Ch 21 Day 55 - 60

- Day 55 -

I didn't go to bed last night and stayed in the workshop to create my toys. No, this wasn't because I was upset as Spinel imagined, yeah I head them, but rather because making my toys was a pain in the ass.

Regarding what happened yesterday, I honestly didn't care. I wasn't "hurt" as Spinel said, I don't even know where she got that idea, but I was just disappointed that they thought so little of my words. Serana more so. I gave her a freaking arm and she was all pissy about some frankly shitty jewellery.

Though, it was interesting to finally learn what the marks around Kanami's, Eris' and Spinel's necks were. Knowing that those that surrender their whole being to me will get blessing is kind of neat.

Despite what Lucrecia said though, none of them needed to die for me, that would just make them useless and I hate uselessness. It isn't hard for me to guess the reason that the majority of them don't already have my Mark.

For the human girls, they have been acting or tricking themselves into thinking that I'm not really the monster I am. They can't accept that, when I call myself a 'monster' or a 'demon', I'm not just being dramatic. I genuinely enjoy all of my Demonic nature's and won't act like I don't.

If I'm not wrong, if the humans can't accept that, they will never get my Mark. There are exceptions for this obviously, but that is slightly more difficult and I'd rather wait for the right time to come in those cases.

As for the monster girls... The base of their hesitation is that they fear me or don't think they can stand at my side. When it comes to fear, it is because of the initial way I introduce myself. Killing all the males left this seed of fear and my demand for them to make themselves useful nurtured it, so they fear they aren't good enough and that I might abandon them. In hindsight, yesterday is only going to enhance that feeling, but I can probably deal with it.

Anyways, ignoring that, I was pretty close to completing my projects. Just. One. More. Piece. Aaaaaannd... Done!

Having put the finishing touches to the masterpieces I had created, I grabbed them and grinned excitedly, with a small amount of malice.

'"What have you created?"' I hear the void ask, well to that I say... "I need to sleep... I'm hearing things..." But NO! I just made myself a pair of beautiful, majestic and DEADLY GUNS!!! Woohoo!

Yes, I decided to make guns. To be specific, I made Ebony and Ivory, Dante's gun's from DMC. For the materials, I used a mixture of stuff, but there was Mythril for its magical properties, Orichalcum for its durability, Steel for the outer look of Ivory and Blackened Steel for Ebony, all infused with my blood and bound to me.

I also used Spirit Stones to make different magazines. This is because the base design of the guns shoot pure Mana or Demonic energy, and while I can change the element of my Mana, it just makes it a pain in the ass.

On top of all this, I enchanted them with [Spell Blast], [Attribute Echo], [Connection] And [Conceal Status].

If anyone can take a single shot from these babies, then they are likely one of those 'HeRo'S'. Fucking dorks... I'm not much better I guess, with all my 'Demon' shit, but that came with the body more than anything.

As my toys were complete, it was time to go play with them. Running at a human speed, I ran out of the workshop and into the forest.

Speeding up a bit, my body was more of a blur to anything that saw me, so it was no surprise that they couldn't react when I shot at them and blew them to pieces. Whatever I killed was immediately sucked into my inventory, the [Connection] enchantment acting as a way to activate [Great Devourer]. Essentially, I made them auto-loot for me.

Using only the basic Mana shots, I ran through the forest and out of it, into an open prairie with a lot of bull like creature there, they were just fucking weird. I simply started firing away, laughing like a lunatic and giving meaning to the saying 'One shot, one kill'.

After my fiftieth kill, I got bored because none of them were running away. Like, seriously, I'm emitting enough bloodlust to make their hearts stop if they get too close, but they rush in to die. Where the fuck is that survival instinct all creature are supposed to have!?!? Sometimes, I wonder why I even bother trying to have fun...

Putting my guns in my inventory, I summoned up Yamato and cut the space in front of me to go back. I stopped in the void for a little while of course, it is my own little space to relax in.

While I wouldn't mind staying here for a long time, I'm feeling peckish and just so happen to have plenty of new meat to try, so I went over to the tear to the outside and walked through, arriving outside the base.

I checked in on Aila and found her devouring a some animal she'd killed, not even haven bothered to cook it. Sighing at this, I just turned around and left her to it.

This time, I went straight inside the base and started going to the kitchen. Only, as I was walking, there was a sweet and metallic smell in the air. This was the smell of blood.

A strange thing to come back to, as I usually keep the place free of such smell... Mostly because it makes me an Kanami hungry.

Taking a better sniff, I found where the blood was coming from, causing my eyes to sharpen and in less than a second, I sped over to it.

Bursting through the door to one of the spare rooms, I immediately went in and caught a wrist, which is holding a knife in its hand. The hand belonged to Rena, who's other arm is covered in cut and pouring blood.

"What is this..." Cold. Cold like a frozen tundra, I ask this question, barely controlling the rage that was building within me. This rage was completely different to the other times. Where before, I was angry with hatred, right now... I am livid from love. Seeing Rena doing this to herself, I'm angry that a loved one is in such a state.

Rena, seeing that I was there holding wrist and clearly angry, panic set in as she dropped the knife and tried to escape his grip while hysterically saying. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'msorryi'msorryi'msorry-"

My heart sank watching this. Dropping to my knees, I pulled her into a hug while placing a hand on her head. "It's okay... Shh... Everything is fine..." As I spoke, my hand on her head began to glow green and she began to calm down at a quick pace. While I hugged her, I channelled some holy energy into here and healed her.

Even though she was calmed down, she was still quietly crying in my chest and saying she's sorry.

Rena's crying had been heard by the others currently in the base and they went running to her room. Upon arriving, they saw me carefully holding the crying Rena and next to her a bloody knife, along with the blood on her arm and around her.

Without turning to them, I commanded with no room for questioning. "Lounge. Meeting. Now."

Understanding that I wasn't in a mood to argue or mess around, the present girls ran off and started gathering everyone in the base.

I carefully lifted Rena, taking her out of the room as I cleansed it to clean the blood. Walking to the lounge under everyone's gazes, I placed her down as gently as possible. When I let go, my figure blurred to everyone else. This was because I used my speed to the fullest and went to find those that aren't at the base to bring them back.

With everyone now here, I made them all sit down as I comfortingly held Rena and stared at her sympathetically. "I just came back and found Rena cutting her wrist to the point she was close to death..."

Shocked gasps escaped and the human girls began to tear up. This information wasnt the reason I called them though, so looking up, my eyes became visible and a maddened, possessive and dangerous gleam was clear to them.

My tattoo in my right eye was glowing a dark red, clearly visible to everyone since I started wearing my hair back. (like Vergil)

"Let me make this clear now! I don't care if you leave me, you just have to say it resolutely and I ultimately won't stop you from leaving. However... ANY of you die without first doing that and I will cut this world apart, SLAUGHTER EVERY ONE OF YOUR GODS AND RIP YOUR SOULS FROM WHEREVER THEY GO!!!" As I spoke, my voice started off stern and clear, but then I spoke through gritted teeth with a deeper voice that suddenly turn Demonic as the space around started to tremble.

Taking a breath, I stared at them seriously and made it clear. "Until I say so, you belong to ME." Taking another breath, I looked at Rena with some sadness and calmed down, my eye returning to switching colour. "Yesterday was not about telling any of you that I will throw you away from boredom. My love and my greed would never allow that. But!" I looked at them again. "My pride will not accept being used. If you begin to simply expect me to give you everything, then it seems like you are simply using me and I can't accept that. You are all more than fuck toys to me and I want to keep you by my side for as long as live. I thought you knew that, but you all were the ones to start with your games rather than asking, so I wanted you to know that you can lose me. I don't want to see any of you hurting yourselves over something so minor..."

Once I was, I stood up, turned to Rena and picked her up, taking her to the bathroom to clean her up. I could just use Cleanse, but this would mean more to her and she needs that. Clearly...

While I left, I paid little attention to the crying behind me. They weren't tears of sadness, so I had no need to worry about them.

Admittedly, I'd lost my cool back there when I began shouting, but I don't really care. After all, they are mine and mine alone. I kill everyone that tries to take them from me.

When I got to the bathroom, I filled the bath with Hydrokinesis while heating it to the good temperature with Pyrokinesis.

Taking extreme care, I began slowly removing her clothing and cleansed it of any blood. I then took her into the bath and sat with her in my lap. As for my clothes, I just put them in my inventory.

While sitting in the water, I slowly cleaned her body with a cloth. "Why did you have to do this to yourself..."

Rather than asking her, I was just speaking out loud. But, she still replied in a depressed tone. "I'm sorry..."

Hearing her apologising again, I sighed and hugged her. "You have nothing to be sorry for... I said I would take care of you, but I failed and made you go to such methods to cope."

As I hugged her, she was sniffling and tears dripped from her cheeks into the bath water. "I thought you didn't love me anymore! That I would also lose my chance to be happy again! I wanted to die!!!" She turned around and put her head on my chest as she continued to cry.

I started to slowly stroke her back and kissed her head. "I know... I didn't think you would take my words so hard, but I should have considered it." Gently lifting her face, I cupped her cheek and looked into her eyes. "Just know, I do love you. Okay?"

Looking at me tearfully, Rena nodded before resting her head back on to my chest and we simply cuddled in the warm water.


After bathing with Rena for a while, I brought her back to the lounge and kept her close to me. She had stopped crying, but hadn't said anything since and only been hugging me.

While I was sitting there, Hela came over to me nervously. She was in her child form and instead of her usually expressionless face, she was ashamed avoiding looking at me. "C-can I-I..." Trying to ask something, she stuttered and mumbled to him.

It was pretty obvious what she wanted and I wasn't in a teasing mood today, so I pulled her on to my lap and wrapped my other arm around her delicate frame.

When the other more emotional of the girls saw this, they came over to ask if they can sit with us, but I had already nodded before they asked and they understood what I meant.

This was how the rest day ended up being, with the only changes being that the other girls occasionally changed placed to be next to me.

We ate when the time came and then went to bed when it was dark, all the while I was keeping Rena next to me for the day.

- Day 56 & 57 -

For the next couple days, I didn't do anything other than stabilise everyone's mental state. Given yesterday's incident, they clearly needed this...

Though, besides being a caretaker again, there was some excitement for growth of Spinel's stomach as our child got closer to being born.

- Day 58 -

Today, much like the previous time with Rumi, there was a fair amount of nervousness and overprotectiveness. Spinel is close to giving birth, I wasn't willing to leave anything up to chance.

So, Spinel got treated like a queen for the day and wasn't even permitted to do anything that would so much as break one of her nails.

Unfortunately for her, this also kept her out of her little lab and put anything she was working on on hold. Though, watching her attempt to sneak away and pout when she failed was fun.

The best part was when she decided to try using seduction to get her. This only resulted in her getting a slow and gentle ass fucking, but she didn't complain. It was the first time I fucked a pregnant woman though, even if it was in the ass.

Hours slowly went by and the day turned dark. But, before we went to bed, that was when Spinel's water broke and she started having contractions.

Unlike Rumi, Spinel's body isn't as strong even after all the improvements it had gone through. So, she was going through some pain, but not as bad as it would have been.

Like Rumi, we took all the steps necessary for her to give birth and got her comfortable. During this, I sat at her side while holding her hand and stroking her head.

It was a longer time than last time, but 40-50 minutes later, a cute baby girl with black hair was wrapped up in a blanket and being cradled in Spinel's arms as tears of happiness flowed out.

Smiling at this sight, I mentally changed the systems rapid aging off. Over the last couple days I checked with Spinel about what she wanted to do and she said that she wanted her to grow naturally.

While enjoying the happy moment, I got slightly curious about the little lady's race and used Appraisal to see. As I expected, she is Demon, but she still has human benefits.

I grinned a bit and looked at Spinel. "So, love, do you have a name for her?"

Spinel looked at me briefly and then back at the baby in her arms, an adoring smile on her face. "Sera. Her name is Sera."

Nodding at the name, I commented while looking at Sera's cute little face. "Quite a nice name and by looking at that smile, she likely agrees!"

A light chuckle came from Spinel and she moved her head towards me looking for a kiss, so I leaned in and did so.

- Day 59 -

Honestly, today was boring as fuck. The best part was spending time with my kids, but was shooed away after awhile for the others to have their turn.

Because I was kicked out, literally kicked out by Lucrecia for "hogging" the baby, I decided to go for a walk. Like seriously, why can't I hog my adorable daughter that always smiles at me!? Whatever, I'll just get back at her later.

Anyways, going on my walk, I was accompanied by Rubellia, Hela and Tionishia. We went through the forest and they killed things while I hid my presence so said things would die of fright.

Soon enough though, our walk led to us bumping into a trio of Kobolds. Seeing that there were three of them and three of the girls, I left them to kill one each and it was over in a moment.

Recognising the event, I store the bodies of the two Hela and Tio killed, I processed the one from Rubellia and we started eating it. As expected, the curious red head asked for some as well and I gave her is.

Rubellia bit into her food, chewed and then swallowed, then a notification popped up.

[Congratulations! Rubellia has evolved into Red Eyes Rubellia!]

... Okay, that didn't happen, but her eyes did turn red and her irises turned into weird rectangles. Seeing her eyes made a strange feeling arise within me... It was the desire to fuck the red out of her eyes... If that's possible.

I didn't fuck her though and settled for getting blowed by the three girls. We then headed back to the base.

When we got back, I got a report about human sightings and shrugged. My soldiers are all more powerful than average thanks to the environment they grew in and if they die, I don't really care.

After getting the report, I went and joined everyone in the lounge before eventually going to bed at night. Not that I planned on sleeping...

- Day 60

I was lying in bed, simply waiting while humming a tune. On my chest, Sera was peacefully sleeping as I stroked her rapidly growing hair.

A couple hours after midnight I heard it, the thing I was waiting for, the scurrying of multiple creatures heading towards the base.

Grinning, I gentle moved Sera and put her next to her mom while I got up. Silently and quickly, I went outside and released a high pitch whistle.

With my whistle, Sköll, his pack, Aila and the Hobgoblins came running. This was another bit of programming I installed in the soldiers. Makes it easier to get them alert.

Quickly rallying near me, they looked the direction I was staring at and saw a bunch of Kobolds running towards us. The soldier were about to go and attack them, but I raised a hand and made them hold their position.

As the Kobolds got closer I smirked and looked further behind them, there I could clearly see a hord of the dead. Unlike what Kanata experienced, there was more than just skeletons. There are also zombies of a variety of creatures that were caught in the skeleton assault.

I waited for the Kobolds to get a bit closer and then forced them to their knees with Evil Eye, before then commanding my troops. "Go play with the dead for a little while."

Orders given, they all charge in like the bunch of barbarians they are and began demolishing the enemy before them. Sköll let out a derisive snort at the disorderly Hobgoblins, but then gave a brief bark and sent out his pack.

Checking to my side, I saw Aila leaning on her on her club with an annoyed expression, so I raised an eyebrow at he. "What? Not going to let loose?"

Without looking at me, she replied while clicking her tongue. "Tch! Those pieces of shit are weak, what would be the point..."

The corner of my lips curled up in amusement and I agreed with her. "Fair enough." I then stopped paying attention to her and looked at the dogs on their knees. I had to speak to them in the own barking language. "Who of you is in charge and why shouldn't I slaughter you all?"

Fearfully, one of them raised his head and spoke. "I-I am... Y-you are the strongest i-in this forest and so, we came seeking help."

Hearing this, I was angry that he only said forest, but I was more so amused that he came to ME for help. "You're not very smart, are you? You come to a Demon looking for sympathy and assistance?" A cruel smile crept on to my lip, baring sharp teeth to the fur balls. "What are you giving in return?"

Shaking like a leaf in a storm, the dog managed to barely stutter out. "W-w-what d-do you w-want?"

"Everything!!" A deadly, greedy and insidious aura erupted from me, my Demonic energy leaking out and imprinting my image as a Demon in their minds and hearts. "You and your kins lives belong to me or you can die!"

Seeing me for the monster I am, the Kobolds didn't know what is worse. Me or death. The leader opened its mouth several times, but no words would come out and he could only shake in fear.

It was at this point that a pair slender arms wrapped around my body and a head was set on my shoulder while I could feel a large set of breasts were pushed against my back. A warm breath was blown in my ear and a playful, alluring voice spoke clearly. "Oh my~ How scary! Aren't you afraid that you will scare them off or that they might die of heart attacks, Rogue dear~?"

'Who!?' This person had got to me without alerting me in the least and at first, I thought it would be Lucrecia because I could feel the usual Divine/Sinful aura that is around her. But, hearing this woman's voice, I became alarmed and used Spatial Manipulation to move ten feet forwards, out of the strangers grasp and facing her.

To say I was shocked is an understatement. This woman was beautiful and most of all she wasn't alone. There was two other women standing next to her and they were all just about comparable to Lucrecia.

The woman that hugged me has golden brown hair that is tied into a loose bun, a messy fringe that leaves her golden red eyes uncovered. Her boobs and ass were on par with Illia's(human mage). She's loosely wearing a kimono and has some kind of red markings on her body. But! The most striking feature is definitely the two fox ears on the top of her head, along with 9 golden fox tails coming from behind her.

The woman to the left has long, very light brown hair, accompanied by two draconian looking horns on the sides of her head, though her azure blue eyes gave off a warm, mother feeling. Her body was of similar proportions to the first woman, but she is just slightly plump in comparison. As for her clothes... She looks a bit like a s&m pornstar...

Finally, the woman on the right possesses long purple hair with small, smooth purple horn like things that look more like ornaments and just might be. Unlike the other two, he body proportions aren't very extreme and are about two thirds of Lucrecia, though she has very nice purple eyes and smooth face. The strange part is that she is wearing black lingerie with a see through black nightgown.

Looking at the three of them, my initial wariness disappeared and my body relaxed as I smiled at them with a somewhat wry smile. Each of them had had the same Divine/Sinful aura as Lucrecia and she had already told me she has sisters, so it's not hard to guess who they are. "Am I right to presume you three are Lucrecia's sisters?"

The three of them smile in response, bit they were all different in their own way. The middle woman's smile was playful and excited. When it comes to the motherly woman's smile was just that, motherly... Meanwhile, the purple haired woman has a more lazy but intrigued smile.

Stepping forward and making her boobs bounce, while I wondered whether she could use them to float in water. Putting one of her arms under her breasts and pushing them up to accentuate them, having noticed my obvious gaze, while putting her other hand on her cheek as she spoke kindly. "That's right honey. My name is Bellemare and I am the Ruler of Gluttony."(Intentional spelling)

Next to speak was the purple one as she got close in an instant and held one of my arms while resting her head on my shoulder. Her voice was smooth and slightly hypnotic as she told me her name. "Hehe~ Sloth. You can call me Rory, handsome~"

Now only needing the final woman's name, I looked at her and saw her biting her lower lip with a blush, an obsessive look in her eyes. Honestly, she just looks like a pervert...

Bellemare laughed awkwardly seeing her sister not introducing herself and decided to introduce her instead. "Apologies for her... This is Aurelia and she rules over Greed."

I looked over blankly, somewhat sceptical about everything I'd learned since now. "Are you sure she is Lust...? She looks more like a pervert than Lucrecia and I fucked her on our first meeting..."

"Pfft-hahaha!" Hearing me say this, Rory began laughing amusedly. Bellemare also laughed, but it was more pitiful and wry when compared to her sister.

Meanwhile, Aurelia almost seemed to fall over for some reason, before going to a corner and crouching down, where she began drawing circles in the dirt with a depressed aura.

When she began doing this, I could only look on with confusion, my expression clearly saying what I was thinking. 'Wtf?'

"Don't worry Darling, she likes to watch anime and this is a comedic trope, nothing more." Suddenly an amused voice sounded out from my other arm and I saw Lucrecia cuddling me without me realising again.

Seriously, with how this lot keeps sneaking up on me, it really show the difference between our strengths.

With all this happening, I decided to just say 'fuck it'... Whistling, I called the troops back and they came running, though with clear discontent.

Ignoring them, I through some Holy energy and healed the Kobolds while also making an earth cage around them. As for the encroaching army of the dead that hadn't decreased in size despite the numerous piles of bones and bodies, I raised my hand and devoured them all in an instant.

PhySup - [Tirelessness], [Unfeeling]

Misc - [Magic Joints], [Bone Fusion], [Anaerobic], [Equipment Materialisation], [Greater Equipment Materialisation], [Disease Spread], [Mana Absorption]

Summoning - [Lesser Undead]

Energy - [Negative Energy]

Resist - [Negative Status Effects]

Weaknesses - [Holy], [Sunlight], [Light], [Blunt Force], [Fire]

Without looking at anybody, I turned and started walking away. "I'm going to bed. I'll deal with everything tomorrow." I then said nothing else and left, not even bothering when Rory jumped on my back or when Lucrecia started complaining about her doing it.


I got a few hours of sleep and awoke in the early morning while being suffocated. No, it wasn't an attack, it's because Aurelia is lying on me and hugging my head between her breasts. If not for getting [Anaerobic] last night, making it so I don't have to breathe, I just might have suffocated to death.

Considering the 'attempt' on my life, I decided to retaliate and grabbed her tits to play with her nipples.

Aurelia started moaning in her sleep and her lower body began squirming as she became wet. She soon started breathing heavily and that was when I stopped my actions.

When I stopped, her eyes shot open and a discontent pout formed on her face as she sat up on my stomach. "Why did you stop?!"

Doing a small teleportation, I got out from under her, making her drop down disappointedly while I appeared standing at the end of the bed. "Punishment for practically suffocating me you vixen." I put my clothes on and began walking away. "Anyways, I have some dogs to talk to. See you all at breakfast."

Leaving with a wave, I began walking and headed outside, heading for the earth cage with the Kobolds inside. When I arrived, I saw that the leader of them was awake and seemingly waiting for me.

Seeing my approach, the Kobold kneeled and put his head to the ground. "My Lord!"

When he referred to me in such a way, I wasn't even surprised, so I didn't stop him and simply got rid of the cage. "Well, I'm guessing you have all accepted to become my subordinates, so I won't bother keeping you caged anymore. But, if you try anything after this, only death will await you."

Turning, I kicked the ground lightly as I walked away, instantly creating a dozen huts like the ones for the Hobgoblins.

I started walking towards Ailas hut and entered without asking. Upon entering, I saw her sleeping as she tossed and turned with irritation. Looking at her clearly exposed vagina, I saw it was almost drooling as her clitoris seemed to throb eagerly.

With a small grin of curiosity, I took a look at her dreams and saw she was dreaming of when I fucked her. But, she was watching from the side and trying to please herself unsuccessfully.

From what I saw, it wasn't that she couldn't feel good, but that she didn't know how. This made me laugh, but I took pity and went over to her, taking one of her hands and guiding her on how to please herself.

With my guidance, her body stopped restlessly turning and some rather nice moans came forth from his lips. Leaning down, I captured her luscious lips with mine and massaged one of her breasts in tandem with her hands.

Even in her sleep she kissed back and her finger began moving fast as pinched her clit. Moments later, she came and her body slowly relaxed.

I stopped kissing her and moved away, seeing her breathing heavily with a pleased expression. Her eyes started to open and she saw that I was above her with a grin, making her realise it was real as she blushed slightly and pushed me away. "W-what the h-hell!!?"

Grabbing soaked hand, I made her looked at it as it bridged between her fingers. "Are you feeling better~?" She looked at her hand curiously, then down at her crotch that had a puddle beneath her. "You were so uncomfortable in your sleep, so I decided to help you out~"

Inside, I was laughing a bit. Her wondered state was kind of cute, a stark contrast between her usual savagery.

Letting go of her hand, I stood up straight and put my hands in my pockets. "Anyways, I just came to tell you that the Kobolds are now my subordinates as well. Make sure to keep everyone in check." I then turned and started to leave, but left a comment. "Try not to enjoy yourself too much~"

Realising what I meant, she got embarrassed and threw her at me, but I just made a a barrier behind me and continued to walk away while laughing.

Anyways, with business dealt with, I decided to go make breakfast, making extra for Lucrecia's sisters and even extra for Bellemare. She is the Ruler of Gluttony, so I'm guessing she will eat more and if she doesn't, I'll just eat it.


When the food was done, everyone was already at the table and waiting. It was a normal and pleasant time enjoying good food.

Turns out that I was right to make extra food for Bellemare, as she happily swayed side to side with a hand on her cheek as she took small, savouring bites from the mountain of food she had.

Of course, there had to be one miscreant that could sit still and enjoy the food. Aurelia dropped her spoon 'accidentally' and went under the table, where she then crawled over to me, pulled my cock out and started sucking on it.

As soon as she started, loud slurping and moaning sounds sounded out. Everyone looked at me with the gaze directed down where Aurelia was, clearly knowing what was happening. For the record, they still hadn't been properly introduced to everyone.

I on the other hand looked at her three sisters blankly. "Are you SURE she isn't Lust...?"

Rory chuckled hearing this again, while Bellemare smiled wryly. Lucrecia pouted at me and said. "Darling, are you saying I'm not good at what I do?"

"Well, no. But..." I looked down at my crotch, where Aurelia was dedicatedly sucking my dick.

Seeing this, Lucrecia stopped pouting and giggle as she turned back to her food. "She is most definitely Greed Darling, she just wants to have a lot of sex because of her greedy nature. We are all connected after all. My Lust is manifesting with her Greed, while her Greed manifests in my Lust."

"Hm..." I suppose that makes sense, though it does make me wonder... "So which of you is the strongest?"

"Might wise? We are equal." Rory said with a small yawn. "But, if you mean our Sins and where we rank among the others, we are strongest in our own obviously."

I nodded in understanding while everyone else was confused by the conversation, but a few of them began putting the pieces together and it was Kanami who voiced their unified question. "Hmm, Rou, Do you mean they are also Goddesses?" She pointed at Rory and Bellemare, unable to point at the other woman under the table.

Bellemare looked over to he and smile kindly. "That's right Sweetie. I am the Ruler of Gluttony, Bellemare." She then gestured at Rory, who was peeking under the table curiously. "Heh... This is Rory and she is Sloth. Beneath the table is Aurelia and as you've heard, she is Greed. I apologise for their mischief..."

After introducing herself and the other two, Bellemare began chatting with the other girls and we continued eating, ignoring the sounds coming from beneath the table.

I eventually came in Aurelia's mouth and she swallowed it, before crawling back to her seat and playfully acting like nothing happened as she announced that she'd found her spoon, making us look at her blankly.

The day then went by quickly while we got to know the new comers and then we had an orgy at night, where the other Elf girls couldn't take the noise any longer and came to join us.