CHAPTER 50: New modifier and Surprise guest

I love my physiology. I can take anything and make it better via mutations. Which leads me to my next subject, the ant.

Specifically, the leaf cutter ant. They are the smallest species of ants and are actually the strongest ones for their size. Studies have revealed that these little buggers or small hercules can carry up to 30 times their body weight with minor difficulty.

But what I realized with my enhanced vision from examining them was that they should be capable of doing double the amount studied/researched. But some may ask, why I don't go for the strongest insect such as the beetle? It was due to one reason. The ant's physique allows them to be essentially weightless, having 10s of times more oxygen intake in comparison to humans as well as their storage for oxygen and how efficiently it's used.

I wanted that.

The Dung beetles, however, were much different. Their strength was in their muscle density and exoskeleton. It was present in the ants too, but many times greater than what ants possessed. But I want to fuse the best traits from both species, possibly allowing for a minor evolution in my lifting/carrying capabilities.

Unfortunately, I only had one subject present. The leaf cutter ant, they were present all around me. Walking forwards to start my improvement..

" I am sorry, little one, but you are going to be a minor sacrifice for your tribe. May your insect soul rest in peace. "

I said as I absorbed it. Three notifications popped up. Feeling a warm current flow through me, clenching my fist. Testing my new level of raw strength.

" The ant's strength: Allows you to lift and utilize up to 10 times your maximum carrying capacity. "

" Enhanced Oxygen intake and efficiency: Allows for the host to store and use oxygen, up to 20 times greater than before! "

" Lightweight: You weigh 1/3 of how much you were prior. "

...Vivid. That's how I could describe how I felt.

Every breath I took now made me feel vivid. To say I was on cloud nine wouldn't do it any justice. I felt I had infinite stamina as long as I had oxygen present. Unfortunately, the boost in strength didn't go up as much as I wanted it to, but it made sense why. Ants could use said power due to how small they were. In combination with everything else, the fact that I got that high of a increase was impressive.

Unfortunately for me, I wasn't so small. I was rather large. But the beetle DNA should be a different reap entirely. I should get a at least a 100 times increase in strength alone. Not considering the boost I might get when it's mutated by the Black-light virus.

But getting one might take a while, but it could wait. Diana must be wondering where I am.

Suddenly, my senses went haywire. I heard a buzzing sound from behind me. Turning, I saw a spacecraft landing in a nearby open land, ready to crash.

" There is no mistaking it... that's super-girl/Kara's ship... "

It was close by too. If I could get to it first, I could acquire technology light years ahead of earths at the moment.

" Hehe... New PC goes 'burr'. "

Using instant transmission, I teleported to the ship, and instantly teleported to inside my home. Not a soul noticed my entrance or departure.

Teleporting in, Diana immediately went on her guard. Only to see me in the middle of my home on a ship.

" Zane... what in the name of gods have you done? Why is there a random space-craft here? "

" Jeez, calm down. It literally just landed. "

" Okay? And why have you brought it here? "

" To build better equipment, my dear Diana. One does not simply get technology like this every day. "

' I swear, I take one day to visit him and it falls apart by a random ship. Do not lose your cool Diana, it's fine. '

Looking carefully, Diana saw a female within the pod sleeping soundly. Then she looked back at me, with the ' care to explain face '.

" Dont give me that look. I dont know her if that's what you are worrying about. "

Now she was looking at me with a deadpanned face with one of her eyebrows raised, clearly not liking the situation.

" In any case, I couldn't just leave her out there anyway. You can even come by more often now to help me check up on her. "

Pondering for a moment, I saw her frustrated aura disappear then it was replaced with a happy one, along with her face changing back into its neutral state.

" I suppose that doesn't sound so bad... I will check again tomorrow 11:00 AM sharp. From now on, I will let you handle the situation. "

Nodding, I saw her change back into her formal wear. Getting ready to leave.

Turning to me she said. " Oh, and Zane... thanks for today. It was more fun than I have had in a long time, be careful. I trust you can handle whatever 'she' may be capable of. I will see you tomorrow. "

Locking the door behind her in the process.

" Now... What should I do with you... "


~ 1 week Later ~

" Finaly. I'm finished "

It took a whole weak for me and Diana to pick apart the ship and such. But it was worth it entirely.

Every single part was used to its utmost. I even modified my PC and help built other equipment with both earth and her ship's parts. Diana had little to no help in regard the actual creation of anything I made.

She only tossed and picked apart the ship itself and also made sure I didn't do anything to kara while she was sleeping and brought her new clothes, too.

Kara was incredibly gorgeous, and that's to put it lightly, definitely on par with the raven beauty herself. Massive respect to the ROB for this one.

Trust me, I could understand why Diana thought I would make a move. This version of kara looked more like her 'batman apocalypse' self, only a bit curvier. Which means she again was older than me by possibly a year or two, which was understandable, but she wasn't that much older than in canon.

Diana, however, was unsure about her still. It radiated off of her when I brought kara up as a subject. I could understand why. She doesn't know what this new alien/being was capable of and she was most likely pondering whether if she should tell the other heroes to deal with it or not.

" You know Zane. I am still not sure about this idea of letting her stay here. I think she should come back with me to my home. It is far more spacious and you could visit anytime. "

" I could, but we have everything here, plus I haven't even stayed in my home for a month yet, so I think I should chill here, and the space is fine. It's a 15 by 15 after all, space is all technically we have really have. "

" I see... well if you- "

" Dufaah figgoh?.../where am I?... " Kara woke up and said.

Turning immediately, we both saw the sleeping kara wake up. Clearly speaking Kryptonian tongue.

" ...Diana... try not to do anything rash to startle her... she is most likely extremely volatile. "

Diana nodded in response. I decided to get up. Walking towards her slowly.

Only to see her turn around and look at me. She backed away, flying up with speeds enough to destroy my roof, but like hell, I was going to let that happen.

" Speera mo tu cahh!!!/Who are you people!!!" she shouted.

With that, I quickly deciphered the language to communicate with her. So I did.

" Metuu, reaa. hugra seh fhhtt!/Please, calm down. We aren't going to hurt you! "

" Aghh thg nang thh!/And why should I believe you people! " she said.

" Ehfgg fhhtt fguuu. buusss bbffuuu, syhaa iyuu meh?/Because we could have killed you at any moment. You woke up on my bed with clothes and without injuries. Why do you think we want to kill you? "

Looking down and around my home, and her body as well to see clothes, she calmed down. Unable to refute basic logic.

Slowly she flew down, I didn't get any closer to her, that would be a retarded move, so I would have to do the opposite. Diana stood at the back ready in case anything drastic happened.

' This is going to be a long day, isn't it... '








