The Rescue Part II

Well, before I tell you how things went to hell, let me spend a minute to tell you about the beauty of a world you can't see. Once our ships made the jump (Hyperspace travel. If you don't know what that is then look it up, because I'm not a physicist.) and we finally Helios II, I was honestly shaken. Yeah, I traveled to other planets before, but after the hell I've been through the last 6 months, well… it was just nice to see something beautiful for once.

Helios II was about the size of Earth Prime (The original planet of man. Need more information then again, go look it up because I am not a historian or a geographer.), which nothing in scale compared to planets like Jupiter III, Ogun IV, or Wōden VIII. However, what it lacked in scale it made up for in dazzling colors. Like Helios I before it, the reason, from what I've been told, this planet was called Helios II was because of the way the clouds reflected its star's light. Creating these gentle, swirling hues of violets, reds, blues, oranges, greens, and yellows both within and outside of the planet. Even cooler was that on special days of its lifetime, or during some seasons, you can also spot luscious shades of pinks, lavenders, golds, and maroons swirling in the sky as well. When people tell you there is nothing to look at like Helios II, they are right.

"Hey," Orion said, snapping me out of my wonderment. "Get ready, me and my squad are about to head towards the planet in 10 minutes."

"Yeah, yeah, I'll catch up to your little bunny pals in a bit." I said before turning back towards the view on the star ship's bridge.

"Now, parasite. That's an or-" I would have preferred for Orion to be shut up any other way than our star ship being suddenly bombarded, but hell, I'll take what I can get.

We rushed off the bridge and darted immediately towards the hanger. With no time to lose the technicians and engineers prepped our mechs for us and we immediately hopped in. Though, hopping in was more Orion's and the other pilots style. I had to walk into my mech and merge with it. You ever felt yourself covered in slimy tentacles and raw oil? Because that's exactly how it feels. For me when I say I merged with my Hel Knight I meant it. It was like I my heart and mind were engulfed into Hel Knight until my spirit took over what was left. While other pilots actually piloted their mechs, I became mine. The sensation still felt incredibly weird and even unimaginable as I found myself fully controlling the body of a demon mech as if it were really me. Thankfully for me, because of months of rehabilitation, training, and now the chance for me to tear some aliens a part, I felt more ready than ever before to become Hel Knight… or so I thought.

Bear with me for a moment because my memory of this is very hazy. I remember me and Orion launching out first with the rest of his squad following immediately afterwards. We quickly identified the several alien mechs and ships around us and swiftly went into battle. And let me just tell you this, although I don't remember much, I do remember the thrill of tearing those alien bastards apart. My mech was special in that it could materialize any weapon I wanted and when I willed a two handed, giant bladed, curved glaive into my hands, I instantly began to use it as if I always knew how to. I must have looked like a shooting star the way I was zigzagging across the battlefield. Tearing through scores of silver alien ships and mechs a like. This power, this exhilaration felt like a runners high and much like how the faster a runner moves the more exhilarating it gets, I too felt the exact same way when it came to tearing these bastards a part.

The more I moved, the more I swung, and the more I became covered in oil and ichor, the more alive I felt. I have never felt such vigor before in my life. I don't know if I had blood or adrenaline running through me anymore, but I do know I not only felt but heard a rush of something. Something so loud and strong that it deafened me to the warnings in my ears and blinded me to the dangers ahead. I had officially gone berserk, but all that stopped the minute my frenzy turned towards what I now assume to be aliens' commanding ship. Like I said, I don't remember much. All I remember are three things: a blinding white light, my mind going on the fritz, and me waking up in a crater on the surface of Helios II.