON YOUR WAY TO THE TOP OF THE FOOD CHAIN! A vastly weaker version of the virus known as the 'black light virus', your overall abilities have been boosted greatly with the perk of still having the ability to consume to get stronger, but only acquire half the strength of consumed foes and only a 15% chance to acquire a beings special ability, as well as quick adaption and decent evolution to prolong exposure towards foreign elements, hive mind abilities and Virus transfer. BE WARNED! You are not able to shapeshift and your evolutions take significantly longer than that of the 'black light'. (This pseudo bloodline can evolve if host has met the right conditions)

QUICK SILVER-S: YOU ARE QUICK! Allows you to move in bursts of speed 15x that of normal for only 1 minute. Has a cooldown of 10 seconds. Warning, host does not have to mind the cooldown, only with a price of your legs if used consecutively. (Can be stacked with potential passives). ( SIDE EFFECT RENDERED NULL AND ENHANCED BY THE RED-LIGHT )

OMNI-DEXTERIOUS-S: GREAT LIMBS MOVE ALIKE. You can control both your arms and legs as if they were your dominant arm or leg individually. Now allows the user to be graceful in his/her movements ( Enhances martial arts movements greatly as well, enhance speed and fluidity of switching between each style and execution of difficult techniques ). (ENCHANCED BY THE REDLIGHT )

SUPREME PERCEPTION-S: YOU ARE THE TRUE FLASH! Allows the user to freely control his own perception up to 1200x that of normal! (Can be stacked with potential passives). ( GREATLY ENHANCED BY REDLIGHT VIRUS )

TANKY-S: YOUR PRIORATIZE YOUR HEALTH OVER WEALTH! your health modifier increased from 50 to 4500x your strength plus endurance.

BIO-STRONG BONES-S: YOUR BONES ARE YOUR FOUNDATION! Your bones are no longer normal, due to abnormal pressure, they have condensed and hardened beyond normal human limits and thus your bones are now made out of adamantium, LITERALLY. Improves your strength, while improving your durability even more. Your bones are now more Biological in nature and now grow while you consume prey. ( ENHANCED BY RED-LIGHT GREATLY )

REGENERATION-S: ON THE WAY TO IMMORTALITY! You can regenerate faster than normal humans. WARNING, this perk has still not reached the level of limb regeneration, but it is still 12000% faster than what normal humans can feasibly do. You can now re-grow lost limbs if they have been severed within a 10 second time frame. (ENHANCED BY THE RED-LIGHT )

MATHEMATICAL PRECOGNITION-A: YOU CAN SEE THE EQUATIONS! You can predict the future via viewing the 'numbers', thus allowing you to 'calculate' rather than just look normally into the future.

HYPERMIND-S: YOU THINK BEYOND THE LIKES OF HUMAN COMPREHENSON! You are able to learn anything with a whooping x1000% increased speed! Also grants true eidetic memory and the mind palace access at will. ( ENHANCED BY THE RED-LIGHT VIRUS )

ENERGY GENERATOR-A: YOUR POWER IS OVER 9000!!!!!. Your energy modifier has now increased, rather than INT x 25, your new modifier will be INT x 5000!.

GENIUS-S: Your learning speed for knowledge and magical oriented activities, as well as enhancing the bearers mental faculties by 10x. ( ENHANCED BY THE RED-LIGHT )

THE TRAINING MANIAC-I: You live and die for strength!. Enhances your training gains by 200% (stacks with potential passives in the future).

THE PERFECT BEING-A: You are perfect and you know it! gives a 500% bonus to all physical stats, even when focusing on a single stat, such as strength (stacks with potential passives). ( ENHANCED BY THE RED-LIGHT )

MARTIAL PRODIGY-I: You are the chosen one. Allows you to learn and comprehend martial arts by 1000% (stacks with potential passives in the future).


I had grown considerable again, my toughness now far surpassing my strength and speed while my perception left them in the dust, I had grown twice as heavy compared to last time, as well as my height being an inch greater. " I wonder how handsome I am now?... ", It doesn't really matter either way. Right now, I had completed a task that was almost impossible, it kind of felt great, other than the fact that I took months to adapt to here... .

" System, I think you know what I'm about to ask you... "


" Please be the Saiyan bloodline, please be the Saiyan bloodline, please be the Saiyan bloodline ", I was practically begging for Saiyan genetics, it would make me get access to forms that boost my power into the millions and more, as well as higher reactive power growth and zenkais.


I slumped down... the precious bloodline of fighters... just gone away... . At least I got kryptonian DNA, Its still powerful, as well as having great hax like abilities. " System, apply the bloodline right away ", I said. I have the ability to fly now too, which was good I suppose.


Feeling a bit of a burning sensation, my body got even tougher than before, but not that much... then my brain. My brain felt like thousands of needles went through it for a couple seconds. My mental faculties becoming much greater than before, my vision like abilities increasing as well, my body now had a thin layer of energy around it, seemingly invisible to the naked eye.

The system sound alarming me once more.


Looking up, I saw this zone's star, its energy fueling my body every second. This was truly cheat like, Superman felt like this all day? His body continuously growing at an alarming rate of power, or was it just me. I knew Kryptonians power growth weren't linear and could speed up the absorption per second even more the stronger they got. Though, I was rather close to the sun.

Testing my power for a bit, I threw a punch, as causal as any of my punches could be, and the mere shockwaves alone restructured the surrounding area, even some of the nearest mountains were destroyed. And my strength kept increasing the more I stood here. It was almost addicting.

But as with Clark, my powers grew out of control fast, with my eyes having a burning sensation. with a red and black beam vaporized apart of the area. Though It didn't take that long to control.

I realized that me being here increased my strength by a couple times now, even though I've been here for a couple of minutes. But... this wasn't enough.

I needed to get more power, and maybe find a way to increase the rate at which I absorb solar energy. That was next on my list. Right now, all I could do was take care of myself a bit better, and stay here long enough to control all my abilities.





