" System, teleport me back to earth... this time, bring me to a place off the grid " Zane said.


Getting teleported to a random Savannah like area wasn't the best, but zane could appreciate the nature... the place was stunning far beyond even earth standards. Unusually so, he thought. De-transforming form is 5th form, into his base form.

With his enhanced senses he heard something close commenting," Looks like a lake is nearby. I should take the opportunity to see how much different I look compared to before. " Zane said.

With the lake nearby, zane checked his appearance to see the changes that were made. He was shocked. He had an inky black hair now. His eyes were glowing orange-sapphire. The shape of his eyes was sharper than before with having a visibly darker outline with longer eyelashes as well as his face being a little better proportioned. All in all, the color changes were interesting... Not that he had been bothered by it. At least it was less flashy this time.

Yet he was still a little more handsome than before. It puzzled him a bit, but he wouldn't complain. His skin wasn't so normal though, he realized it was on the paler side, barely having the sun kissed look it had prior. But it didn't look unhealthy either.

Having finished his inspection. He thought of scoping out around the area. Expanding his senses. He could feel the animals and insects. But he felt other yet familiar presences a little further than away. They were humanoid given the outlines from what he could sense, standing roughly about 5,11? or a little taller, it was a female by the outline, and she wasn't alone either. Not wanting to get closer, he hid his presence. Heeling them.

Hiding his presence, he flew went into the trees, stealthily approaching them from a distance. Looking at their attire, he realized something. ' They look so familiar... ' He thought to himself, searching his mind palace for answers, going through hundreds of thousands of memories with picture perfect detail, until he found it. The entire process taking less than a trillionth of a second.

' Their amazons? ' He said to himself. He couldn't believe it. They were wearing the attire matching that of amazons. Their appearance was appealing, solid 7/10s in his book, but they were toned, no a little muscular. But not too much that it would hinder them, but they were extremely fit, nonetheless.

He knew which Island he must be on now. It clearly was themiscayra. Island to the most hardcore feminists that ever graced comics and this planet. These women hated men with a burning passion, but who could blame them? The gods here were utter shitheads and hercules even worse didn't have a good reputation with them after all he had done. Zane could understand the dislike. It was all they ever knew about the opposite sex.

' Yeah, I think I should leave here.' Zane didn't want to alert anyone about his presence. Especially not these women. Even with his high 'charisma', he doubts it could affect them. So he slowly left the area, looking for a quiet place to stay for the meantime before the match.

Flying away silently, zane looked around the island for any secluded areas, since it was fairly large. But for reasons unknown, zane felt as if he was being watched. He knew that whatever it was, was not present in the vicinity cause he would have felt them by now, but whoever was doing it came from afar, yet oddly close... that he somewhat knew for certain.


" Why am I suddenly getting shivers?.. " Zane said. Flying down to his preferred location, it was a cave next to the sea at the very edge of the island. A decent place for resting. Even though he didn't really require it much, he still needed to sleep to keep his sanity. Although his stamina is near infinite, it doesn't mean he can go on and on without it, not without his sanity dropping from sleep depravity.

Even though it was rocks there, his body toughness was much more than the average man, much less super beings in the universe. Lying down, he closed his eyes and left his mind to get a good rest, shutting off his senses for a more effective recovery. He doubts anyone will be coming here, even if they did. What's the worse that could happen?


After an unknown amount of time passing, someone entered the cave as well. Being apprehensive at first, but somewhat recognizing the face after a closer look. Seeing Zane's sleeping figure, the person went beside him quietly, trying to not wake him up.

Waking up, zane turned on his senses again. Looking right beside as he did so, only to see a sleeping Diana? Next to him. ' What the!? Why is she here of all the places possible? ' Zane said in his mind, but after taking a closer look around the area, he realized that this cave was strangely familiar.

With his memory being jogged once more, he remembered. This was the exact spot where she met her first lover from that plane crash! At this point, he was wondering if his luck was simply that bad, or fate hated him that much. But he needed to leave. And not wake her up while doing so.

Taking his time getting to get up as quietly as he could, he made his way to the cave, but that approach could only work for so long against a woman as battle hardened as Diana, even subtle enough shifts in the air could wake up beings like her, since their bodies didn't require normal rest, and he wasn't sure if she was tired either.

Making his way to the exit, almost leaving, he heard her speak tenderly. " Zane... " She said, Her tone straight forward. Turning around to meet her gaze, he responds. " Hello wonder woman... " It was quiet, with her staring at him, dead in the eyes before removing her piercing gaze.

" How have you been? "

" I'm fine, I need to go-" I said, trying to leave as quickly as possible, before getting cut off, by her.

" W-Wait! At least allow me to apologize to you for what the most of the team did. "

Zane stopped. For a second, sighing, he didn't want her to blame herself for what her comrades did. He knew she was the type to bear burdens like this, and it would eat him up if he let it continue that way. Looking back, he responded.

" I understand. You don't need to apologize, you were only trying to help and appease the situation... I'll be taking my leave. " I needed to be as direct/concise as possible. I didn't want her to tell anyone I was here, and I wasn't taking that chance. A pity, though. The place was gorgeous. The movies haven't done it nearly enough justice, but I had to go.

" I won't tell anyone you're here! So please, let's talk. "

Puzzled, he stopped once more. Responding. " You sound oddly desperate? For what, I don't owe you anything and you don't too. And we barely know each other? " I said. It was true that we barely knew each other. We had one or two high and byes at most. Nothing more. I'll give her a chance, though. It wouldn't hurt.

Breathing in, she responds. " Okay, I don't think I can keep going like this. Zane... I-I have fallen for you. I know it sounds random, at a bit surprising. But you sparked something within me that day ever since we first met, and each time you change, the feelings only grew stronger. You are kind but strong willed as well, defying both batman and fury with multiple heroes is enough to tell me that and I admire you for standing your ground even though the odds were seemingly against you. I know it's selfish of me to ask you to stay here with me, but give me a chance... I haven't felt this way in a long time. " She said, almost teary eyed... a double hit to the kokoro for zane. But this was way too sudden, for even him. His emotions were not in the right place lately.

Coming up with a response, he needed to squash this crush right away, at least for now. " Wonder woman... You are an adult, and I'm a child. To be specific, I am 16 earth years old... It is impossible for us to be together. " The mighty age card was used.

Looking visibly rejected, he was telling the truth. He was young, but she didn't give up. Her eyes sparkled once more before responding. " That's okay. We can be together until you are 18. I am in no rush, and the age of consent is 16, so we should be fine 'if' you are fine with taking measures beyond simple dating. " She said, as if sure of her answer. She knew she sounded like an immature teen in this situation. But what's done is done. She hasn't felt this way since 'he' died. Especially having multiple scruffy affairs, either.


' Okay, wonder woman is clearly out of character here? Is it the pheromones causing this reaction? I know I am handsome, but I am not that handsome! Ok, maybe I am, but this was ridiculous. I don't have time for this, the competition is in a couple days from now, and instead of rest, I get this instead! ' Sighing... zane knew that this could be the longest three days of his life if he doesn't play this right