Looking at the arcosian with his enhanced vision, zane realized how extremely large it was. About 9 feet, to be exact. Looking at it more closely, he realized unlike the ones from dragon ball, this one didn't have normal eyes, only a dark red sclera where its eyes were supposed to be. It looked like it was in its suppressed state.

If the system was warning him about its suppressed state, what were its unsuppressed states capable of? Zane did not want to be on the receiving end of that answer, He could adapt and develop in fighting, but he doubts it was on par with broly's own adaption to battle, he doesn't think it's even 1/10th of his battle adaption.

But he still needed to try. He activated all his abilities, and he wasn't going to hold back here. Not unless he wanted to die instantly... Readying himself. He itched a little closer. Preparing to catch the being of guard. Only for it to pause, and zane to be met with another surprise...

" Come out. I know you're hiding nearby. Your chi signature is wretchedly obvious. " It said in a terrifyingly deep voice. It wasn't the horse kind, but the smooth type instead. He sounded eerily calm in the situation. It was chilling to say the least (no pun intended). Zane, surprised, decided not to hide anymore. He couldn't control his chi for obvious reasons. But what was more surprising to him was how the being could sense him, a variable he assumed they wouldn't innately have.

" Okay, I'll come out. I never knew I was that obvious. A mistake I will fix shortly, " Zane said, looking at the creature with a predatory gaze. He couldn't stop feeling excited somehow, it was another creature that could kill him effortlessly, and another creature to add to his ever-growing buffet of bloodlines.

" Cocky are we? One suggestion, insect. Dont. Blink. ". It responded, And after that, zane blinked, since he was already in the middle of doing so. When zane finished and opened his eyes, the creature was gone, and his body filled with large holes and bleeding profusely.


A sharp sound reverberated throughout the area. When zane came to realize that fact, the sound didn't even register for him after the fact! This arcosian was simply that fast. Falling to the ground, the arcosians' footsteps continued walking without looking back.

" Like I said... Dont blink. " He coldly stated, flashing the blood off of his arms. The being in front of him had the most interesting yet abominable chi he had ever sensed. It was pitch black with traces of red, It didnt feel like it was exclusively his own. Rather, it felt like it was fused to be that way through some unknown means... But since it had died. He no longer needed to care.


Unknown to him. He gave zane the biggest zenkai ever. The closer to death he was, the higher the chance for him to get a larger boost to his power. Shifting back up once more, zane got a little over twice as powerful. If had saiyan DNA. This boost could have been in the hundreds due to how the red-light worked, but he could take what he got.

" Surprised? " Zane said with a devilish smirk, " Dont be, this is only just getting started " Zane said, as he charged at the creature before it could respond. Both clashing now, with zane capable of somewhat reading its movements now. Coupled with his battle adaption, he was getting a little stronger as they clashed fists with each other.

" Interesting little one... Truly interesting. Before you die, I will tell you my name. It is Frostbite. Be sure to remember it for after you enter into the deepest depths of hell, " He said, with an even colder tone.

" Okay? Who the fuck asked? Cause it sure wasn't me. " Zane said with a condescending tone.

With clear rage on his face, Frostbite responded with anger, " DIE YOU INSUFURABLE LITTLE INSECT! " He charged at zane once more with half his power, slicing his body into pieces. Only for him to regenerate with zane becoming more than twice as powerful once more. Making his task even more difficult.

Zane however, did this on purpose. He wanted to abuse the zenkais and stretch the fight out as long as possible to grow stronger, then wait on his chance to end it all with a move he has come up with. And zane was repeating this process multiple times over, and growing in battle too. He somewhat envied frostbite's potential, if frostbite trained for a week, he'd make zane's progress look like it was for nothing, simply because he had far more innate potential than him. And zane wanted it.

It was still surprising to him. Zane thought he was extremely powerful. As of this moment, the only things that allowed him to keep up were the speed-force his precognitive abilities and perception. If he lacked even one, he would be space dust be now.

' HOW! ', Frostbite said in his mind. The more he supposedly 'killed' zane, the stronger he got, and now it was to the point of them being perfectly matched. No, zane was getting even stronger! Now both were continuously fighting to a stalemate. Frostbite was clearly angered. He clearly had the power advantage earlier in the battle.

" ENOUGH ITS TIME FOR YOU TO PERISH!! " He shouted, annoyed that this bug dared to be equal to him. He initiated his transformation to undo his sealed power. Zane, waiting for this opportunity to come, seized this moment to attack the beast when he was most vulnerable. Trying a move he was testing over the last two weeks.

" I PROMISE YOU, I WILL MAKE YOU SUFFER!!! " Frostbite shouted once more, not knowing what zane was up to, due to his transformation process. Zane, using the speed-force and his extreme physical strength, he modified his first super attack. Allowing the technique to reach unimaginable heights of pure physical power.

HoldinG his right hand with his left, one could tell he was charging up the attack. He now ran around frostbite while charging the attack to its max, with his newfound speed becoming faster in the process because of shattering his limits continuously. He shouted....


He shouted, aiming the strike towards the now vulnerable frostbite, with the attack rearranging the area to look like a magma field due to the sheer heat. Not realizing anything that's going on, frostbite felt incredible amounts of heat rising up, before his entire head exploded instantly. Killing him. His lifeless body fell to the ground, as Zane's new meal finally finished getting cooked (literally).

" That attack should be a-Tch! Last resort... " Zane said, his entire left side was blown off due to the cost of the attack. After a minute, his body regenerated once more, with him not receiving any zenkai boosts because it was done by himself. Looking down, he absorbed the corpse, with this. His potential would be boundlessly higher than before.

With Frostbites body merging with his... Steam exuded off his body, his blood boiling and his mind going numb from pain, frosts life and his techniques flashed before his eyes, He not only acquired half of frostbites's strength, he also acquired his forms as well and how to create them. His body was shifting radically. His skin hardening beyond belief becoming much harder, his hair, which was glowing white, now turned to a glowing platinum ocean blue with pale platinum-emerald highlights at the end.

Not only that, his he had gained new perks with some of his old once going through considerable changes. His forms being added to his transformations list, he had gained three new forms overall, each with decent multipliers for every single one. He had realized he hadn't gained a suppressed form, but that was ok, he didn't need one. He had chi now, and basic understanding of it from absorbing frostbite. But he wasn't finished yet either. He would be consuming all that was here, gaining more power and even more techniques. Testing his own in the process.






