" It's time... " Zane said. His body had finally stabilized... his absorption being a little over 50 thousand times greater than a normal kryptonian. What he absorbed in a day others would take decades. It wouldn't be a stretch to call him the most powerful one to exist, or the one with the most potential.

His power was growing so much faster it was alarming even for him. It was even becoming an issue to keep total control of it. As of this moment, he could destroy multiple galaxies if he wanted without transformations, and potentially, multiple universes with his dragon state activated.

Statistically, his kryptonian cells had now grown up to 47x larger than they were prior and were incredibly efficient in converting solar energy into power. All of this progress came within a day, it truly terrified him as to how much stronger he could become if he lost all restraint. But, now the real challenge is ahead, his mutated dragon form.

He still hadn't used it before so he clearly didnt have any experience with it. He at least knew it had reached its cap of having a multiplier greater than that of the kakuja state, being 250x. The dragon form was indeed incredibly overpowered, but he would take no chances against unknowns. It was for the best.

" System... do whatever it takes to stop me from destroying anything in my path... " Zane said. He didn't want to wipe out the entire universe and more because of his outburst of uncontrolled power. With the system's confirmation, he would start his grueling training to stay in control.

Activating his kakuja state which he mastered, his shifted once more to his new form. He could already feel his mind going hazy from the power his body was put through with the form. but he was slowly adapting to it. Then blacking out completely.


~ 2 weeks later, wonder-woman's Pov ~

' It's been over two weeks since Zane left, and two weeks of those constant vibrations in space... I fear it isn't a coincidence ' Diana thought. She had missed zane, she knew they did not give him much of a chance to truly prove himself.

They only greeted him with unjust criticism and only her and a very select few of heroes understood what he did and what he could do if he was truly as bad as they said. Her raven, John, cyborg and some others felt bad for him. Other than that fact, she had been stargazing ever since as a new hobby, to get her mind off things... but something was off?

Ever since zane's disappearance, using advanced telescopes, she found that large portions of were stars/constellations and even galaxies used to be are, simply empty spaces... It worried her. Star clusters simply don't just go poof, especially in such large quantities, and she was fearing that it might be Zane's doing....


" Two weeks... TWO FUCKING WEEKS OF MINDLESS/(FATHERLESS) BEHAVIOUR, AND NOW I HAVE FINALLY DONE IT!! " Zane shouted, almost hysterically. He thought it would at most last last a week given his powerful mind, it still took double the amount of time to have the form under his belt. Still he felt incredibly satisfied.

Power coursed through his veins like before. His form had undergone great changes as he expected. He was dawning scale like body armour that clung to his body with broad shoulder pads. his kagune remaining the same with great color changes.

Instead of it shifting through the colours of the spectrum, it was dependent on the angle at which you viewed him. His face mask is now at the bottom half of his face, similar to Optimus' when activated. His hair had grown much longer, reaching his knee, with his calve armour having jet like protrusions.

But none of this compared to his power. He could now transform at will and with minimal effort. The two weeks were worth it to him, all the struggle and poor galaxies that were obliterated by him, the universe would have went gone if it wasn't because of his innate will to not destroy it.

" I'll be staying here for another day or two, " he stated. He couldn't leave... not yet, " I need to gain enough power to able to destroy an entire multiverse in my base alone, with no effort. I'll only feel comfortable then. " zane knew he was probably over-preparing.

But did he want to find out if he was wrong no? He was going to reap as much of the solar energy here as possible. Then move on to a hotter star, since he could knew there still exist stars hotter than the one he currently has. Finding them would be a pain, since he didn't unlock the map function as yet.

With the challenge date coming so soon, he could only pray that he was strong enough to deal with the threat. He had a hunch that the opponent was going to be like the others he's faced before.

Going out of the zone's orbit and grabbed 2 Jupiter sized planets to gain strength quicker. Doing as much reps as it took to get used to them. ' the grind continues I suppose ' He said mentally. His resolve, akin to tempered iron.

" One... two... three... four... five... " He said, pulling up the planets with regular kagune. Ensuring that he didn't give himself any advantage at all.



Do 5,000 clean planet pullups ( Will be reset if done poorly ), Do a 1 nonillion kilometer run ( Will be reset if done poorly )

REWARDS: Enhanced weighted equipment 5.0 and system update 2.0

PENALTY: You might die if you don't get at least this powerful.


" Thanks for the heads-up system, at least your trying to push me. "






