Ch 9 Day 16 R18

(Guess who's back!)

I woke up feeling extremely drained.

"Man... That night felt like it went on for forever..."

I got off of my lovely hanging bed, went outside and did some stretches to wake myself up properly, then ate some fruit before going to wake up the girls.

When I got back inside, I called to the girls.

"*Yawn* Girls! C'mon, time to get up."

With tired groans, they all got off of the bed and stretched their bodies. Then there were sounds of surprise and an excited squeal.

Because I was curious about what the fuss was about, I made my way over to the bed and found a cute, naked petite girl with gray skin similar to my own, along with similar gold irises, but with feline slit pupils.

I looked at her curiously.


The newly evolved girl looked at me with a happy, slightly lustful expression on her face.


I figured that she would be quick to evolve, being older than the others.

"Well, congratulations!"

I then walked over to her, cupped her chin and got her to look me in the eye.

"So~ When would you like your reward~?"

Without wasting time, she jumped on me, wrapping her legs and arms around my body, and fiercely smashing her lips against mine.

I grabbed hold of her ass to support her and to grope it. As I said before, she has a somewhat small body, this includes her breasts. Her ass was quite shapely however and as I just discovered, it was remarkably soft.

Having discovered her greatest asset and my favourite part of her body, I started massaging it thoroughly, letting my fingers sink into the smooth and soft skin.

While I was doing as I pleased with her butt, she had started releasing sensual moans.

Ris stopped kissing me and spoke while panting and moaning.

"You really like my butt, don't you~? I'm glad~"

I smirked at her attempt to flirt with me.

"Indeed I do. It feels great and by the looks of it, you are enjoying this too~"

She apparently has a sensitive ass, so I know what to do to get her in the mood easily.

Now however, it was time to move on to the real fun.

"But this isn't all you want, is it~?"

With that, I moved over to the bed and placed her on it. I quickly took my shirt off and was going to do the same with my pant, but Ris took it upon herself to do it instead.

Without hesitation, she pulled my pant down and freed my dick, resulting in it springing out and hitting her.

She sat and looked at my penis for a moment, and then, without warning, took a hold of it and placed the head in her mouth, while stroking the shaft.

I was surprised by the fact that she suddenly began sucking my dick, but I wasn't going to stop her. She was actually pretty good.

She twirled her tongue around the head, making sure to not miss any of it, slowly moving her hand up and down the shaft.

Gradually, she started to moving her head back and forth in short bursts. I placed my hand on the side of her head, causing her to look up into my eyes, both of us seeing the lust in the others.

Ris moved her head back, letting my dick slide out of her mouth with a *Pop*. She continued to stoke it with slow, rhythmic pumps. Meanwhile, our gazes were still locked on the others.

Maintaining her heated gaze, she lowered her head down to my balls and started to suck on them, speeding up her hand movement.

While she continously suck on my testicles, she moved her free hand down to her vagina and pleasured herself. Rubbing her small pussy, thrusting a couple finger inside while she rubbed her clitoris.

Soon, she stopped focusing on my balls and made her way back up, licking the underside of the shaft, sending a small shiver up my spine.

Ris looked at me and licked the precum from the tip, then closed her eyes and took the whole length of my dick into her mouth, right to the base.

Seeing her take my dick deep into her throat, with no signs of gagging, I couldn't help groaning in pleasure. I guess she doesn't have a gag reflex.

Using my groan as a sign, Ris started bobbing her head back and forth, taking it out to where only the head was in her mouth and then taking it back to the base, slurping on my dick and playing with her pussy without pause.

Feeling the pleasure from her mouth and wanting more, I grabbed hold of her head and started thrusting into her throat, essentially face fucking her. To started with, I went quite slow incase I hurt her, but she showed no signs of disliking it and instead enjoyed it while fingering her pussy, creating sloshing sounds.

While Ris and I were in our own world of pleasure, the other girls were watching the show and pleasuring themselves. Even the shy ones had slipped a hand between their legs and started touching themselves.

Kanami was sat to the side, legs spread and playing with her clitoris, while sucking on her finger like they were my dick.

After furiously thrusting into Ris' tight throat repeatedly, I was ready to cum. So, with a strong thrust, trying to reach down her throat, I released my load.

Ris seem to orgasm the moment my thick sperm shot out. Her eyes were open, but they seemed to have rolled back with small tears in the corners. My cum was in such quantities that had even filled her mouth.

I pulled my dick out of her mouth, leaving it wide open and letting me see my cum pooled inside, while her tongue was sticking out.

She gulped down the mouthful of cum she had and licked her lips with a dazed expression.

But, thanks to a certain skill, I was still full of vigour and wanted to get to the main course.

So, without giving her time to rest, I picked her up, placed her on her hands and knees, lining up my dick with dripping wet vagina, I leaned over her and bit her pointed ears while thrusting inside her, all the way to the back in one swift movement. This cause to spray her pussy juice like a fountain.

I waited for a moment, indulging in how tight her pussy was, but then started moving.

Back and forth. I thrust in and out, over and over. Her vagina clamping down on my dick, while she was moaning like a whore.

I had my hands on her waist as I pounded her without holding back. Our bodies collided together, creating clapping noises when my hip made contact with her ass, making ripple as a result.

This reminded me of how sensitive her ass was and so, I roughly grabbed a handful, exhibiting a moan louder than the rest.


With her request, I couldn't resist the temptation and slapped her ass. This brought a great reaction as she got even tighter around my cock, biting her lower lip as she slightly came.

She was a total masochist.

Seeing that she was enjoying the rough treatment, I started putting more force into my thrusts. I of course continued slapping her butt, for both of our enjoyment.

Soon getting bored of just hitting her ass, I decide to go a little further. I grabbed hold of her arms and brought them behind her back, then tied them up with my threads.

I held her arms as a sort of handle and continued pounding her, paying attention to see if she disliked it, which didn't seem to be the case. So, I decide to to go all the way and tied her whole body up, bandage style.

Then, like something had clicked inside her, she suddenly started screaming in pleasure. Her pussy tightening and releasing juices like crazy, her nipples perked up.

Ris kept having orgasm after orgasm, constantly causing her vaginal walls to constrict around my dick, much to my enjoyment.

After awhile, I felt myself getting close to cumming again, so I decided to take things a step further for the climax.

I pull Ris up, wrapping my arms around her restrained body. With one hand, I grabbed onto one of her modest breasts and pinched the nipple. With my other hand, I placed it on her neck and wrapped my fingers around her throat, slightly choking her and tilting her head back, brutishly kissing her.

As a result of my rough treatment of her masochistic body, she tensed up and her womb lowered, while opening up, ready for my sperm.

I increased the pace of my thrusting, slamming my dick into the entrance of her womb and then with one final thrust, filled her to the brim.

When my cum entered her, her whole body trembled in pleasure and she came more than any other time since we started.

I gave a few more slow, shallow thrusts to extend our orgasms and then slowly pulled out, letting my cum flow out of her pussy and then lay her on the bed while she continously twitched in pleasure.

If you're wondering why I didn't mind cumming inside her, it's because I realized that I can just use Cleanse to help prevent pregnancy. Before I only thought to use it for hygiene purposes.

With the deed done, I was in a pretty good mood, but it was still only morning so I had to be productive.

I quickly Cleansed everything, meaning myself, the girls and the area, which was covered in vaginal discharge. I unbound Ris and used some Holy Energy to heal her up a bit.

Then I left to the storage to get some materials to make Ris some new clothes.

When I got to the storage, I saw the human girls. They were mostly unresponsive like usual, except for Silver, who had a slight blush, and Little Blonde, who was basically a tomato.

I was most surprised to see Little Blonde with such a reaction.

"Hello Silver. Hey Little Blonde. Sorry if the noise disturbed you."

Silver looked at me a little confused.

"Silver? Little Blonde?"

"Well, I don't know your names, so I am referring to you based on characteristics. You have silver hair, while she has blonde and is smaller than the other girl with blonde hair."

Silver adopted a look of understanding.

"That makes sense."

I then walked over to the supplies that were lying around and searched through while talking to them.

"So, how are you doing? The others seem to need more time, but Little Blonde looked like a tomato when I came in, so I assume something has changed?"

Little Blonde covered her face in embarrassment and Silver chuckled.

"You could say were doing good, all things considering..."

There was an awkward silence after that as she and Little Blonde became sad about their situation. Little Blonde almost bursting into tears.

Silver was the one to break the silence.

"I was wondering... What happened? Why are you treating us and trying to fix us? And where are... the others...?"

There other girls seemingly became more alert, as if wanting to know the answer.

I momentarily stopped looking through the supplies before continuing with a sigh.

"I was born 16 days ago. I used some of the other male goblins as means of evolving quickly, which happened on the seventh night, the same night I killed the older generation. The next morning, I then gathered all the goblins that were there, separated the genders and then had all the males killed. They numbered 40 or so. So, that is why no males have...'visited' any of you. They were filthy vermin that don't deserve to exist."

They seemed somewhat relieved, but also confused.

"And I'm 'fixing' you because, truthfully, I want you. Simple as that. But I'm not interested in a bunch of lifeless dolls and I don't want to force myself on any of you against your wills. Also, I pity you all. Especially the younger 2."

They did seem to know how to react to this, but I had found everything I needed, so I started to leave. But, not before saying one last thing.

"I will finish what I started. I'll 'fix' you all and then we'll discuss what happens after."

I took my materials and left them to their thoughts.

When I got to the main area of the cave, I started working on clothes for Ris. Part way through, she came over and nuzzled into my side.

I briefly stroked her head, exhibiting a purr from her and then carried on with my work while chatting.

"How are you feeling, Ris?"


She let out a sigh of satisfaction.

"Though... When are you going to give us our names?"

"Oh! Right! I was meaning to do that. I will finish your clothes and then I will tell you all."


She then smile happily, which I thought was seriously cute.

After an hour, I was done and Ris was now dress in tribal looking dress.

"How do I look?"

She did a twirl to give me a good look.

"You look nice. Cute."

She smiled brightly at my compliment and then started dragging me outside.

"Well, come one, you need to give us our names!"

We got outside, where the others were training together, but they stopped when they saw us and started excitedly talking with Ris about her new clothes.

I would have left them, but I still had to name them and I wanted to go hunting, so I coughed to get their attention.

When they were all paying attention, I spoke.

"Right, I know you want to talk, but I just wanted to get this settled. I have decided on all your names."

They all got excited and practically started hopping.

"So, Mi, your name will be Kanami. E, you will be Asue. Fu, will be Aifu. Me, I decided on Kugime. And for Sui, it will be Seisui."

I stopped there and looked at them to see whether they were okay with those names. They muttered their names a few times and then smiled.

""They're great! Thank you."

I nodded and then looked at the remaining six, who were anxiously waiting.

"Alright then. Ris, I thought of the name Zadiris. Dia, yours would be Basdia. Zu's is Chizu. Ra's is Cara. On is Shion. And finally, Na is Shuna. What do you think?"

The six of them repeated the same thing as the others and then nodded happily.

I let out a relieved sigh. This means I won't have to try to come up with more names any time soon.

"Well, that's good then. I want to go out and hunt some Kobolds. You can all relax for today if you want. Don't exhaust yourselves."

With that said, I went and got my gear and set off. Kanami and Zadiris decided to come with me. Kanami wanted to ensure my safety and Zadiris wants to test out her new abilities.

We ran off looking for our prey.

Zadiris seemed to have gain a massive stat boost and would appear to have a type of blessing. She is now faster than Kanami and likes to run using all four of her limbs. We did a quick test and found that she isn't as strong as Kanami though.

Not only had her stats improved, but so had her senses. She was like a wild predator, sniffing the air for their preys scent and ears twitching at the sounds around her.

Eventually, we came across a party of five Kobolds. 2 Archers, 2 Swordsmen and one with a pickaxe, who also had a big sack on his back.

I looked at the girls.

"Kanami, you get the Archer on the left. Zadiris, go around and get the Archer on the right. Attack when you see flame shoot at them."

They nodded and went to get in position. I used Presense Sensor to see where they were and when they were where needed to be, I jumped at the Kobolds and punched towards them, sending a stream of fire at them and making them panic.

With the signal sent, Kanami shot her target in the side of the head, killing him instantly.

Zadiris on the other hand, jumped down from a tree above them and pierced into the Kobold Archers neck with elongated claws. Her target then seemed to just fall to the ground. I'll ask what happened later. She then jumped at the one with the Pickaxe and did the same thing.

By this point I was in front of the two Swordsmen, who were a bit burnt from my fire.

I did a low sweeping kick at the legs of the one closest to me, while simultaneously shooting a wave of fire from my foot to ward off the other for a moment.

In a smooth motion I got back up and quickly performed an axe kick on the head of the down Kobold, causing a loud cracking sound on impact.

Then I went over to the remaining Kobold and slashed it's throat using my Estoc.

Kanami made her way over and we looked at out catch.

I looked over to Zadiris.

"Hey, Zadiris. What was it that you did to the two you attacked?"

She looked at me and smiled, she raised her hand and made her nails elongate into claws, which secreted a green liquid.

"I can make claws and this liquid can paralyse and kill them."

"Huh. Neat. Well, we got what we wanted, so let's go back."

I then walked over and picked up three of the bodies and left the other two for the girls.

We made our way back to the cave. When we got there, I started dealing with the Kobolds and skinned them.

After I dealt with them I looked at the stuff we got. The Kobold who had the sack had some good stuff.

It was mostly mining tools, but there was also fruit, medical herbs, salt rocks and some Elemental Spirit Stones.

There was a wind stone, a lightning stone and some fire stones. So, I ate them and got [Aerokinesis], [Wind Resistance], [Electrokinesis] and [Electricity Resistance].

After that, I just waited for time to pass by training and then cooked the meat for everyone, took the human girls their food, fed the ones that needed it and the started working on their minds, while also adding Holy Energy.

Then I went to bed.

(I think I did pretty good on this one.)